uh... no... lol I just stole it off Amber's computer...
:glomp: Hai khhottie!!!
Yeah... Amber will make sure I don't have time to procrastinate... XD Amber was typing for me (cuz I suck at typing) and she almost formatted it in blue, etc.
I think I can take the twins... I come to Amber's house every other day, so I'm pretty sure I can do it...
yeah that would be gross yes she is. very under thearmpits and the tummy and her most ticklish spot is her hips
*tags ~Amber~* tag your it (no tag backs)
The official cousin of the real owner of the Cookie Castle(that would be ~Amber~ btw)
*Group hugz whole family* I'M BACK:glomp:
*walks in eating a cookie* the cousin of the kookie kween has arrived the party may now begin
Hola Familia! I'm back! >D EDIT: ... And now I have to go. Appreciate the love, guys -_-
you should do it, it sounds like fun...........I LIKE CHEESE where did that come from
I'M BACK hold the appluse
hiya everyone :badimg:[
i like white and milk chcolate
did someone say party, i'm there. 33948
there is nothing i love more than a good bouncy room, can i join :bounce::bounce::bounce:
33559 hey amber may i have a cookie
hi hi *choughilovepb&jchough*......wth
ruby and loving it