yes have you ever streaked naked?
I vote for Gwen!
no Have you ever had sexual intercourse with someone of the same gender?
*trows Sailor Senshi Buttons everywhere*
no problems!
*sings C is For Cookie By Cookie Monster* XDDDDDD
I nominate Haseo!
yesh it is, its funny fun
I nominate Original_Edward!!!!
I nominate myself cuz im with the KHV rangers AND the Lord of the Sailor Senshi
OMG! i liek totally see joo too!!!!
k, well......weren't we gonna have a party?
Sad is bad, so you have to be Glad! :'D
hoe come? why wont you miss them?
Im your friend, we havent talked on MSN, but i still you friend
it would be cool if they used Exodus, or Keep Tryin, maybe even Kiss and Cry
thanks, Utada is awesome
your a lifesaver Jeff
Either that or "Tonberry of The Year" Sure, what piccy do you want me to use?
hey Jeffrey, you got a good headshot of Franzisca for me to use in the LawyerZord? MI can find one