awww....that sucks...take this: *gives cookie*
maybe you should use Firefox or something
nope Have you ever said "In the Name of the moon...I SHALL PUNISH YOU!" ?
no Have you ever had Real sex?
Sailor Senshi Family:
This is a stupid post!
that sucks, my comp used to do that XC
*points to self* even me?
yes have you ever watched Lesbian porn/yuri?
so that they could fly
yes have you ever wanted to kill a celebrity.
*gives Phoenix Down* This will revive you and give you 1/2 your max HP!
*jumps around*
i dont like burgers have you ever said "Thats Hot" ?
YES! have you ever tried to sneak into another movie when you were finished with your first one at the movie theater?
various times on 16 separate occasions have you ever wanted to have wings?
My "Im about to get raped/molested/glomped senses are tingling *tires to sneak off*
OOC:wow, i've been gone for a while, whats been happening?
how comes you tackled me? I is a Lucario
*dressed up as Lucario* I agree with Original_Edward!