now all we have to do is save Osaka from being destroyed By Godzilla! HURRY! To the High MonarchZord! *3 hour long transformation sequence*
it is a Zord, cant you read the title!? it just LOOKS like a gundam, but its made of all our Zords put together.
Behold The Queen Elizabeth I Mobile Suit Gundam
*makes a trap* *uses cookies as bait*
dont worry about it
OMG so do i!
R u srys? ಠ_ಠ
how did you know that?ಠ_ಠ
idk......maybe later
...*Smoke Bomb*...*Smoke fades*....*is still there*...crap...
im too lazy DX
Do you own 5 or more than 5 manga books? yes Do you own 10 or more than 10 manga books? yes Do you own 20 or more than 20 manga books? yes Do you own 30 or more than 30 manga books? yes Do you know of more than 5 anime shows? If so, then name them. Saint Saya, Blood +, Gakuen Heaven, Code Geass, Hikaru No Go Do you own any plushies/figurines/posters/wall scroll from an anime? yes Do you own any DVDs or CDs of your favorite anime? yes When was the last time you bought some manga and do you plan on buying any more? last week and yes Do you sometimes call dressing up as a anime character "cosplay?" yes Have you ever cosplayed as a anime character? yes Have you ever posted a video on youtube or posted a pic of yourself cosplaying? nope Have you ever went to a anime convention? yeah Have you ever joined an anime/manga club? yesh Have you ever started an anime/manga club? yup Do you ever say "nani" or "baka" on the internet or in real life? real life Do you know what "nani" and "baka" mean? yup Do you ever answer a question by saying "hai"? most of the time Do you know what hentai is? yes Have you ever seen hentai? yup Do you know what yuri is? yes Do you know what yaoi is? YES X3 Have you ever purchased a manga/anime magazine? (e.g. Shojo Beat, Shonen Jump) yes What was the last anime you've seen? yes What was the last manga you've read? Absolute Boyfriend Name a non-mainstream anime/manga (if you can't answer this, your not a true otaku). Count Cain Name a mainstream anime/manga. Dragon Ball Z Name an anime company (Japanese or otherwise). Bee Train Do you own any anime-related t-shirts? yes Do you have more anime t-shirts than regular t-shirts? yes Do you sing anime theme songs? yes Does everything you know about the Japanese language come from anime? no Have you ever made an AMV? yes Have you ever seen an AMV? yes
im to lazy, but i got up anyways.
to busy with stuff to do anything
your ruining my innocence ;_________________________________________;
im too lazy to go get anything XD
OMG me too. DX
very interesting right?
i is boreded DX
thats because IT'S TRUE!!!!!!!!!