i just hate the time of year when Autumn changes to Winter, im always sleepy, but during winter, i always have energy. It's really odd if you ask me.
"Damn im tired..." Alex said after walking for about 30 minutes. "Hey look, an Inn!" He said as he saw a large building with the word "Inn" on it. As he walked over there, he noticed two people in the distance of the Inn. "Hey look, More people!"
Everyone is always so sleepy around this time of year? (i is no exception)
now i is sleepy....are you my mommeh?
randomness makes meh heart happeh!
liek OMG you serious!?
Old people!!!!!
OOC: i shall now interrupt! >:3 BIC: Alex walked in a random direction, hoping to find something interesting.
what do you have against the classics, HUH!?
Its true! She's Actually Sailor Moon!
Told you, Queen Elizabeth is a pimp!
epic Zord is epic
wow, it makes no sense now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here we mourn the loss of a great member, Adiel, A.K.A. EraserRain, A.K.A. FinalForm. He was banned because a certain member had to go and be a troll, then when he tried to do something about it, Admin/Mod incompetence banned him. Lets hope that that troll fucker gets what he/she deserves.
wow, that must have hurt.
liek i know right? She deserves to be a giant fighting space robot! XD
its true, i have televison
its a cat cuz dogs dont jump from roof to roof.
"Advent! What does the radar say about Godzilla's power level!?"
its a cat, and wow, i thought i was the only one who noticed that XD