i am REALLY bored cuz im notat home on my comp, and this comp is REALLY slow DXXXX
*shoots* NOTICE ME!
until further notice. bet no one really noticed 8D
but i thought she was my dad?
Bitch Plz - The Movie i just had to go there.
Quoted for the truth
"Wow Advent" Alex said " Did you drug her on the first date or something? Or did you ask to marry her?"
After walking closer to the pair by the Inn, Alex noticed that it was Angel and Advent. "Huh, its the pedo and whatsherface." He said to himself, unsure if he should go on.
then watch it, or your soul shall be mine to feast on! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *cough, cough* *Chokes* *Dies*
You should brick yourself for lack of knowledge about Lucky Star!
i think you look manly, like a samurai! 8'D
Skittles make people happy!
Sure! *gives bag*
awesomes! *throws Skittles everywhere*
lol, i has the powah! to bore you to death xD
cuz i used a random thingy that i havent used before 8'D
and now im use 8'D, i feel accomplished~
i ish sleepy, and i used "8D" for the first time ever
and its very warm in my house this time of year, so im always in the mood for sleeping.
I Like Puppies!