Loves to eat toasters.
Oh no you didn't. It is so me. =O
He loves some dark chocolate.......penis.
A rip off? Considering that most 3D TV's are £5000, while this will be much less and and without 3D glasses. Also Australia always does end up being overpriced for most things.
Hmm ?
Me vs Hero Four Year Strong We are the Ocean Emarosa The Blackout InMe Cancer Bats
I saw them live the other week. Amazing gig. Then the next day I took my sister to take part in the video for 'It must really suck to be Four Year Strong right now'. I could of been a part of it, but I don't have the charisma for that sort of thing.
Day 2 complete! Pretty awesome. I got to play FFXIV, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Toy Story 3, DeadRising 2, Brink, Fallout: New Vegas, Hunted and Deca Sports for Kintec. I was suppose to check out Mafia 2, but 2k ****ed up my appointment and overbooked it.
Ideally dead ones.
Oh thanks for reminding me. I need to buy a double down before the week is up.
har har har
Apparently the secret boss is so hard, the Japanese testers to who played it said they will never do it again.
You really think I'm thinking about the stupid world cup a E3. XD
On the Dtoid UK emailer he asked us if we want ourselves as a cartoon because he wants to improve his people drawing skills.
Nintendo had the best conference hands down. So far I've checked out Fable 3, TERA, Golden Sun, BBS, small plays with the new God of war, Valkyria Chronicles 2 and littlebigplanet 2. I plan to see Kinect and Move tomorrow. I'm not going to bother with the 3DS, I played around with it at the Nintendo conference, also the queues for that and Zelda are HUGE. FFXIV, Bethesda, Mafia 2 and Spec Ops appointments tomorrow as well. =D
There is no need to lie.
The guy who does the Destructoid Comic made this. I ****ing love it.
In English, my Japanese is no-where near good enough. There was a translator.