I took my friend's sister's pillow to mine.
My god! He is off his Xbox for just a moment.
OMG, it's been so long
The DP in her name stands for Demonic Pooping.
It's still Song for the Broken - Close Your Eyes.
Eh? Damn Dropbox.
That's better.
Really? Because I have sausages in front of my girlfriend all the time. HEY OHHH.
Eh, to be perfectly honest most Japanese music isn't all that good. It's great that they experiment a lot but most of the experimental stuff falls flat on it's face, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIT-gVasdh0 go to 6:53, you will see what I mean) and standard J-Pop is mostly bad. The best Japanese bands often take most their influences from the west, at least in my opinion. To people unfamiliar with Japanese music, it's going to sound weird to them. If you were in that situation you would prefer to go for something more familiar than what seem like jibberish. Oddly enough my friends don't mind if I play Maximum the Hormone. It's not something they would listen to normally, but they find it a laugh with the poppy music mixed with the metal. Even better when I sneaked in one of their albums when we played some laser tag. So awesome. It's all subjective. Most my friends aren't that heavily into music so most their tastes come from what is generally played a lot. Japanese is poetic in the sense that sentences tend to end in verbs and all verbs follow a pattern so it's easier to rhyme. It's not helped that Japan is seen as a bit crazy and some of the most popular Japanese bands in the west are odd. Dir en Grey are obscenely strange, Maximum the Hormone while being f***ing brilliant and being very western influenced are weird with their hybrid of genres. Japan X....are relatively normal but they have a niche.
Kerrang will just play anything that has a vague association to a rock band. Though they played Four Year Strong and they promote them pretty well in their magazine, so they are getting better than they were 2 years ago. You should listen to Lava, it's a great channel to listen to lesser known alternative stuff.
Toy Story 3. I cried.
I've become unnaturally obsessed with his photo. It's SOOOOO GGGOOOOOOOODDDD
Some more fixing.
Go to 2:42. As much as I love this song and the video, synchronized headbanging just looks silly. Though to be fair, it's awesome when the little kids do it.
Fixed .
The site died inside when I left.