okay, i know what all of you though when we got the trailer that we got BIG, BIG info on kh 3D however, after this: Spoiler [video=youtube;4Twe410Qk-w]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Twe410Qk-w&feature=player_embedded[/video] and this: Spoiler [video=youtube;Xg2YvpO4tw0]youtube.com/watch?v=Xg2YvpO4tw0[/video] ive been doubting we should take it seriously...
any ele a fan? i have all the regular volumes and im trying to get al the other pygmy peril ones its realy funny
am i the only one who is adicted to the incrdible game?
i opened fire-fox and there is a song playing it has the words ''jizzed in my pants'' and i cant turn it off... i dunno if its a plug in or some-thing i cant turn it off!!! help!
Michael Jackson ___________§§§$$§§$§§_ _W_______$$$$$§§§$$§§$§_ _______($$$$$$$§§§$$§§$§§_(§§)_ _E_____($$$$$$$$$$$$§§$$__$§§$)~ ________(§§§$$$$§$$$$§§$$§§$§§$§§~ ________((_($$§§$§§$§§§§§§§§§$$§§$ _L______))_(§$$$$$$§§$$§§$§§$§§§§§~ _________((_)_((§$$§$$§§$$§§$§§$§§§§((.... _O_________))_)_§$$))_$$$§§§$$§§$§§$§§§§§ ___________(__(_))_§$§§§§§$$§§$$§§$§§$§§§ _V_____________(__$_$$§§§§§§$$§§$$§§$§§$§§ _______________)_$_$§$§§§§§§$§§$$§§$§§§§__§ _E________________)$__§§§§§§$§$$_§$$§§___§$§ _______M_________(§___$§§§§§$§§$_§$$___§§§§§§ _________________($§__$§$§§§$$$§§§_$__$§§§§§$§§ _Y_____I__________§§§_§$$$$$§§§§§§§$§§_§$$§$$§§§§ ___________________(§__§§§§§§§§§§$§§$$§§_§§$_§§§§§ _O_____C___________(§_$$§§$§§§§§§§§$$§§$§_$§§§§§§ ____________________§_$§§$§§§§§§§§$$§§_§§$§§§§§§ _U_____H____________§__$$§§§§$§§§§§§$_§§$§§$§§§ _____________________§_$$§§§§$§§§§§__$§§$§§$§§ _______A_____________§_$$_§§§§§§$§§$$§§$§§§§ _____________________§§§§_§§§§§$§§$$§§$§§§§ _______E_____________§§§$$::::§§$$$§§$$§§$_§ ___________________§§§§:§§§§§§__§§$§§$§_§§ _______L_________§$$:§§§§§$$$§___§$§§$§§§§ ______________§§:§§$§$$§§$$__$§§$§§§§§§ ____________$$§:§§§$§$$$$$§§$$§§$§§$§_§§§ __________$$§:§§$$$$$$§§$§§§§§§§$$___$§§ _______$$$§::§$$$$$$§§$§§§§§§§§§______§§ _____$$$§::§$$$$FL$§§§§§§§$§§$_________§ ___$$$§::§§$$$$§§§§$$$§§§§ _$$§::§§§$$§§$§§§§§§§§§ $§§§$§§§§§$$§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§$$§§$§§§§ _§§§§§§§§$§§_§§$ _§§§§§§§§§$§§$_§§§ __§§§§$§§§$§$§§$_§§ ___§§§§$§§§$§$§§$_§§ _____$§§§§§§§§§§§$§_§§ ______§§§$§§§§§§$§§$§_§ _______$§§§§§§§$$§$$§§_§§ ________§§§§$$§§$$§§$$§§_§ _________§$§$$$§§§§§§$$§§$§§ __________$$$$§§$_§§$§§$§§§§§§ ___________§$§§$§§_§§§§§§§§§$$§§$§ ____________§$§§$§§_§§§§§§§§_$$§§$ _____________§$§§$§§_$§§§§§__§§$§ _________________§$§§$______§§§§ __________________§§§§§_§§__§§§§$ __________________§§§$§§__$§§§§§§§ ___________________§$§§$§____§$§§§§ _____________________§§§$§§___§§$§§ anyone else a big fan??
guess who died last night on may 1st,you may not belive it but... Spoiler click Spoiler click harder Spoiler not there yet Spoiler come on Spoiler my grandma clicks harder than you! Spoiler geting closer Spoiler -O____O- Spoiler come on Spoiler this is the last one i promise Spoiler its OSAMA BINLADEN yhea thats right us forces caught him and kiled him yay!!! Spoiler: where he is hell!
Spoiler: the picture Spoiler: the link link just something i did in my spare time... its 422 kb so if anyone wants to use it... knock yourself out...
what are these text things that aren´t on the keyboard? and where can i find more of them? ★☆♥♦♣♠§¢€↑♭™©↓£¥#ïæŒØζπρμηβθστεζθλκφχЯΞψΘ ΦΥΣΡΦΨΩ□△ϊές◎△◇○☆
oʞɐʎ dǝodlǝ ɐʇ ʞɥʌ ıs ıʇ ʇoo ʍıǝɹp ıɟ ı sʇɐɹʇ ʍɹıʇıuƃ ndsıpǝ poʍu?
ast night i had 60 legit pots today i have 59 WTF ? !
★☆♥♦♣♠§¢€↑♭™©↓£¥#ïæŒØζπρμηβθστεζθλκφχЯΞψΘ Φ ?
...I wont hesitate...
im still lagthing...
i hear the word spam a lot so is this spam?
hey everyone i need a place where i can upoad my pics and imageshack wont accept the formats i use and photobucket wont let me log on....
hey everyone i just made a new PAID acount at gifsoup.com so i have the EXCLUSIVE FOLOWING privileges: ☆ UP TO 30 SECONDS OF DURATION!! ☆ THE GIFS ARE AVAILABLE IN "LARGE" SIZE/RESOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ☆ THE GIFS ARE AVAILABLE IN "HIGH DEFENITION" SIZE/RESOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ☆THE GIFS CAN HAVE ANY COLORED,FONT TEXT ANYWHERE ON IT ☆THE CREATION SPEED TO THE GIF IS AT MAXIMUM!! ☆THE GIF QUANTITY IS UNLIMITED SO I CAN MAKE AS MANY GIFS AS YOU WANT!!! ☆IF YOU WANT IT AS A FILE ON YOUR COMPUTER IT HAS A VERY FAST DOWNLOAD SPEED!! ☆ CHANGE GIF SPEED FROM 0.25X TO 4X !!!!! AND MY FAVORITE: ☆NO WATERMARKS!!!!!!!!!!! _____________________________RULES________________________________________________ [1]if you want a gif thats over pg13 then email me here but everything that you post here must be PG-13 [2]please be patient with me [3]a minimum of 1 second and a max of 30 [4]if you want me to do sprite animations i will try but im not promesing anything [5] it would be nice if you gimme credit and rep(if you do ill give you some rep back) [6] size tell me what file sizeyou would like it to be ________-_________________________________________________________________________ here is how your post should look like scene: you can gimme a gif already made or youtube link duration: just tell me how long you want it to last quality:small/medium/big/HD text: if you want any text tell me where what font,what color and how big speed: gif speed can be any where between M 0.25X - 4X extra notes:want anything else just tell me here are some examples Spoiler: the examples......
8 look at it its perfectly symetrical!! horizontally or verticaly!!! 8 is my favorite number i just wanna hug it i just felt in the mood to do something totaly pointless
hey everyone i was searching themes for google crome and i found a kingdom hearts one check it out here are some pics Spoiler Spoiler i think it looks pretty cool here is tha link
okay i found all the mangas of kigdom hearts in book stores, amazon and ebay but i looked and din't find any of the novels, so where can i find them??
what is the best anime series??? PS: if you select an anime that isnt on here please tell me the name of the anime