when should i derep someone?
how? i try but i cant
my magicap wont learn surf ^=^ help;...
i need some one-line keyblade text art for a project im doing ASAP all i got is this O==[-]:::::W=W=W=> O==[-]::X-BLADE::=> O==[-]::::KEY::::=> O==[-]::KEYBLADE::=> I KNOW, LAME! plz help
Okay im still tripin I'll be back soon I managed to get Internet on my iPhone so I though I'd say hey to all of you and I'll be back soon XD
im leaving for a school trip like now so if dont want to dont even reply cuz i wont reply back for a week bye averyone (again...)
[video=youtube;dsUXAEzaC3Q]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsUXAEzaC3Q[/video] i look at this and i just think that ever since the man died music went kinda down-hill and lady gaga almost as famuos as him and to me she just took a $#!t in music and some-how got rich with it :B(:
[video=youtube;yltAt591LAI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yltAt591LAI[/video] just something i did in my spare time hope you like it!
i just finished an amv can i upload it 2 da site even if its not KH?
"go to shoe store and ask the manager for a sandwitch" firs one to tell me where that line is from gets a prize!
a lot....
[1]why does riku have a blind fold? [2]how can he see? [3]and if he cant see,how come he kicked roXas´s a$$?
whacha guys think? and is it too big for my sig? EDIT: IT IS TOO BIG! so here is the KHV safe one EDIT 2 : okay almost exactly 500 pixels
im BAAA-haa-CK!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey everyone i just a found a newborn chick in my dog´s mouth luckyly i took it out b4 he took any damage look Spoiler: the chick i still dont kow if its boy or a grl and turning it upside down doesent help cuz its a newborn so nothings showing yet so what should i name it if its a boy and what shold i name it if its a girl?? tell me quik cuz im leaving 4 a trip in 2hours!!! PS: foled you guys with the trhead title dint i?!
i leaving for a trip towmorow... and ill never come back!! just kiding i should come back within a week or two well anyway goodbye see you soon :type:
what is a troll??
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<-new avvy i couldent decide from the good will or malice pic so i made a gif of like 8 frames with both of them. and its only 14,2 kbs
[video=youtube;SB2v8LfHeSo]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SB2v8LfHeSo[/video] i saw that all the spoken scenes of the trailer were made from KH scenes already in english so i did some cuting and editing and here it is whacha think?