god of war one of the most epic games ever made ^^ any one else like it?
does any one have them i have some and they are pretty cool
cuz on my birthday she gave me this: you cant see it well ,cuz my camera is a pice of sh!t but its a AC[enter lightning bolt here]DC CD case!
tell me youre honest opinion i welcome CONSTRUCTIVE-critisiszm
they are awesome just listen to this [video=youtube;lC-jJln8058]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lC-jJln8058[/video] [video=youtube;rkPCb-uEjaI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkPCb-uEjaI[/video]
tell me what you think [video=youtube;lC-jJln8058]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lC-jJln8058[/video]
Tomorrow is my birthday and i'm not "Exited" or "Happy" i don't think i even want a party. lately I've been very depressed mostly because i miss someone and I've been feeling a lot of pain, and i don't know how i'm supposed to deal with this... help?
I went to eat the last piece of MY spicy pizza and i opened the box and... ohhh its too horrible to say in words!!! Spoiler Okay... Spoiler SOMEONE WILL GET F8CKING SHOT!
Know What I'm Talking About.
what are your fav iphone games? my solid fav is hellkid
does any one here actualy belive this? why would they trow his body in a lake? that makes no sence
was i the only one amused/entertained by this game?
Spoiler: qwertyuiopçkjhgfdsazxcvbnm
how do i do that?
k today i asked a girl out and she said yes when i got to my room i screamed **** yhea but this is my first date ever!!! any advice what i should and shouldn't do?
ok i beat my dad and learned surf where should i go now? and what is the strongest pokemon that can do surf? and in the end can you capture kyorge?
im able to do it with xp but i cant with my 7 hell-p me