avy 8/10 sig 10/10 I like it.
This is familiar to me. It's quite depressing.
I just came here this year, so I highly doubt I'll even get one vote. But there is always next year.
Zach laid down on the ground again, putting his hands under his head and looked up at the sky, "Doesn't look very welcoming, the sky. Those big rock building things could be shelter. We could probably find some trees, some water, some food, some way not to die. But we should all stick together..right...?" he asked both to himself and everybody else. "The old lady better not separate us all, even though I just met all of you." he got back up again. One of the many things he hated about himself, he could never stand still. He started pacing as a compromise, Where are we? We're going to die, I can just tell. Oh well, so much for redeeming myself, there's always the next life, eh? he quietly sighed.
Yearbooks=Crap that you pay for that has so many typos it's a total waste of money! (They put my last name as 'Helpper' last year..)
Ahh..yes..my first kiss. A kid grabbed me on the 5th grade cruise and just kissed me (of course when the worst teacher walks onto that floor) Yup..embarrasing good times, good times.
Thank you. Although it is my first time ever RPing with you I look forward to RPing with you more, as you seem like a great RPer.
Zach shrugged, "Let me check." he bent his right knee and grabbed his foot, pulling it upward, and then in the direction of Layla, "See?" he said as he flicked a strange bug that he had no idea what it is off of his foot. "Perfectly fine." he put both feet on the ground again and did a belly flop into the sand, almost feeling as if he was sinking in. He stood up quickly, scrunching his nose up. "Nothing ever happened." he said, slipping on his shoes.
It's working </3
I would like to audition (But nobody will vote for me because I have no friends bwahaha.) Also you can tell it's P's image, becuase of the paint.
Zach snapped out of his extreme excitement and nodded, "Zach. You don't need to know my last name." he winked as if it were an inside joke, and continued to look around. He took off his tattered shoes and threw them on the ground next to him, rubbing his bare feet on the ground, "Doesn't feel deadly." he muttered.
Zach stopped skipping, scratching his head and looking up at the sky. "Anybody want to pinch me? I'm dreaming and I can't wake up." he muttered. Suddenly he jumped up, followed by a fist pump, "This is sweet!! What are we all staring for?! We're here, in another world, do you have any idea the opportunities we have?" he was suddenly very hyper, but contained himself he knelt down and picked up some sand, standing straight up again and letting the sand slowly flow through his fingers. "So this is what I have so far. We went through a door, and we're in another world, as Kayta said. Now..hmm-.." he crossed his arms, "I got it! The only thing on my mind..survival." he grinned from ear to ear.
First! :D Hey there stranger. How are you?
I joined recently so I don't know you, but welcome back! Read the rules incase if anything has changed, and have a hell of a good time (er..again.)
Welcome! Read the rules (I know you already heard that, sorry..) and if you ever become interested in RPing head right over there, we have so much freaking fun over there. (Erm..most of the time :).) If you have any questions, comments, or just want to talk, feel free to contact me or anybody, we don't bite! (Well..except for maybe Cat..but that's a different story for a different day..heheh...)
I find most games come out in not English, so I wouldn't even be able to understand it. It would be nice to see a game to clarify some missed spots, but also have its own players asking different questions at the end. Oh, yes, and not the same outfits they had for the majority of the games.
I'm happier it's on Playstation Portable instead, in my opinion better graphics, but I guess it would really depend, especially since it got released later than the other Kingdom Hearts games on Playstation 2, but the Playstation 2 does have it's limits. I think the people who got it would be a tab lower, because many people had traded in their Playstation 2 for Playstation 3.
Cat<3 Sora gave a good explanation of #1, so I'm just going to skip to 2 and 3. 2) It's probably like in other games when they use every other sense, smell, sound, touch, 'feeling', etc. Or Nomura could've just had a thing where Riku could've seen through it, because honestly, you never know with Kingdom Hearts. 3) If Nomura says so, it goes in the game.
For me it all really matters how people see it. I am an Atheist. I live a fairly okay, life, it's not the greatest. For what you said above about killing somebody, it is much like that. I don't not do or do things because 'God' says it's good or not, I do what I think is right, me myself, and it is my choices only, not 'Gods' choices, that will land me in heaven or hell, if there is even a heaven or hell. I do admit some things from 'God' are very smart in my opinion, some of his ways, but it's up to me how to decide how to live my life, because in the end it will only come down to what I did personally, not what a 'God' told me was the right thing to do. When there is something I'm about to do it's not because 'God's' telling me to do/not do it, it's because I want to do/not do it.
I find these concerns for the military. I find most of these points are mostly or semi valid, which isn't very good for women or the military itself. Although it's 'everybodys equal, girls and boys' it doesn't exactly apply here, because it's not about wrestling, it's about real life, life or death, sane or insane, win or lose.