...What text? Anyway. I'm really liking what you did to the background, for some reason. Color scheme is also quite nice. Effects could do with some extra consideration and retouches(The bar chart-like part doesn't fit in), But overall it really is quite a pleasant tag. Nice work.
You probably wont need it, seeming how far in the game you are. The rifle has the firepower, but long firing and reload time. Plus it wont really help you during close-range situations. You will need it later though. But then again, if you run out of ammo on all other weapons in a fight, it could save your ass.
Figured out what, you ask? Why editing photos exist. It's because there are millions of camwhores out there who realise that they're ****ing ugly and feel the need to cover their ugliness up with editing tools(and so they should). And now here's my proof. Spoiler I rest my case.
Can I check you out?
Okay, now say that to every other person who uses the internet.
Because you severely lack a life.
What the **** is Mr. Pibb.
A whole chicken with high heels on.
This is simply the best joke I've heard in the entire of today.
Best male anime character - Kintaro(golden boy). Simply because he was the star in the most hilarious TV show that I have ever watched. Best female - Nagato Yuki(Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya). Because I always found her pretty cool and sh*t.
I would also like to know.
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Oooh goodie, I've always wanted to be one of those. [No, that was not sarcasm.]
I was expecting something completely different upon opening this thread.
Wut up dawg.
Oh dear .
Looks like it's being tentacle raped. Yeah.
That be some bangin' **** there.