Who are we actually talking about here? Excuse my ignorance, I've only been here since december. So if anyone wants to enlighten me, go ahead.
I was first introduced to videogames when my parents bought a sega genesis(megadrive). Me and my 2 sisters always used to play Sonic on it, as well as toe jam and earl and aladdin(I loved that game). Ever since then I started to turn into a gamer, as we bought newer consoles and I was introduced to new franchises(like Final Fantasy).
Traitor .
Are you seriously still butthurt over that? Seriously, bringing something up from over 2 weeks ago is not cool. Plus remember, you called me an...
Golden Boy. Do it.
Yes .
I believe the appropriate time has come to use that now.
Your avatar scares the living sh*t out of me. ...Please tell me where that came from.
Because it is. I'm pretty damn sure I could see elements of AfterBurner II, Half Life 2, And Timeshift in that trailer. But nonetheless, it does look pretty neat. It would still qualify as something I would pick up.
I think this was established decades ago.
Gasp .
Squeal .
Well that was pointless.
Inflated egos are not a rarity at KH-Vids.
I've never even seen 100 pounds.
Welcome to adolescence.
Sh*t . Just like any other typical band that you hear all your female friends swoon over. I'm sorry, but that is complete and utter crap. EDIT: Well what do you know, 200 posts.
We're actually getting pretty mild weather. Yay?
What the **** are you talking about.