I like sora more, But im just being him cause of 358/2 Days.
DBZ: BULMA!! Detective Conan/Case Closed: Richard Moore.
Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z was my first Series, Basically I started watching them at the same time =]
Defintaly Fullmetal Alchemist, well I know they are, just I would of said this if they didnt. and I would DB, But they made to many episodes so...I got none xD Edit: Yah Death Note, and Dokuro-Chan
Actually I say both. well basically cause of thier games, but if its Anime than Pokemon. Pokemon been thier for years for me, and I still like it even if i am 18 i only watch the Subs not the dub 4Kids sucks at dubbing anime.
Yah, I can't wait for this anime to be dubbed and I hope they keep the Main Characters Voice cast =] I will be extremely happe if they do.
Thank you all. Yes im very akward.... haha. @NamineSanctuary- DUDE is a cool word xD i say to girls and guys. i be like.... DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE! whats up xD. yes ReCoM is gonna be awesome!! in english i mean =] well er I hope. @Cherry- Lol, Basketball is my favorite Sport, I love it how they dribble up and down the court...... o ... im not lil bow wow. nevermind. hahaha
Thank you alot =] u wanna be friends =]
I steal gum. -_-. cause im so hardcore gangsta. but i stole before from astore quite a few time, i stole like 1 dvd and 1 game(My friend wanted me to do it so i put in my pant leg and RAN!! haha) But after trying to steal alot of dvd(I took them out of the case) i got caught by a undercover sercuity got on probation for 6 months, but i got a clean record now....., and so i only steal things like gum. but my friend stole chap stick and got charged 500 dollars at the same store to where i stole dvds and they chraged me only 75 dollars for the dvds(i attempted to steal like 5 dvd plus a season box of Wild N out xD) ever since then i never did a bad thing. < that was my first bad thing i done. Stealing was my only thing i did wrong. since then.........i been good. but before that I remember steal 20 dollars boxes of YuGiOh cards, and i got the best cards =]] but i gave them away cause i was out of YuGiOh...hahahah story over
I didnt cry at all I laugh at him.. well my evil laugh muahahahaa. he pissed me off so much... so i had to beat him and laugh at him!!!
WELCOME! o.. wait.....this is my introduction....hahahaha.....akward...>_> But thanks for the welcome from all you hardcore kh lovers. =] @UnSaintly I love Sora more. But..cause of 358/2 Days I will be a Roxas. @Kairi_Girl I know I feel bad that I be able to play it and most Kh fans dont, but now i dont have to feel bad becasue now NA get to buy the game for cheap, But I seriously hope it will be a world wide release not just NA and JP. But thanks I feel so welcomed!!
Oh snap, I forgot about those cards too. I sure they will, well hopefully. 4 things that is on my mind about this 1] Edit scenes? I want them to not edit some of the scenes, Cause some of the death of Org members look cool and if they edit it out, I be pissed! 2]The Voice actors for mainly Zexion, and Marluxia. but i also want to see the others too like Larxene, and Vexen(I hated his laugh, infact i dont like Vexen at all, just want to see who his voice actor) Lexaeus(I do like him he was awesome too). 3]If there will be theater mode feature like the JP version. 4]The KHII Org Member cards they added in ReCoM in the Jp version, and The extra KHII Keyblades Cards too like they did in ReCoM in the Jp version..maybe change my thoughts how about they dont change nothing and bring it be with everything english like the cards, Menu, and voice acting and Subtitles, and Bubble scenes in english haha.
I wonder if they will be theater mode in the North America one, cause they didnt mention it in the press release on the information.
I might actually Pre-order it from there, because they are really reliable, and I also used them for Final Mix+. I need money. haha. =] The reason I want to Pre-order it because of my store isnt reliable, because when the release of Kingdom Hearts II came out, it didnt get in stock till a month later, they havent had one in stock their till a month. So Imma Pre-order it. thanks for the info Shingobunny!!
Yo! Im Roxas! I <3 Kingdom Hearts I'm so gald North America gets ReCoM, and I hope it get released In Europe, and other places as well, I own it, Well I Imported Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ last year, so yah. anyways I love Kingdom Hearts and anime, I play Kingdom Hearts on my spare time, or watch anime, play basketball, or Skateboard.