BUSTAH WOLF! [video=youtube;Kk0kufx74Io]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk0kufx74Io[/video]
I hear this term used to describe delicious foods, but has your mouth ever actually watered over food? It's never happened to me so I'm curious if it actually happens to some people.
And the day is so slow, so boring. I'm passing time by listening to video game soundtracks.
When upgrading the crystarium you'll get the option to unlock an ability. This is shown in the above picture, with the option to unlock the ability 'Fearsiphon'. My question is... Is it even possible to get a summary of what the actual ability does? As far as I can tell, there's no way to do this. It's pretty frustrating. How am I meant to choose what to unlock when I have no idea what the abilities will do?
Ready for an all nighter playing video games, dude?! Here, you can use this controller!
I'm going to need something to play after I finish XIII-2 and I need to clear my backlog.
Guilty Gear ♥ Just made this to pass the time while waiting for someone to call me. Original for comparison.
Crawl into bed with me and let's make funky love. [video=youtube;3j3okb3kuts]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3j3okb3kuts[/video]
Hyped for Dishonored. c:
[video=youtube;AADp5ujz81Y]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AADp5ujz81Y[/video] Let me hit it, girl.
Don't ask about the green dot.
Because they're just too gosh darn adorable for this world. It shouldn't even be possible for something this cute to exist. Honestly, if we want world peace, just give everyone a red panda.
I like to fall to the floor and stay completely silent until they leave Sometimes spaghetti falls out of my pockets
You have unlimited resources, and one magic ability of your choosing. The ability can be anything you want.
Any takers? c:
[Fridge? Mine's kinda small compared to my friend's. It's only got three shelves and two small compartments.] :c
Or just a song you really like right now. I want to see what kind of stuff you guys like. I will listen to everything you guys post, because I'm just a swell guy. [video=youtube;_iFizEkfEAQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iFizEkfEAQ&ob=av3e[/video] At the moment, this is mine. BT is an amazing electronic artist. :3 Also, fun fact! BT was entered into the Guinness Book of World Records for his song "Somnambulist (Simply Being Loved)". This song was recognized as using the largest number of vocal edits in a song (6,178 edits.)
I really wanted to do something more complex and different, and this was the result. I think it's a bit distorted, sharp and chaotic compared to my usual stuff. I still suck at text, but practice makes perfect.