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  1. Emzy ♥
  2. Emzy ♥
    Profile Post

    ;; where did you go

    ;; where did you go
    Profile Post by Emzy ♥ for Daenerys Targaryen, Nov 5, 2009
  3. Emzy ♥
  4. Emzy ♥
  5. Emzy ♥
  6. Emzy ♥
  7. Emzy ♥
  8. Emzy ♥
  9. Emzy ♥
  10. Emzy ♥
    Yeah, I wanna get totally mashed at this party and kick crap out of captain Hero.

    Thanks love<3
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Nov 5, 2009 in forum: Archives
  11. Emzy ♥
    (OOC: Recap please guys, sorry for not posting and all that jazz. I'll edit this once I get a recap and stuff. Thanks.)
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Nov 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Emzy ♥
    I recall you posting a thread similar to this before.

    Post by: Emzy ♥, Nov 5, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Emzy ♥
    Hey there hon, I'm back with more Q's ;]

    . Do you have a bad temper?
    . If you could have one alcoholic beverage at this moment in time, what would it be?
    . Name 5 things you would like to own/have in front of you right now.
    . If you seen me in the street, what would you do/say?
    . Your views on the catholic religion and the stereotypical moral rights that stand by the followers?
    . Did you see my last question? Was it not intelligent?
    . Mr.Bean? Do you like him or not?
    . When you were a child, did you ever watch the show 'Blues Clues' or 'Thomas the Tank Engine?'
    . Teletubbies! Remember them?

    Have a good bonfire night x
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Nov 5, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Emzy ♥
    Welcome to khv, remember, stick to the rules and don't cause too much drama ;]

    even though we love it
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Nov 5, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  15. Emzy ♥
    Welcome to khv, hon!

    Read the rules and all that jazz, and have fun ;]<3
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Nov 5, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  16. Emzy ♥
    Omg I bishslapped fuk?


    I love me in this.
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Nov 5, 2009 in forum: Archives
  17. Emzy ♥
  18. Emzy ♥
  19. Emzy ♥
    I loved this thread.

    Then I seen this.

    I hate combo breakers and old memes combines.
    Post by: Emzy ♥, Nov 4, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Emzy ♥
    Name(real name you are called by, not KHV name): Emzy !
    Personality: it's me, do you need a bio ? ;3
    Age:eh, make it up yourself.
    Gender: female, I think.
    Introverted or extroverted:...wat.
    Party animal or party wrecker: animal. woof.
    Player or sincere(couldnt think of a better word for someone who isnt a player): ...player?
    Drunk at the party or designated driver: drunk.
    in a relationship or single: single.

    Post by: Emzy ♥, Nov 4, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone