>: try showering with reeeeeally loud music. It's fun. ...that might just be me and my strangeness, though. ;] I'm normally doing mean...
;; where did you go
Shouldn't have laughed at that ._. Still did. ;] I love showers. specially with music that I can totally sing to x]
D: I know. I normally like my showers really hot, too. so it kinda gave me a heart attack. But rissy I have friends here ;-;
Fine, I'll kidnap you and you can live here. ::L: fffffffffffffffffffffffffffff- I just had a shower and it went really cold halfway through...
If I could stay in tomorrow night, I would x] Don't be depressed... be happy [: <3
I actually miss you too, and I won't be on tomorrow night. I'll be at this family party thing, which I really don't want to attend. If I am on, it...
;; Fine. I'll keep my demons at bay for you, Rissy.
You're doubting me now D: I might just delve into an endless depression. Thanks.
Yeah, I wanna get totally mashed at this party and kick crap out of captain Hero. Thanks love<3
(OOC: Recap please guys, sorry for not posting and all that jazz. I'll edit this once I get a recap and stuff. Thanks.)
I recall you posting a thread similar to this before. hmm.
Hey there hon, I'm back with more Q's ;] . Do you have a bad temper? . If you could have one alcoholic beverage at this moment in time, what would it be? . Name 5 things you would like to own/have in front of you right now. . If you seen me in the street, what would you do/say? . Your views on the catholic religion and the stereotypical moral rights that stand by the followers? . Did you see my last question? Was it not intelligent? . Mr.Bean? Do you like him or not? . When you were a child, did you ever watch the show 'Blues Clues' or 'Thomas the Tank Engine?' . Teletubbies! Remember them? Have a good bonfire night x
Welcome to khv, remember, stick to the rules and don't cause too much drama ;] even though we love it
Welcome to khv, hon! Read the rules and all that jazz, and have fun ;]<3
Omg I bishslapped fuk? :lolface: I love me in this.
D: You are not. I didn't mean to imply that. You know I love talking to you, right? ._.
oh yeah boiiii <3 :lolface: I hope the story turns out great!
I loved this thread. Then I seen this. I hate combo breakers and old memes combines.
Name(real name you are called by, not KHV name): Emzy ! Personality: it's me, do you need a bio ? ;3 Age:eh, make it up yourself. Gender: female, I think. Introverted or extroverted:...wat. Party animal or party wrecker: animal. woof. Player or sincere(couldnt think of a better word for someone who isnt a player): ...player? Drunk at the party or designated driver: drunk. in a relationship or single: single. BAM BAYBAY.