You're online whenever I go online at school. Isn't that like, 4-5am for you or something?
I actually ate for once. You vomit whatever you eat? marshmallows c:
1. Me and my sexy bestie always laugh at your chin. It’s all manly. Get over yourself. 2. Jesus, seen your face? I laughed when I seen a picture of you. Hilarious Dino-face. 3. I hated your guts at first, but always thought you were pretty damn hot. I now love you to bits, and think you’re 10x hotter. Let’s have secks. 4. Again, I hated you at first. I was such a betch to you, and I’m sorry. You’re actually really SuperSexyAwesome. 5. Okay, you and your sis are awesome people. I just don’t want all of our conversations to be about you. Sorry. 6. You thought I loved you, you fatass son of a betch. How lucky do you think you are ? ;] 7. Love you hunny. You make me laugh so much at times. 8. Whenever we touch, we make hot babiez. Dammit we are AWESOME! 9. People raged, whilst I listened. I hope you appreciated that. 10. Oh god, stop thinking you’re so smart and wise through big words and long phrases. Your wordiness and pathetic attempts at intelligence are frustrating to no end. You’ll realise how stupid you look when you hit puberty.
You threw up. Why did you throw up.
Someone seems like they need a good pep-talk. But that's just my opinion. I may be wrong.
Impressions, hon ;] ? Steal my shoes? Eat dinner with me? Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while ;] ...yeah ;D <3
Yeah. Shut up.
I'm sorry, but who isn't obsessed with What?
Hey hun. I'm surviving, I suppose. I may stop by for tonight, but I'm not here for the duration. I didn't expect you to see my leave as anything...
May We Be Free We should dance tonight, Forget the world we have left behind, Gaze at the stars as they sit and shine, As our hearts depart from our minds, Forgiveness is something we will most certainly find.
>: please tell when your parents will stop being mean and let you on msn? oh and hello ::L:
I'll be online tomorrow at 12pm your time. We do have a lot to speak about.
I'm sorry for taking a break from the site in such short notice. I'll speak to you on msn <3
Sorry guys, but I think it's time I took a break from here. Something happened last night, and I probably will only tell my closer friends about it, but it crushed me into pieces on the spot. It really threw life into perspective, and I don't want to sound like a total preacher here, but I've learned that life isn't all sweet-smelling as it seems. I know that I'll be back someday, maybe next week, the week after, I don't ****ing know. I would do shout-outs, but you're all on msn so what's the point? For those who aren't on my msn list, just add me if you want, I'm not paticularly bothered right now. I'll appear as invisible, just to let you all know. Bye my loves, you're all such lovely people. Emzy <3
I'm not listening to you. LALALALALALALALALA- You missed halloween?
I hate you now. A lot.
>: you're never on msn anymore.