Just illness and death in the family. Sounds petty, but I can't handle one second of it. Thanks for the concern. <3
And ohhhh, Lovely-Chan D: I hope you get better soon. It sounds awful to have swine flu, as a few of my friends have had it, so I hope you're not in too much pain <3
Haley: That lipstick looks rather nice, actually, but personalliy I think you'd look a lot more exotic with a darker shade; it would compliment your darker features more than bright red. But that's just my opinion. ;] You look stunning either way imo. <33 TheOnly9One: Geeks with glasses ftw, love ;] ! You look great. <3 Rissy: >| Smile like you mean it. I'm kidding, you look lovely. Wolfie: ...Geek :lolface: <3 :c I attempted a fekking smile and it went wrong. Oh, and Garfield ftw. <3 Spoiler [
Oh hai der jinim6 im timexhasxgone :)
Thanks, hon...I think? lol. How am I? Well, to be truthful I've been quite crap really. But things are kind of looking up, from today onwards....
Indeed, the rhyming scheme in this poem was rather forced. Smart of you to notice, but I did pressure myself into writing this piece. Stroy is too long to explain why. <3 Yes, again, well spotted ;] The poem intended to have the building frustration, like the narrator was beginning to get irritated at the lack of answers, and more forceful to gain them. ;] thanks for the crit, m'love. Smile Like You Mean It I’m going to smile, Although my heart is aching, I’m going to smile, Although my beauty’s fading, I’m going to smile, Although the day is ending, I’m going to smile, Although it’s only pretending, I’m going to smile, Although I’m dead inside, I’m going to smile, Although it stings my eyes, I’m going to smile, Although I’m far away, I’m going to smile, Although it’s only a facade, I’m going to smile, Although I feel the fear, I’m going to smile, Although it isn’t sincere, I’m going to smile, Although I don’t like it this way, I’m going to smile, Just like any other day.
I would if I could. I would be walking on sunshine, But right now, I’m wearing sharp shoes, So I’m not gonna act like everything’s fine, And instead, I’ll listen to some blues. I would be somewhere over a rainbow, But dammit, my flight was delayed, So now I’m stuck with stupid grey rainclouds, And nothing to eat, which is a pain. I would be on top of the world right now, But the elevator going upwards isn’t working, So I’m just gonna sit in my room and think, Why does my heart keep hurting? I would be dancing in joy before you, But sadly I hurt my foot. So now I can’t jump up and down in glee, Instead, I’ll pout about my bad luck. I would be smiling at you today, But instead, I’m facing reality. So I’m not going to put on a happy facade, And face the fact that I’m not going to be happy. Answers How am I supposed to sleep, When all I hear is your heart beating? How am I supposed to look good, When I am hardly eating? How am I supposed to love, When you have a constant hold on my heart? How am I supposed to see, When I’ve been blinded from the start? How am I supposed to listen, When all I hear is your whispering voice? How do my mistakes make me learn, When I have not had a choice? When did you become so nice, When I have known you all along? Why do you sound so good, And not utter one word wrong? Is it possible to fall in love, And not possess the will to live? Is it possible to fall in love, And not have a heart to give?
I totally didn't think of that one. Oh how silly of me. ::L:
Going slightly off-topic here, But at first, I misread your username and thought it said 'Wokbot' :v What the hell is a Wokbot.
None.. How about some more interesting members? Give Dalk another shot at it? or maybe What? Or Kitty? Idfk.
*hugs* What's up, hun? |:
You guess? :/ hm. I've been better, but worse in ways. It's life.
:3 thankyou! <3 How are you anyways, hon?
D: Pwomise that you won't kill me when I walk in the street?
You says it's fine. Really you're plotting my expertly executed death.
D: I could do many other things, rissy. Many other things. Oh, and apologies for my intoxication on Sunday ;-; I can't remember past about...
So if I suddenly arrive at your home, you are betting your full head of hair that I couldn't keep you up into the early hours? >:3
oooh, you're a rebel. Bet you your...uhm...Bet you your hair that I can keep you up later. ::L:
Even if you're kept up pretty late? ::L:
D: I get up at 6:45am and want to kill someone. God knows how you feel at that hour in the morning.