Sig = TOO. BIG. 4/10 Avvy = ...Face. 6/10
Middlesbrough? It isn't huge place, but I live there... so it must be awesome. I suppose it depends on what sort of thing you are looking for...
I'm in immense shock from your nationality, lol. Don't just consider Middlesbrough. Live it. I'll meet you there.
Oh god yes. ::L:
Go to Middlesbrough on your tour. It's kinda awesome. You might like it. ::L: How are you so fluent in the english language when your...
Surprisingly enough, bodily fluids are rather delicious once chilled.
Jacob = described as a werewolf. ...Something is not quite right here.
Belgian? And here I was thinking you were british, like Moi ::L:
:lolface: Oh you. <3
I'm watching the football highlights right now actually. Hull vs Westham Utd. ::L: If you're american, you won't understand a word I just...
Oh miele, you're so witty. It turns me on a little.
Oh, it's okay hun. I'm surviving, to say the least, so I'm going to appreciate what I have now. Thanks again for your thoughts, it's really...
Looks - Honestly, I'm not going to be a total saint and say that it isn't about looks. She must look good. Not super model material, god no, but an attraction must be there. I HATE skinny bodies. They are rather unattractive to me, and so I like a more curvy body. They also give better hugs. ::L: Hair can be however the hell they want it. But really, I prefer straight hair. Short/long curly hair isn't as nice to me as shorter straight hair. As long as they suit the hair colours, I'm great. Teeth. Oral hygeine is like an OCD for me; I dislike talking/looking at people with bad teeth or breath, and I wouldn't be able to cope with a girl who has either of those. Blergh. I love darker coloured eyes, and seeing people smile. Smiling in conversation is contagious, and I love to see others like that. But a nice smile, not one where all teeth in the human skull are exposed. Personality - Diverse interests are something I adore, but I love having things in common with people. It's not something found often with me, but when I do find it, I treasure it like a lost kitten. I would like them to be tolerant. I'm a moody person at times with a vicious temper, and I wouldn't want them to go off in a big hissy fit whenever I turn a little sour. I would return that favour. May seem silly, but I need a sense of humour there. I am a rather sexually minded person, and I laugh at stupid things, so I don't want to be with a person who get's all "Ew that's strange" whenever I pull a stupid joke or something. If they are attracted, and know I am attracted back, I want to know that. I don't want them to be kinda... distanced from me or anything. I don't want them clingy, but attention is nice. Oh, and I hate it when they put themselves down. What an irritating habit.
Don't stroke my beard, you know it's sensitive. :lolface:
Mods get angry, but must show self control and discipline within their own actions before scorning those who do not. *strokes beard*
People who look at your boobs are idiots, now, are they? Hm. And yes, I know, it was a joke hun.
Way to be a big mature mod, love. ;] Zeonark, your font colour is fiiiiine.<3
Nominate me. NOW. ...please. c: I wanna see explosions.
I was unamused by the 'werewolves' in the film. They're just wolves. Nothing special. Ever seen Van Helsing? Now, that's a werewolf ::L:
And what happens if you nominate a norm? System dies? :v