[Piccha] ^ Has something. It's long. Wanna see?
It's probably miniature compared to yours, hun ;] I'm joking. ....I got nothing ._.
Spiced apple. aka christmas <3
avvy: idk. It's nice an' all, but something a bit more interesting would be nice. 6/10 sig: 10/10. If anyone argues, I'll hurt them severely.
avvy: meh, it's part of a fad. I'm not one for fads. 5/10 siggys: I actually really like them 9.5/10 <3
10. oh yeah. Hardcore.
6 >> << >> << 7 8 9
He wasn't here when I became active, which is almost a year ago. ._.
Tedious Thoughts Miniature fingers, Mounted upon a miniature hand, Lacking emotion, Heartbeat erosion, A shell of cursed reprimand. Livid embracement, The fuel of a thousand tears, Slap me stupid, Be my cupid, Slaughter my insecure fears. Clinch impracticalities, Fuck this infeasible life, Slip blade, Happy façade, The smell of burning strife. May my body rest in peace, As imperfection does fade, What beauty does find, In collapsing minds, Ends yet another yearlong summers day.
Read the rules, be nice and stay cool hunny ;] You seem pretty awesome. <3
If you could spend one day with me, what would you do? Should I live under your bed for the rest of my days? I'mma gunna eatchoo. Lets sing a song together, because we are so darn amazing. What song, m'love? Omai, you were scared of me at first? Well I don't bite. ;-; ...Unless you're into that kinda thing? ;D loljokes<3 We should make children. Let's make children, yes? Out of clay, or wood, or pencil shavings? ...I ran out of ideas for questions. hm. luffs ya. <3
avvy: 10/10 Arcanine ftw. Siggy: 9.5/10 I would love it more if it was landscape, and not so tall D:
avvi : 9/10 I luvvit. colours and graphics. both sigs: I luvvem ! 9.5/10 <33
Kiss me quick? Give me a hug? Dance with me? Give me your impressions, love ! :3 <333
Sorry to hear about the stress of life, love. I'm sure you'll be missed by people on here, especially certain individuals. But, life must go on, and I hope yours proves less stressful in the end. Ciao, hunny x
avvy = 7/10 cool, but not as cool as me.
owlcityowlcityowlcityowlcity <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 omnomnom ;]
I luvs ya. You're such a legend on khv. <333
Point being...? I am...wait what am I.