Can somone enable Riku when playing as him to be able to do dark aura like in the final battle
Oh my go- Cloud's Buster Sword? And WTF is yugioh?
Is that for Gameshark? How do I use it, and does it make it big or small?
Hey, where's the Keyblade size modifier? And is there a code to weild the Buster Sword?
I want my AP to be back to normal, I used the Max AP code and now I want my AP back to 30 Can someone make that code. or give me the hexideciaml for 30.
Alright but I think I need the reaction command modifier too don't I? And can someone tell me how that works? I mod the reaction in there, actually I mod it into the shortcut menu and it does nothing...
Naw, i'm using the boss warp modifier.
I've used that code and I jump over to the sky scraper and i'm just staniding there... alone... in Memory's Contotion.
I did that on Gameshark and if the rooms big I fall infinitly, or if I do land by the skyscraper it looks like i'm in FP and I can't move.
Since the Boss Warp digits are messed up... I wanted to redo the first Xemnas fight. I'm not sure what codes I need to do the recreation. Could someone organize a list of the codes I need please? Music, location, etc. if you don't mind.
Can someon make A dual weild roxas code with Axel's Chakrams that's compatible with the drive into dual wield code?
If your asking me you've got the wrong guy, I don;t make the codes just use them.
Isn't there a code to use axel's weapon? Could somone make a code to be roxas weilding 2 of those? And be compatible with the drive into dual weild roxas code.
That's what i'm saying I can't find roxas's digits, and why's it impossible with namine?
No, I mean i'm trying to mod their character models to replace Donald and Goofy.
I'm using the Altar of Naught Character Mod codes but i need the two codes for roxas and Namine. Does anybody have them? The codes in the Description.
Can somone explain to me how I use the Boss warp mods.
So, if I want to do my idea I mod the Dual Weilders into my party and then use DragonHead's code, and the Dual Weilders should be my allies?
Can someone make a code to where you're Dual Roxas and you have two of the Dualwield nobodies as your allies?(Using the enemies are allies code)