How to you make these?
Ruon what's the bottom line of your code and could a coder please analyze that for me?
I'm not playin about the All map cards x98 code...
Couldn't you just use the deck mod?
What's the DW normal sora code? and whoever provides it could you also analyze it for me (Tell me part of the code does what)?
Is there a code to have the drive into DW roxas code have Axe'ls chakram's instead of oathkeeper and oblivion?
Is there a play as Xemnas code?
What's the DW Roxas does RC code?
...No... that was a random question kind of...
Thanks, and awile back I asked if there was a code to have all of the Forms effects on normal sora's model Like: Valor's lightning hands Wisdoms Blue Glow Masters glowing hands Final's Lights and Anti Darkness is it possible to have all of those on normal sora's model.
I need the code not to know if it works but thanks anyway. Still need the code tho'
*snickers* What about a limit while in forms code?
Is there a UCM for zebra xemnas? And what about a code for doing limits while in forms.?
Naw, I wanted a BWW for Dual Roxas and one for mickey. Now I just need the one for mickey.
Yes sir. Now can you provide the code...
Alright i'm confused... I just wan't the roxas weilds backwards and nothing else I just want that code. And can somone make a BWW for Dual Roxas and one for mickey. Please?
Tell me which part of the code does what.
Hey, what's the Have all MAP cards x98 code?
Can you analyze that for me?
It only works for Sora due to the characters having weapon attachment points.