I'll ask again is it possible to dual wield?
Added one more
Thanks i thought it was cool too. XD
Added some pics.
It wont let me add pics
It wont let me add pictures
Well dark Riku and Destiny Islands Riku are the only Rikus i know
Who? Me? Or another member?
Ill ask Neo CLoud when hes online about it. But anyways back on topic, is there a way to dual wield?
lol good point, but what makes me wonder is as soon as he was about to give it to us, his files got "mysteriously" deleted.
Ya, i went back and found it, just waitin on a porter.
HE REMOVED IT! But tell you what I've got the final mix code to play as Riku, just need it ported!
Well does someone know how to port codes?
Im on KingRikus youtube right now, it isnt there
Why were his Coding things the only things that got deleted?
Been looking all over, I cant find a RAM dump, ill keep looking though.
But anyways those codes would only work in one room right?
What are all 4 Rikus? I thought only 2?
Why isn't KingRiku giving out the Riku code?
Well I saw a video.....I will try and retrieve it.