Tex_johnson but i use SWiFT_NERO when glitching on games.
lol so do i, ps3 FTW
SWiFT_NERO Tex_Johnson
Its free. Unless you are talking about getting an ethernet cable or wireless router, online is free on Playstation, you just have to have a connection.
roughly $475, and what do you mean by network? Online is free.
ok...ill be sure to add you
ok, only reason i gettin RE5 in august is my B-Day, but yeah get 80gb
Ok, itll be awesome when you get it and yes i saw the list. Oh and if you can get a mic.
Ok, so we both should have it by then, and lol, i just got out of Middle School
No but i might get it in August, if i do do you wanna play Co-Op? Also i would get 80gb, unless u wanna play ps2 games. I hope i get RE5 though
$600, also when u get psn add me here are my 2 gamertags SWiFT_NERO Tex_Johnson Ive got an 80gb fyi
Is there a way to get Mickeys keyblade in your inventory? Not by UWM, just be able to get it in your inventory? BTW Mickeys keyblade info is FAKE, and i dont mean the FAKE that looks just like the Kingdom Key, also, i still dont get why you cant attack with the Way To Dawn, i understand that its a dummy, but why is it a dummy?
Can i please get the codes to play as mickey, riku, and roxas with being able to do cutscenes and reaction commands?
How do you create a poll/survey?
They both have their fair share of problems, and if i could, i would get both because they are awesome consoles.(i have a ps3)
A soundboard section, we could get members who want to to make soundboards
Alright instead of asking certain people and looking all around, im going to post all the codes i've ever wanted, do not worry there aren't that many. Play as DW Roxas(can do cutscenes and reaction commands). Play as Mickey(can do cutscenes and reaction commands) Play as Riku(can do cutscenes and reaction commands) Sora with Mulans Moveset. In conjunction with the above underlined: Sora wields Saix's Claymore, Axels chakrams, and Xaldins Lances. Sora has as an ally: Antiform, Final Form, Master form, And Valor form, And Roxas as ally(all of them have A.I.) Sora with enemy A.I.? or Roxas with enemy A.I Also play as Goofy, able to do specials, same with donald.
What is the all bottle items (98) code?
Lets say i fight Marluxia and bet him, can i go back and fight him again even though i alreadt beat him?
Ok thx for the info, but can somebody give me a code to wield the Dark Keyblade, the one that Riku wields? IDC if its DMA i just want the code, i have already checked and its not attched to his model.