Hello there I am KaiserDragon, KH fan, Final Fantasy fan and of course a Breath of Fire fan! I am currently studying IT & Computing at Open University, I like to cheat on games I play (I always complete them first though) and have played almost every retail MMO you could probably mention as well as a bunch of free to play ones as well. I have also worked as a GM for Dragon Nest Europe (though I had to retire due to medical problems) I am still very friendly with certain members who worked there. I love anime (with my favourite being Shakugan no Shana) and I like to red read... a lot, I have over 500 books in my library and I particularly like the authors Raymond E Feist (who I have met and had all my books signed by him ^^) and George RR Martin (who I also met in 2005 and had all books leading up (and incuding) A Feast for Crows signed by him also) if pushed I would probably say Feist was my favourite, but then I am biased as Magician was the first book I ever read. Bonus: for the luls ^^
I don't know if I am the only one, but it always bothered me that there should be 98 keyblades and 98 items (and so forth) so I have done a bit of tinkering and reduced the numbers for all the ocd people out there like me: Code: All Items x50 3684-35Z1-BX53G BAGN-MJ8T-7RJ72 V0K9-MAK0-0P9RG G86Z-7DUA-KXC32 QVG9-XQW0-AXCWE 5M5B-KJ2R-A97X3 K2FZ-XF8J-8ACCN 203411E8 32323232 103411EC 00003232 003411EE 00000032 00341249 00000032 203412CC 32323232 103412D0 00003232 Weapons (2) Code: All Keyblades x2 A83A-W9RD-P2PJR EKNA-MMV3-8RHBK NA3D-F18X-39RH5 XTEU-AYWB-VBU2J 9BUG-V9CP-TFRBY WW2A-VCHR-DYD1R 6DDR-KW5R-U4VU4 DPYB-VYJH-B10UJ EBHP-DXYR-MM62D 00341209 00000002 1034120A 00000202 1034120C 00000202 003412E3 00000002 003412E4 00000002 003412E7 00000002 403412E8 00040001 02020202 00000000 All Shields x1 91RG-UNVP-B4E7N HNWY-HRY9-E5AK3 6JWZ-Y9HW-UD5K0 A257-16EX-W2FQ9 NYG7-H650-WDMMK T7P2-91UF-UEARX DG4D-4X67-AWV97 YAWH-Z72U-M59DF XPU4-TNF5-4VC99 00341211 00000001 10341212 00000101 1034124E 00000101 20341250 01010101 10341254 00000101 00341256 00000001 003412E6 00000001 003412FB 00000001 All Staffs x1 C8WY-EJGM-4G356 0V8X-XBFX-R7JWV QJMU-PVAZ-590M4 AB2W-90D4-N87ZB 8GZU-Y9Q3-ZD2NA 011M-W857-W1YYB 4N66-MYFK-QJ4KD 9UJE-Q974-3C0PP 0034122B 00000001 00341257 00000001 20341258 01010101 2034125C 01010101 00341262 00000001 003412E5 00000001 003412FA 00000001 If you don't like my numbers then feel free to leave me a request to your specified number and I will convert it. Note: My max convert uses the ID 10f8 for this game, but I have tested the keyblade code with my ARMAX and the 38AU master code and it turned out fine for me, if anyone has issues let me know and I will try and convert again... FYI I am using the SLES-54114 (UK) edition of Kingdom Hearts II, not sure if there is any difference between the UK and other editions but I doubt it.
All Items x50 3684-35Z1-BX53G BAGN-MJ8T-7RJ72 V0K9-MAK0-0P9RG G86Z-7DUA-KXC32 QVG9-XQW0-AXCWE 5M5B-KJ2R-A97X3 K2FZ-XF8J-8ACCN 203411E8 32323232 103411EC 00003232 003411EE 00000032 00341249 00000032 203412CC 32323232 103412D0 00003232
All Keyblades x2 A83A-W9RD-P2PJR EKNA-MMV3-8RHBK NA3D-F18X-39RH5 XTEU-AYWB-VBU2J 9BUG-V9CP-TFRBY WW2A-VCHR-DYD1R 6DDR-KW5R-U4VU4 DPYB-VYJH-B10UJ EBHP-DXYR-MM62D 00341209 00000002 1034120A 00000202 1034120C 00000202 003412E3 00000002 003412E4 00000002 003412E7 00000002 403412E8 00040001 02020202 00000000 All Shields x1 91RG-UNVP-B4E7N HNWY-HRY9-E5AK3 6JWZ-Y9HW-UD5K0 A257-16EX-W2FQ9 NYG7-H650-WDMMK T7P2-91UF-UEARX DG4D-4X67-AWV97 YAWH-Z72U-M59DF XPU4-TNF5-4VC99 00341211 00000001 10341212 00000101 1034124E 00000101 20341250 01010101 10341254 00000101 00341256 00000001 003412E6 00000001 003412FB 00000001 All Staffs x1 C8WY-EJGM-4G356 0V8X-XBFX-R7JWV QJMU-PVAZ-590M4 AB2W-90D4-N87ZB 8GZU-Y9Q3-ZD2NA 011M-W857-W1YYB 4N66-MYFK-QJ4KD 9UJE-Q974-3C0PP 0034122B 00000001 00341257 00000001 20341258 01010101 2034125C 01010101 00341262 00000001 003412E5 00000001 003412FA 00000001