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  1. KaiserDragon
    They have an amazing article on potatoes, those tasty foods, that go with almost anything... mmm potatoes *drools*
    Post by: KaiserDragon, Oct 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. KaiserDragon
    I think this is probably my favourite post on this site, so much so I decided to have it in my sig forever <3
    Post by: KaiserDragon, Oct 11, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. KaiserDragon

    That is me expressing my disbelief that there are people who haven't played that epic game :p

    I've never used a Mac before, but do they not support steam? Just out of curiosity, what do people use macs for? Anyways you should definitely look into the Breath of Fire series, it really is a quality series.
    Post by: KaiserDragon, Oct 11, 2014 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. KaiserDragon

    Accepting people for who they are and the things they do is part of an open community, telling people to get them out of your face is rude, you could structure your sentences better to reflect a well intentioned request, in the history of choices made, who do you think would win out: The guy who tells someone to do something, or the guy who requests something not be used in a respectful manner.

    Well when people are rude to me, I am fully inclined to ignore them and any "suggestion" they intend to make. Manners cost absolutely nothing.


    Wrong once again, I would also mention I am at the start of a 4 year university course, I don't own a PS3, I don't own any xbox, and in no way could I afford to buy either of the consoles required to play Kingdom Hearts III.

    Some of our now premium members... does that mean, that they to like me used memes? I'm guessing the distaste is yours alone, and until someone with manners asks me to use something else, I will not change. Politeness makes a huge difference, you could say it makes all the difference in the world.

    I shouldn't do something you admire? I should just bow and allow people to think they can be rude and I will acquiesce to their demands? No, I will start exactly as I mean to go on: A strong willed person who stands for what they believe in no matter how long I have been a member of such a site, in this way I am true to myself and if people like or dislike it then they are free to do so.

    So let me get this straight, you are rude, you get other members telling you to ease off of the new guy (which I really appreciate btw) and then you tell me to try to change, without even giving a single thought to what I thought on the matter? The world doesn't work this way.

    I would not change my manner of posting even if you were a staff member, in fact if you were I would make a complaint that someone in such a position would be allowed to get away with what it was that you put out there: An intentionally rude post, detrimental to the community you claim to want to protect so much.

    No, clearly you do not know what advice is, this is just a statement, advice is when you advise not demand, and the above isn't even a demand, its a plain unveiled insult. Such is the response I would attribute to a child. Note: I am not calling you a child, I am saying I would expect such a response from one.

    Let me give you some advice of my own, from my apparently more extensive life experience (Which includes being a manager for 5 years, head chef for 3 years and my clear use of manners when advising people such as yourself): Being rude is NO WAY to get people to change, it brings out their stubborn side, it will only ever produce negative results.

    Yes, we say ice lolly. I make references to things I know other people reference to the line, to me it makes me smile, which is exactly the point of mildly amusing pictures: to amuse people.

    I don't attempt to fit in? I didn't attempt to amuse others with my referencing KHII? I didn't try to fit in when I offered advice in this thread ? I didn't try to fit in when I posted in the welcome thread of MoogleSky? Or when I posted on her profile trying to make friends? Or when I posted in the suggestion about a chat box? It appears to me you statement about being a creature of the spam forum is certainly true, as is your assumptions about me equally untrue.

    As I stated, I don't try to fit in with any crowed, if they like me for who I am then I generally spend a lot of time being a member of that community.
    Post by: KaiserDragon, Oct 11, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. KaiserDragon
    It says it right below his avatar mate, on all his posts.
    Post by: KaiserDragon, Oct 11, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. KaiserDragon
    This is a flat out statement, not advice.

    This is me saying I am begining to think you may be, it's an opinion. See the difference.

    "You know, those things that happen when you lose imagination and sacrifice personal identity to be in an in-crowd of "geeks and nerds" and make jokes where the punchline was generated ten thousand images ago."

    This is you not trying to make me better, if you were really trying to do that you response should have been something like "No offense mate, but memes are so old, you really should try to come up with something original instead of recycling those overused pictures." See now THIS is what I call trying to better someone, instead you just come off as rude to people who use memes, and it is exactly why I said I thought you were begining to come across as obsessed.

    Oh and btw, while you may have been a member of this community for 8 years (despite your profile strangly saying 2012 >.>) this doesn't mean you own it or can try to tell new people (namely me) how to act once they join it, rest assured, I will be using memes if I feel like it in the future. Sorry if you don't like it, but you will have to...


    In case you hadn't noticed, I joined this website, that makes me a part of the community. I use memes because I associate the line I used with the meme I used, see the logic there? Did you see one of my previous posts where someone mentioned salt, then I used a picture of a salt n sweet ice lolly reference KHII because I associate this site and the lolly with the game it came from. I use memes when I associate the line I use with what I thought to reply, it may not bring an outright laugh to the people I reply to, but it might bring a smile to their faces and in doing so fulfills its purpose.

    "I told you how crap the images were" That distinctly sounds like advice to me, good job mate. :)

    Its not about whether or not I find it funny, (I find it mildly amusing fyi) its about the fact that I associate the line I used with the picture it went with. Like my previous reference of the salt lick lolly?

    At the end of the day, if I use something it is my choice alone, the same as it is your choice to be annoyed/call me lazy/whatever, I am still going to be the same old me, perhaps you should learn to deal with it as I have no intention of changing.
    Post by: KaiserDragon, Oct 11, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. KaiserDragon


    They tried to put the coconut into the lime, and failed.
    Post by: KaiserDragon, Oct 11, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. KaiserDragon
    I think you really should get to know a person before you cast judgement on them, I am not obsessed with memes, but I am beginning to think you might be, obsessed in the fashion that you hate them and immidiately cast whomever uses them in a poor light.

    I never pander to tastes of people about me, I do however find the memes to be slightly amusing and as such I occasionally use them in my posts. If I were obsessed with them, I would most likely have registered under a different name, something like Good Guy Greg, or some other meme related theme.

    I am obsessed with nothing, I am a fan of many particular things such as final fantasy, kingdom hearts and the breath of fire series, books and learning, I do not try to be a part of any particular scene I just take what I like from what I have found on the internet and made it into my own unique being.

    Whether or not you believe me is not important to me, so take this and cast your judgement upon it however you will, it will not bother me either way.
    Post by: KaiserDragon, Oct 11, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. KaiserDragon
    Not sure how I feel about this post, on one hand I appreciate the point, on the other... I'm 8 years older then him ; ;

    Oh well I suppose I could take it to mean old man in the sense tha he doesn't appreciate a little humor and not a reference to his age lol.
    Post by: KaiserDragon, Oct 11, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. KaiserDragon
    Relax dude, its just a bit of light hearted fun. But fyi, I don'tuse reddit :p
    Post by: KaiserDragon, Oct 11, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. KaiserDragon
    If you had bothered to check out any of my other posts, you would come to the conclusion that this is simply not true.

    Post by: KaiserDragon, Oct 11, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. KaiserDragon
    But but! It's a Dancing Trollface. Took me about 10 seconds longer!
    Post by: KaiserDragon, Oct 11, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. KaiserDragon
    I'm sorry I should have made myself a little clearer, I mean a chat box, at the top of the forum, but then I suppose your reasons still hold true for even that. Oh well lol, just thought it would have been nice to chat with some people without bloating the forum spam up.
    Post by: KaiserDragon, Oct 11, 2014 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  14. KaiserDragon
    This thread makes me miss my bosc monitor, he was the best pet a person could wish for but he got to big and I had to give him away ; ; poor splat, oh how do I miss thee.

    Those that don't know Bosc Monitors grow up to 5 feet long (though when i gave splat away he was about 45" long), I just couldn't fit a bigger tank in my house I had him for a number of years. He was such an awesome pet and everyone loved him, he used to get the cutest expresion on his face when you scratched between his eye ridges, he would stick his tongue out and smile.
    Post by: KaiserDragon, Oct 10, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. KaiserDragon
  16. KaiserDragon
    So I heard that we used to have a chat box way back when in 2007 and it got closed down due to some drama... I was wondering if we could have it back now, its been 7 years and I think the drama could be handled in a mature and responsible manner.
    Thread by: KaiserDragon, Oct 10, 2014, 5 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  17. KaiserDragon
  18. KaiserDragon
    Profile Post

    I like turtles

    I like turtles
    Status Update by KaiserDragon, Oct 10, 2014
  19. KaiserDragon
    I love this post... the gif is awesome! many awesome gifs here ^^
    Post by: KaiserDragon, Oct 10, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. KaiserDragon