Avy: 9/10 Great! Sign: 7/10 Nice!
Looking good ^^ Armor isn't so important if you load up a picture. Then we'll see. But else it's like chainmail, leather and so on...
You are all in a very need of quick money. Gold. You need gold. For what purpose? I do not know. That's up to the player to decide. But you need money and have seen this posters. On the poster it says: Reword! Bring me Sarakath Han's book and you will be reworded greatly. My name i Galmar. Meet me at the inn at 12 on next friday. There I will tell you more about youre quest. So you all came to the inn. You don't know each other and are talking, introducing youreself while you wait for this Galmar to come. Name: Rase: Gender: Appearance: Wheapon: Profession: Armor: Hobbies: I'm the gameleader so I don't have any character, I'm all the NPC's. I don't think I've forgot anything. Then please tell me.
Goofball? That was a new word
Ah well, no hard feelings xD Sign: 2/10 - Sorry but I don't get it. Av: 7/10 - Nice girl xD lol
Bond of Flame :D
Why you so mean bttp9999?
Av: 8/10 Sign: 9/10 Go Aqua!
Sign: 8/10 Av: 8/10
Maybe Axel, or KH2 Kairi or Cloud... I dunno
Ohh... This was hard... I got to say Axels is first. And then I lika Luxord and his great brittish accent. And then Demyx, becouse his funny. And then Larxene, she sure looks good :P So: 1.Axel 2.Luxord 3.Demyx 4.Larxene
lol, nice one XD
11 The evil staff have spoiled us again. We better make a rebelion! XD
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59 I really got to go now before my head slaps the computer.
57 ...................
55 Well....
53 Hope not :S
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