's nothing are U invisible? is some1 stalking U? Tell me Who it is so I can punch him (or her) in the face!!!
Oh's nothing important...
I'm okay...(I guess)..I like Ur new avatar picture lol
Hi DBM what's up?
Any new members plz sign up at Ultima thread... Thank U!!!
alright save the queen is Urs...I'm promoting some people but I'm not sure...who do U think deserves promotion?
I'm promoting U to mage....U have to choose a staff...but U can still keep Ur shield...
well now Ur a mage...choose Ur staff....
are U a guardian? sorry...I haven't been on for long.... is ultima group doing?
err sorry...I'm a bit nervous today....I had an F in my class and I don't know what I'm gonna tell my mom...she's VERY strict..
err yeah why? something wrong? or what?
Anthony smiled. " I know U?" he asked. Sphinxes came out of the sand. "They are ours" they hissed at Marku. Anthony stared at his axe."err....I'm Ur king!!" shouted Anthony. He showed them the golden axe. The sphinxes nodded and prepared for battle. "We must protect our king!!" they hissed.
"Well ummmm....." Anthony looked everywhere. "Where's north again?" he asked. The scorpion stopped. Leon smiled and raised his hand. 4 sphixes came out of the sand. "They have destroyed Ur king...If I were U....I would hunt them down...and kill them..."said Leon. The 4 sphinxes nodded in agreement.
Anthony dug into the sand. He found one of the Sphinx's axes. "We might need this....after all...there might be traps in this cursed desert...and I have no more cards..."Anthony said.
Anthony coughed sand through his mouth and nose."M-Miku....are U okay?"he said softly.
Unfortunately, there was no anthony with tha katana. Anthony tried to breath but he couldn't. Suddenly, something shot him out of the sand. He fell to the ground unconcious. Leon stood in one of the sand hills. "Thank me later...."said Leon smiling. He jumped on the scorpion and left.
Anthony grabbed the katana and slashed the sphinx. The sphinx set free miku. Anthony hadn't notced that a bandage was close to his leg. The bandage grabbed Anthony and took him down with the sphinx. Anthony and the sphinx had disappeared.
Anthony saw Miku and the sphinx. All of his cards had become to dust so he couldn't do anything. He saw Miku' katana lying on the sand. He began to run for it. The sphinx was submerged up to its hips.
The sphinx began to submerge itself down in the sand with Miku. Anthony heard Miku's voice. He began to run in her direction.