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  1. lexamus
  2. lexamus
  3. lexamus
  4. lexamus
  5. lexamus
    Assasin quickly entered the main system. INITIATING BOMB SEQUENCE..Assasin turned in turbo mode and left. As he left the spaceship collapsed and exploded.
    Post by: lexamus, Jan 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. lexamus
  7. lexamus
  8. lexamus
    Assasin looked at the map. "I want two Zechariah to attack they're main defenses...and two megilliots attack the engines...we don't want them to run away do we?" Assasin commanded. Two cannons appeared on Assasin's mech's arm. He shot two main turrets.
    Post by: lexamus, Jan 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. lexamus
    Assasin hopped inside. The Mech moved slowly out. "I'll need back up..." he said on a mic, telling the other pilots.
    Post by: lexamus, Jan 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. lexamus
    Assasin nodded. He headed to the spaceship (departure thingy sorry I forgot the name). As he hopped in a ship he heard a voice whisper "Neo". Assasin looked around. According to his scanner no1 had been closer than 18 meters away during that moment. Assasin shrugged.
    Post by: lexamus, Jan 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. lexamus
    Assasin looked at the girl. "When will my mission start?"he asked.
    Post by: lexamus, Jan 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. lexamus

    Assasin smiled at the girl. "Are U going to unstrap me?" he said.
    Post by: lexamus, Jan 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. lexamus
    Assasin woke up. ARM GUN LOADING....A.CYBER HELMET LOADING....A.CLAWS LOADING....SUCCESS...Assasin looked at the girl. " I feel powerful...and I remember that the earth fools are trying to destroy us...I must protect alien race...GOOD DAY...
    Post by: lexamus, Jan 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. lexamus
    "I may not be human...but, I will not betray the people from earth..." he said calmly. He saw green letters again. Images of his wife appeared. A word appeared. DELETE. "Nooo!!" he shouted."her memory is the only thing I have" Other Images were beginning to delete. READING DISK......LOADING....Neo's eyes became blank. NEO...DELETE...INSERT NEW NAME....ASSASIN...
    Post by: lexamus, Jan 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. lexamus
    Neo almost smiled. He remembered being shot. His wife had brought him to the hospital. That was where he had "died". Now he was a machine...and android to be exact. Suddenly, he began to see green numbers. OPERATION FAIL...CORRUPTED DATA..PLEASE INSERT DISK...THe aliens were failing in reprogramming his memory!!
    Post by: lexamus, Jan 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. lexamus
    "What are U doing to me?" Neo asked. He didn't like the word "modifications".
    Post by: lexamus, Jan 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. lexamus
    Meanwhile....Neo struggled to get free. "What do U want from me U stinking aliens!!" he shouted.
    Post by: lexamus, Jan 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. lexamus
    Leon was going to attack the governour and Marku but he began to feel dizzy and fell to the ground.

    The emperor felt a presence. He quickly turned around and defended himself. Matt's sword struck the emperor's sword with great force that sent them both falling to the ground.
    Post by: lexamus, Jan 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. lexamus
    I have stared at 4 pics for awhile and this is what I think....Xion looks a lot like KH1 Kairi...and Namine looks a lot like Kh2 kairi...hmmm...isn't this awkward?
    Post by: lexamus, Jan 24, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. lexamus
    well srry...I didn't see the ansem reports cause..I don't have final mix OMG!!...Damn Nomura:nerve:
    and too many words when I saw it my head exploded..Anyway...I see Ur point..and thanks a lot...another mystery is solved unfortunately another one appears....*sigh*

    Going off topic:
    I'm still with my Xion theory...what if Xion was a new species out of memories? eh?
    Post by: lexamus, Jan 24, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX