The new stuff is good..I guess..
U think I'm lying? cause I'm not
well let's see...first I played sonic...then I got a ps1 and I bought megaman X games...then I bought a PS2 and bought KH2,KH,and recently...
well...I DO!! I'm a Kingdom Hearts/FF7 haven't played Sonic the Hedgehog in a long time...
I can..I just found my Sega Genesis...and I can play whenever I want...
aww c'mon U think I'm serious? lol...Sonic the Hedgehog is the best game I ever played...good ol' times
I already passed the game(with emeralds)...actually...I think I still have my ol' Sega Genesis...
oh yeah I forgot..I broke this giant emerald to pieces and I made diamonds!!!
Knuckles? Tails? OMG!! I'm a murderer!!...and I'm proud of
I remeber it!! Sonic was the first ever videogame I ever played...*sigh*
U should also look at my echidna and fox of them has two tails....I remember shooting an echidna...good times..
good ol' times....
don't worry!!...the tag said that it was from an endangered species...from *looks at tag* Green Hill Zone...good thing U don't have any relatives...
The game looks good...
*puts on fur coat* This is made out of hedgehog fur...oh...I forgot U were a hedgehog...err..I kinda feel uncomfortable right now...
I think it's really good keep it up.
dude haven't seen U in a while
I don;'t know what Ur talking about...I dodged that simple kick..*eats sephiroth cookie*...Want some? they're made out of cloud and Zack...
hey iwantedtoexplode whats up?