it has a master code but (M) D1ZB-2M3H-QP7MD YXWC-NMGH-MZBFP 3CQ2-MX6H-YWM2G EEH1-FHNZ-QUNJ4 PGZT-R1G9-EJHC8 but the only other code is Infinite Health 650P-0XUQ-CP24T 4UDY-9CYA-CDW5G AYKP-AGXD-NDG38 GJ04-DJAE-862U2 i was wondering if it exsisted more pal codes? like max precursor eggs or other things edit: ok this Thread is dead. can a mod plz close this Thread
dos it exist a pal code for jak 3 except for the infinite hp code?
ok ok i will read the rules and i promise to have fun and i will only spam in the spam zone
hi i joined yesterday
they must have used a code to replace a party member wit a save point