ok thank you
can anybody explain how to make joker codes?
ok sry. i just had never seen or read about it before so i did thing it wasn't discovered
all the codes work ps: i discovered a strange glitch when i was playing as DW ROXAS at the second stage after you open the door to kingdom hearts there is a platform that raises when you step at it but when i played as DW roxas i dissepeared when the platform raised when it was done raising i suddenly was under the level in a endless fall.
il test them wait a sec the L3+R1 for DW Roxas QRD3-8J3G-1YU3B K6XX-2CMY-A52VE EBGD-NJJV-0NPWH code works!
im bored. is there any codes i can test?
i know but it has no ap value so i can't equip it even after restarting with no codes
sry it didn't work it replaces goofy with roxas in T stance
ok il test them just wait a sec the first code makes me have beast's claw as an ability but i can't equip it im testing the other code now
i get struggle sword as an ability but i can't equip it
im really bored has anyone a code i can test?
here here is the code for cloud: cloud(ally)replaces Donald: DWNZ-F34C-F7M9A JMYJ-5K5E-N120B cloud(ally)replaces goofy: 466M-KP37-EG5NT UKKY-8BU8-HHUPZ here is the code for tifa tifa(ally)replaces donald: AC00-JPPP-Y3302 0KFY-FDQM-ZNQNZ tifa(ally)replaces Goofy KTJX-4RVA-94MYJ QKXC-FZP6-X5V5B
the riku code freezes the game
does it exist a code to change how many ap you need to activate an ability?
yes ability is invicible too
the final form code makes me hold a potion 3901-KE8R-XZ8KG UMGC-J5UP-488ME this codes freeze the game C8WT-R3BR-TAPYF UMGC-J5UP-488ME this one freezes too X6VJ-CD8V-Q2PM6 UMGC-J5UP-488ME DCPZ-EYM2-3FHF8 UMGC-J5UP-488ME i didn't test these codes MKQM-AX8N-FYKFF 63DY-N9T4-9MAUW this code make me hold the slash frenzy ability
does it exist a code to play as riku?
the codes are already pal but the codes are for kingdom hearts 1 not 2
ok ok i will ok i will remember that ok i will
welcome welcome follow the rules and have fun