here master form replaces Sora: CNK9-XGJ7-A3V42 W364-FNA8-Z6VRU
? what is the joker code for kingdom hearts 2 pal ?
i will try to convert them wait a not sure 100% sure they will work but i think they will work Max clip per ammo pick up ACBY-0187-GY9E9 R061-GPRU-1D2QG Npc invulnerable HWKM-3X37-4B5EM VMBT-3466-0T6TW High Accuracy DGFV-PKW2-5UKH0 ZU9E-TZ18-RBMN8 Devil May Cry Disable screen blur AB4K-A73B-D6NXD VVMV-1TBV-7YEUR FHNX-PBMA-TP3P0 Resident evil 4 Turn off effects R2+up=on R2+down=off 7KKA-Q80P-QUF5R KXH7-0MCG-5V99D 6ZYT-M2E4-84HWJ RM04-4URG-9DA31 CTRW-DA3A-BMGQK God Of War 2 Golden fleece(this code may not work) 1CDP-XVXH-3330Z Icarus Wings 7B90-BB43-MM6BA Auto Kill Sequence(this code may not work) CNFQ-FU2H-R2CB2 YM7C-6EKE-DDQCJ TH1F-J9QQ-BJ6KA TA2Y-KB5J-ZGYW2
here this code should work: Demyx replace Goofy: ZBHE-PRH8-ZD40Q FZDV-5UKN-021VD
here these should work: use them both at he same time Drive w/o Party Members: 1EC2-QHA8-P9XVT R30Z-ZZU2-26UG3 Party Members don't Disappear when using Drive: TM6V-KTTY-ENUDC 47K7-5FC4-R78PX
ok i will test them just wait a second UPDATE: 2037F8E8 4C000000 didn't work UPDATE 2 none of them worked
UPDATED main menu boots up quick ( great for testing digits ) 2037F8E8 40c00000 still didn't work height mod for various things 2037eabc 40000000 WORKED drive form electricity mod ( the lower the value the bigger it gets ) 2037EF9Cxxxxxxxx works cutscene camera mod 2037f5C0 xxxxxxxx works main menu text mod 2037EF3C xxxxxxxx didn't work model size on pause menu 2037F918 xxxxxxxx WORK make things vertical 2037EF40 40000000 didn't test
convert can somebody convert these codes to pal plz?
yes you have too equip kingdom key or the fake key blade to get this code to work
can you port those codes to pal plz?
here yuffie (ally) replaces goofy: PG7M-8259-N6D80 BE5B-5NQR-BRY7X
yeah it even shows in cutscenes
no all codes in this forum are NTSC codes im sure this code is not pal
hers a link to the pal elf file
can anybody convert this code to pal?
no prob. i know this has been asked before :stupid: but is it possible to create a soft reset code?
here im not sure they will work but i think they will work.the codes are in raw format. Donald replaced by a save point (with world map option): 11C9561A 00000239 Donald replaced by a save point (whiteout world map option): 11C9561A 0000023A goofy replaced by a save point (with world map option): 11C9561C 00000239 goofy replaced by a save point (whiteout world map option): 11C9561C 0000023A guest replaced by a save point (with world map option): 11C9561E 00000239 guest replaced by a save point (whiteout world map option): 11C9561E 0000023A
dumb question :stupid: but do you have to activate both codes to get it to work?
works the code works!!!
i was able to download the file now so i think the problem with the download is fixed