here test this code drive KQ9C-W3VZ-GK8TN 99ET-B428-4R5Q2 drive into any form and your supposed to turn into mickey. tell me if he t-stances
Thanks Chaser but what program did you use to create those avatars/signatures?
can you make a signature to me plz? and an avatar Username:mikael110 Character:mickey Render (If you have one): Text (Optional): Size (Optional. Default: 400 X 150): Background (Optional):Shiny Light
here: AR MAX tifa replaces Donald (ally) T8DP-375G-ZGT6E 0KFY-FDQM-ZNQNZ tifa replaces Goofy (ally) V9AN-AUD3-CVDM6 ZDQB-9F9H-5KA88 RAW tifa replaces Donald (ally) 11CFAC7E 000006B3 tifa replaces Goofy (ally) 11CFAC80 000006B3 and i don't think its possible to get cid and tifa in you party because they newer actually fight in the game.
actually? the code worked but it was converted from raw to ar max with the ntsc game id so when i typed it in it said it was for the wrong game. so i had to convert it to raw then back to AR MAX with the pal id to get it to the code you posted didn't work before i converted it with the right id. anyway here is the code converted with the PAL game id: BW4X-H8G5-NH2KQ 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR 4QQE-PW08-DPGJV 73RP-E2MU-2C9U1
port? can someone port this code to pal plz? Watch the cut scenes as Mickey 17Y7-CUE7-5Y4ZC RB4C-2QBQ-BUAU8 QA5P-GBB8-JP1RN MZ81-QZZG-F237M
can someone test this code, QQND-7EN6-TZ56D DQBA-7C2Q-YR5QM TD70-3XEX-CETCM its supposed to give valor form 9 combo plus ability's
the code worked it let me glide as master form.
the codes change what weapon you wear in your second hand the forms/people that doesn't hold 2 key blades won't show the other key blade but they will get the strength and ability's of the key blade .the code uses the item digits so you can't wear things from the UCM example i used the code 10341024 000001E0 and valor form was wearing the Star Seeker
i don't know exactly what they do, i was gonna test them when somebody ported them, but why do you need to know what they do to port them?
port? can anyone port these codes to pal plz?
not to be rude but that isn't what the code do. the code do that if you accidentally or by random chance drive into anti form you will drive into final form this code doesn't let you revert when you are in antiform, actually it doesn't even let you drive into antiform. here is the code in pal: Q7QF-DFG5-R21JZ JNEJ-B99T-XBHMB
the ???? are for the digits of the key blade you want to hold and i want it converted to pal i can convert to ar max myself.
can somebody convert this code plz Keyblade UCM - Right Hand 103AC670 0000????
thank you.i will rep you but i must wait 24 hours before i can rep anybody so i will rep you tomorrow.
here: play as lion sora: 4D5A2FA4 1456E51F Cloudstrife252 can you plz port this code to pal: 20378DE8 xxxxxxxx
here armor Xemnas replaces Goofy UT57-3HBW-J9Z93 CVZ9-HVCW-WBKAN seifer replaces donald 3PB3-TKVX-X8YK5 92H9-CZA7-28GF6 seifer replaces Goofy HF0U-T3JG-3WP9P 1ZRT-TDB7-AARAN leon(ally) replaces Donald HQ32-Z8HK-E42ZM GQ69-KYQ9-F5GPY leon(ally) replaces Goofy U7BP-YZHF-CZA8K X29Q-1046-RR4XV Vivi replaces Donald (note:Game Crash after defeat) ZGCH-7RGP-07A6Q BAVW-W6T7-YEM9Y Vivi replaces Goofy (note:Game Crash after defeat) W6Z8-J7X8-QDUY8 ZUFW-23FY-Y656R Sephiroth replaces Donald MPJZ-ZYHE-RBB0V Q5B7-H6VD-3094M Sephiroth replaces Goofy: 3UNU-827K-DKQVT FAFP-5AW1-N29JN
whats the code?
sry but i have no idea of way it doesn't work.evilman created the music changing code i only converted it from raw to AR max so you should ask him
no. kh2 PAL id:09C9 kh2 NTSC id:0911 here this code should make the background music the music that plays when sora awakens,and the battle music one winged angel (the music that plays when you fight sephiroth)if you want another battle music. pm me with the music you want and i will give you the code K0BT-KX6K-FQ2VR VGYM-JTZ5-TV04U 1DQF-APHZ-96VB7