:guns:" Yeah it better"
" No , we have 17. Remember the 15 than came out of nowhere , they are still here. And we have those archers" ooc:blackkeyblade, what's your email
"Tell me about it"
ooc: o.k. i'll try it
OOC: can i join? Name:Uru Uchia ClanLUchia Age:12 Rank Chunin Village:Leaf bio:unknown family( father and mother) and trying to find them and has level 2 sharingan appearance: Name:Yanichi Uzimaki ClanLUzimaki Age:12 Rank Chunin Village:leaf bio:Uru and him are best friends and he helps him on his family finding journey appearance: [ing]http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?media=http%3A%2F%2Fi70.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fi107%2Fchaos_anime66%2FAnime%2520guys%2FOsamublondeanimechild.jpg&searchTerm=anime%20boy%20blonde&pageOffset=7[/img]
ooc: i'm in New York because my grandma died yesterday. don't worry , I got to see her alive, but she was a coma BIC: suddenly, thousands of arrows come out of the trees in all directions heading towards Ashita. "since your in human form, you can't go very fast. You just sined your own death sentence"
"We have both." Jacob says as he snapps. After he snapps, 20 half-demon come out of nowhere
" By superior force and numbers"
" How to outsmart a demon queen"
"Lets continue this training on the battle field where your life is at stake.
Lesson # 1, you must leave your opponent open by doing a sword clash and push away, and then slash at the stomach.
"O.K. Let work on that."
Jacob yells" What are you best at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"O.K." 2 weeks later:"Now that were done with basic sword training, what are your skills on the battle field( such as speed, strength)"
"I'll tell you after you finish your training"
"Because so many Half-Demons and humans died protectingj this city. The wall is for archers with scopes"
10 munites later, Jacob and Jak come to a 30 foot stone wall "This is the entrance to the Village of Blood
Jacob goes out of full-demon form and says to Jak" You can't win this fight, come with me and I can help "Lets go" he says as he grabs his arm and runs while carring him
Jacob goes into full-demon form
Jacobsays" Well James, I want to know when yours and Ashita's wedding is. I want to see you 2 lovebirds get married, if either of you live that long. Ha ha ha. Funny"