Jacob moves out of the way easily and sticks out his tounge
Jacob runs up and grabbs Ashita's collar
yes I have and he dodges it, takes out his 2 katana, ahd slashes at Hiero's arm while John starts to run with the pouch thingy
" I don't want to kill you Ashita."
"I'll take her and the bag" Jacob says as John goes from behind James and grabbs the bag but hasn't run away yet while Jacob goes behind Hiero
"The poison should kick in , now"Jacob said to Ashita as John and everyone from the village of blood leave. " Here it is" Jacob says as he takes the special sword hiltfrom Ashita.
Jacob says, "The poison will kick in in about a munite." John throws Ashita at Jacob and Jacob catches her and starts to run.
Jacob takes out his knives and slashes at Hiero.
John pull his sword up and puts it next to Ashita's throat and puts her in front of the knives and says, " Wouldn't want to kill her would you?"
John says it's a mine field waiting to explode" while he goes through the trap with ease a picks up Ashita.
John blocks Heiro's attack and says to Jacob" throw Ashita up into the air, then the archer can take he back to the village."
" I want that hilt Ashita, that you took from James"
' You bit a tree, you know, and , those knives had a poison that works faster on demons than half-demons. You will start to faint in about, I don't know' 1 munite. do you have that special swrd hilt?"
" I just said, my brother. He's really smart" ooc; what's up BIC; "so, James, I heard you had a special sword hilt. Where is it?" Jacob said
" At the village, and brother I was looking for you for 10 years now" Said Jacob
Jacob says to Ashita " You just set yourself up". knives come out of Jacob's sleve and he tries to punch Ashita with them.
someone comes out of the ground and blocks her punchand says to Jacob " Hello brother"
Jacob gets in the way of Jak's and James's fight and tries to punch James
ooc: i'm back from NY can i have 2 characters Name:John Age:29 Race:half-demon appearance: just like Jacob, but 1 inch taller weapon brain secondary weapon 2 katana bio:Jacob's brother BIC: "Did you have to kiss him, it was very disturbing. And , ha, ha.
' Jak, remember our training, the overconfident always loses"