"Quirt down, not even magma cam destroy this, take him to the power loss area"
OOc: one , you were alaready freed from the box, 2 all of the air was removed from it, and who is beating who , your post is very confusing BIC: a rock chunk comes out from the ground, blocking his strike, then a box of all types of metals surround Cyrsus , surrounded by a wall of fire "Thank you Jacob says" as he he jumps on top, " Throw me back to the village". John moves the box and using his power throws it back to the village" 2 seconds" John says, "a new record"
"LesserDemon?" he says as a boX of solid fire 30 feet by 30 feet goes around Cyanus" For your safety and Comfort I've removed all the air by making the fire absorb all or it. Now no air for you to breathe or complain. If you kill me , you would destroy the half-demons last hope for survival, for I am king of the village of blood, the last half-demon stronghold. So if you kill me , everyone dies. Lesser Demon Ha ha ha, get out of that box if you are so powerful. If you walk out you will get burned"
Jacob jumped up(having gone into full demon form), drinking his blood that he had bled" Thanks " he said
OOC:i meant to say run out of the gust at 120 mph, and doesn't air help fire grow?
OOC:I could of gust ran 120 mph to get out of it, or use a fire shield, or John could have helpted him
OOC:that is power playing. you have to give people time to react to your attacks
"huh" he says as he appears behins him and says "Fire!!!!!". thousands of arrows headed at Cyanus
"I'll kill that one first" Jacob said as he appeared behined Cynesis and slashed vhis sword at him
A blur came out of the cave it started around them. The blurr stopped. Jacob says" I learned some new, more annoying tricke" as lighnning comes out of his hand " here is your sword" as he throws it at James
"because, I know you want it" one of them said as he pulled out the special sword"now do you want a something from us"
The two shadowy figures came from out of the shadows and said"delivery" to james
2 cloaked figures emerged from the darkness of the cave. One said, "He is here, call the others"
yeah, I know remember the last one, they looked the same there are technially twins
Name:Jacob Blood Age: 27 Race:half-Demon Elements: ( up to 2)fire and lightning appearance:http://photobucket.com/image/blonde anime boy/Akatsuki_Member/Anime Boys/Bishi_003.jpg?o=11 weapon:long sword secondary weapon:2 katana bio: black night keymaster/ king/ fast Name:John Blood Age:30 Race:half-demon Elements: ( up to 2)rock appearance::http://photobucket.com/image/blonde anime boy/Akatsuki_Member/Anime Boys/Bishi_003.jpg?o=11 weapon:brain secondary weapon:2 katana bio:black night leader/ very smart
ok, the one at the beginning of 2, with 2 machine guns
the one in the leather straightjacket
John jumps over Jaks sword, and when he hits the ground, he throws his sword like a boomberang at James
so do i have to change anything else ,huuuhn