"This has just started to get fun" said sebastion says as he take out a ring writes a note, to Caeres and Ashard, saying If you want to have some fun, come to the plaza. oh and bring some men if you want John then leaves
OOC: why don't you join the fight
No, me and sebastion aren't here to fight you, and yes, we are brothers john's voice emmited in Sakuras headHA, if your wondering how this is possible it's my ring night wolf advanced apppearing behind her again punching at her
Sebastion walked out of his room, walking over to the area where John now was, and nightwolf was Night wolf appeared beside John, dodging the swords "Hello brothers " nightwolf said "Hi" said john "Hi said sebastion as nightwolf threw knives at Sakura
OCC: I'm back in charge BIC: Sebastion entered his office, placing candles everywhere, lighting them. He laied in his bed inhaling and exhaling, the flames getting bigger and he inhaled, the flames getting smaller as he exhaled Nightwolf followed Sakura, advancing slowly, then charging while activing his ring. he appeared in front of her kicking at her John walked outside, quietly walking twards the nightwolfs position, seeing wat he was doing he ran towards him
I'll be gone for aa week se ya
"Your mission is to go to the KRG castle and place this in front of their third in commands office you will follow this map and report to me when you are done. and try not to get cought." Sebastion walked around the castle seeing klarinette, walking up to her, he said"I want you and your brother to guard my office today and tommorow,OK" he said
"Come in " john yelled
"Here is the package" sebastion said, handing John a packet "What is it" John replied. Sebastion stared at him "OK" john said pulling one of his many rings out of his pocket "That teleporting one is new" sebastion said looking at it "Bought it off one of the vendors" John replied activating it, carring him to his office in the rebelion base, putting it in his drawers of rings. He took out the package, and rooled it out on his desk "Time for infiltration" he said while writing a note "What officer" he said as he pulled out a scrool. He randomly put his finger on an officer's name "rexejon" he said as he took out a ringand said rexegon to it. It teleported a note to him, in his face It said Come to my office immedialy the second in command in the rebellion,John my room number is 2
your in lets get started John walked through the hallways of the KRG castle, opening to door to Sebastions room "Where were you"Sebastion said as he locked to door "Not getting seen" John said
your in 1 more to go
uru runs by, and and Yanichi runs after
i'm going to change it then Name:Maxamelious Race: (human, fallen angel, or angel (angel charecters can only be used if you have my permission. I will only let certain people use them))human Age: (fallen angels and angels have extended life lines obviously)25 Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/b...subasa.jpg?o=9 Personality: doesn't really like anyone, or anything, except, anything that has to do with chaos Natural born ability: (angels and fallen angels only)n/a Relic: (every soldier is given a relic towards the beginning if they have not inherited one within their family already. Remember, it could be a weapon, a piece of machinery, or even an animal)sword Relics ability elemental/let him control all elements History:killed his dad for the sword, and refused to join the army, he thinks he can take them alone Played byDeathKingApocalypse080808
ooc: you know how there are many force abilites, I made this one up, i hope that is ok bic: Max takes out his sword, turns it on and starts swinging it in random directions
"I came from the sky of corse, you want to try to fly?"
Max swooped down, yelling"Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" over ren" oh hi, i forget to put outside in the note, sorry" he said rubbing the back of his head
a note fell in front of ren it said if you want to know how i can take you there in a few munites, look up
"Want some help with that" Maxamelious said to him walking up to him "He went this way" as he started to walk in the direction he pointed
Name:Maxamelious Race: (human, fallen angel, or angel (angel charecters can only be used if you have my permission. I will only let certain people use them))human Age: (fallen angels and angels have extended life lines obviously)25 Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/b...subasa.jpg?o=9 Personality: doesn't really like anyone, or anything, except, anything that has to do with chaos Natural born ability: (angels and fallen angels only)n/a Relic: (every soldier is given a relic towards the beginning if they have not inherited one within their family already. Remember, it could be a weapon, a piece of machinery, or even an animal)sword Relics ability:ppretty much makes him a jedi, with a force like thing History:killed his dad for the sword, and refused to join the army, he thinks he can take them alone Played byDeathKingApocalypse080808 ok, i changed it
Name:Maxamelious Race: (human, fallen angel, or angel (angel charecters can only be used if you have my permission. I will only let certain people use them))human Age: (fallen angels and angels have extended life lines obviously)25 Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/blond anime boy/Orusuma/Star/thAAILY_Tsubasa.jpg?o=9 Personality: doesn't really like anyone, or anything, except, anything that has to do with chaos Natural born ability: (angels and fallen angels only)n/a Relic: (every soldier is given a relic towards the beginning if they have not inherited one within their family already. Remember, it could be a weapon, a piece of machinery, or even an animal)sword Relics ability:anything that he wants, but it eats his soul everything he uses, so it kills him over time History:killed his dad for the sword, and refused to join the army, he thinks he can take them alone Played by:DDeathKingApocalypse080808 hi:guns: