Here are my predictions. E3 2015 - Gameplay/Story Trailer. Perhaps the reveal of a release window. Most likely it would be 2016 as the Osaka studio is productive. Final Fantasy XV will probably be released by then as well. I'm expecting a Fall 2015 - Spring 2016 release. Once a game has a playable and running (Episode Duscae) version, it's typically close to completion. I think Tabata said it was 65% complete? TGS 2015 - Trailer reveals more about story. D23 2015 - Live Gameplay Demo with another trailer revealing the release date. Uses a majority of the same footage from E3 and TGS. E3 2016 - Gameplay Demo for the press to play. Another trailer revealing new gameplay and story details. Kingdom Hearts III releases November/December 2016. There's a wide window between D23 and E3. It seems too early for a release date to be revealed in November 2015 but too late at June for E3. What other events are between them? PAX is too western. Perhaps the Taipei Game Show or the PlayStation Experience?
Hello everyone, I can't believe this isn't being talked about yet on here! Disney was developing a game for Kingdom Hearts called Fragmented Keys. It was going to release on iOS and Android as a free-to-play game. A lot of concept art has been shared, and there are new worlds! Frozen, Wreck It Ralph, Tangled, Lilo and Stitch's Hawaii, and most shockingly, Star Wars were shown. Perhaps this is a sign of what worlds will be included in Kingdom Hearts III? What do you think? Link: This is what a developer said about the game.
It's from a cancelled game from Disney called Kingdom Hearts: Fragmented Keys for iOS and Android. There's a lot of concept art that has been given out which includes Frozen, Tangled, Wreck It Ralph, Lilo and Stitch's Hawaii and most incredibly, Star Wars! Link:
So that space exploration I was talking about... This concept art from the cancelled Kingdom Hearts game has moons and more focus on the art design for the worlds. I have never seen moons in a Kingdom Hearts game. I think space will be the most surprising part of Kingdom Hearts 3, due to it being on PS4 and Xbox One.
Perhaps they could even take the touch screen mini games out completely. I found them quite gimmicky anyway.
This feels like a last ditch effort from Harmonix. I think they cancelled a first person shooter music game and Amplitude was funded by KickStarter. I hope they do well because I really enjoy their games. Rock Band and Dance Central are really fun!
Honestly I don't think that matters. The game's most likely running on the same game engine as the other remastered games that have been remastered so I don't think that will be an issue.
Sad news today. Maxis' main HQ in Emeryville, the developers of The Sims and Sim City, has been closed, according to Guillaume Pierre, a designer of SimCity. Here's a press release: Today we are consolidating Maxis IP development to our studios in Redwood Shores, Salt Lake City, Helsinki and Melbourne locations as we close our Emeryville location. Maxis continues to support and develop new experiences for current Sims and SimCity players, while expanding our franchises to new platforms and developing new cross-platform IP. These changes do not impact our plans for The Sims. Players will continue to see rich new experiences in The Sims 4, with our first expansion pack coming soon along with a full slate of additional updates and content in the pipeline. All employees impacted by the changes today will be given opportunities to explore other positions within the Maxis studios and throughout EA. For those that are leaving the company, we are working to ensure the best possible transition with separation packages and career assistance. I wonder what the future of the Sims games is going to be like with EA shutting down Maxis' main studio. They're still developing Maxis games in Redwood Shores, Salt Lake City, Helsinki and Melbourne's Maxis locations.
I thought the voice of Genie in Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded was terrible. It was completely off.
What are the Top 5 Worlds You Want To See In Kingdom Hearts III? There are so many worlds to choose and I'd like to hear your picks! I've actually made a video about this. Please let me know what you think of the video and my choices!
With Final Fantasy Type-0 HD getting a Final Fantasy XV demo, I believe that there will be a Kingdom Hearts III demo included with the rumored Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance HD this year. It's been 3 years since Dream Drop Distance released so Kingdom Hearts III must be pretty far along. I do think that it would be difficult for Square Enix to sell Dream Drop Distance by itself. They need something else because the previous two collections had so much content. They also mentioned that there will be news this year for KH3 so I think we'll get a Kingdom Hearts III Demo/Prologue with Dream Drop Distance HD ReMiX in the Fall/Winter. If I had to guess a setting, I think we could explore the entirety of Destiny Islands. Perhaps it could get attacked by the darkness in a similar way to what happened in the The Land of Departure, and Sora and the gang have to protect it. It could also be focused on finding Aqua, due to Eraqus' keyblade appearing in Destiny Islands during the E3 2013 trailer. What do you think?
It's sad that this happened, but he lived quite long so I'm happy someone as talented as him was able to live until 86. For voice acting, I wouldn't be worried at all. There are many actors who can simulate voices like James Arnold Taylor who does the voice for Obi-Wan-Kenobi in Star Wars: Clone Wars, for example. Another actor I could bring up is Troy Baker, who brought out Mark Hamill's Joker really well in Batman Arkham Origins even though there is an age gap.
Yeah, Beyond Good and Evil. It's definitely in my top 3 games of all time. 1) Kingdom Hearts 2) Beyond Good and Evil 3) Dragon Quest VIII Perhaps we'll see Beyond Good and Evil 2 at E3.
I chose Ventus. It's understandable why Roxas is so frustrated about Sora but I agree with Knight of Fafnir.
Oh dear, Giant Ursula is one of your favorites!? I'm sorry! What are your favorite worlds?
There are rumors going around that Zelda will be a Netflix series, but I was thinking, what if Kingdom Hearts was a Netflix series or a general TV show? Also, would you want it live action or animated (CG, traditional)? Would it be canon or a completely different take? Maybe, we could see a few stories before the original Keyblade War? I know there was a concept within Disney for a Kingdom Hearts TV series but, I think it would be pretty cool on Netflix. Each episode could focus on a Disney world like the games. I actually remember reading a comic in a magazine called Big Time, which had Sora, Donald, and Goofy in a Sword in The Stone world. I'd like to see episodes on worlds that wouldn't work in a game format or are more obscure like The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Sky High, National Treasure, Dinosaur, Kim Possible, etc. What do you think?
Well, after the Re: Coded secret scene, I believe that she will have a big role in Kingdom Hearts III. However, if they bring the new Maleficent movie into it, we can't really call her "The Mistress of All Evil" anymore, can we? Disney has Maleficent as it's major villain in the series and Final Fantasy has Sephiroth. I know in Kingdom Hearts II, they took on the heartless instead of fighting Sora and the gang, but perhaps she knew something about Xehenort coming back if both his heartless and nobody were defeated?
Dragon Quest VIII is so awesome, man! I love the personality it has. My memory of it is a bit hazy though because I'm waiting for a HD remaster (probably won't happen) but I'll probably get to it in the future. My favorite boss battle, as I remember, is the first Dhoulmagus boss battle. That battle was one of very few times, I was jumping up and down off my seat when I finally beat him! Man, that was tough. For Kingdom Hearts, I would say the battle between Riku and Sora at Hollow Bastion (Radiant Gardens). There were a lot of bad ones in that game though like both of Ursula's boss battles, the Phantom and Kurt Zisa. It's still my favorite game in the series though! For Kingdom Hearts II, it's the Enigmatic Soldier. What a challenging and thrilling boss battle! You have to use all of your skills and wit against him! Axel's boss battle against Roxas was cool too. It was really cinematic, and I hope they bring more battles like that in Kingdom Hearts III to a crazy hype scale!
I have been a Kingdom Hearts fan since I was 10, and I still love the series. I found the website through the podcast (which you should put on Stitcher by the way), and this seems like a friendly community so I joined. Plus, I'm talking about Kingdom Hearts so much that I think I'm starting to annoy my friends! I'd like to get on the podcast at some point too! My favorite games are: Kingdom Hearts (of course), Uncharted, Dragon Quest VIII, Persona, The Last of Us, inFAMOUS, Beyond Good and Evil, and Dragon Age: Inquisition to name a few.