As Ryan's vision began to black out, he saw an older man with short black hair by his side. His tired eyes looked into Ryan's terrified pupils. He must be the person who was trying to protect him. "Hey, stay with me kid! You're going to be okay. Everything is going to be alright. Do you hear me? You're going to be fine. Stay with me!" He then heard a boy in the background. "Uncle Errol!" Their voices began to fade into the distance. He was losing concentration, and the aqua blue sky was the only thing he could focus on. Everything looked blurred. He was trying to stay up, trying to listen to them. He was breathing heavily as his chest felt like it was about to burst. "Hey, Ryan, I need you to breath out and hold your breath for just a moment." How did he know my name? He did as asked but coughed shortly after Jex was done. "We're going to put something over the wound to help you breathe- He's losing conscious!" "Thanks Jex..." Ryan breathed before finally blacking out. Ryan fell deep into a dream. "Ryan, stay with us! Just focus on the happy stuff. Focus... Come on, you can't give up, not now" The voice sounded open and compassionate but shivered at the same time. He sounded scared. He opened his eyes in this dream world, filled with light. Once the light from the Sun cleared from his eyesight, he noticed he was lying on a small beach, looking out into the endless ocean ahead of him. Ryan stood up and looked at the sunlight shimmered on the water, and heard the sound of crickets rippled through the air along with the relaxing sound of crashing water on a rockface. Seeing the palm tree on the right side of the beach was a palm tree, which he used to run around over and over again with his brother. Suddenly a flash of his brother and himself appeared before him in a shadowed figure. Suddenly his chest pulsated violently, and Ryan had to gasp a deep breath. His vision began to black out, and instead of a sunny beach, he was in darkness. A ghostly figure of Jex appeared before him within the shimmering sunlight. He had long black hair, purple eyes and a sports jacket. Jex didn't look that much older. Possibly one or two years older than him. "Focus..." "Happy... thoughts... Sunshine... Bicycle rides... Ocean waves..." Ryan stepped up and walked over to the water, next to Jex. His voice sounded so calm, so sincere, so caring. He comforted him like a long lost friend, but then he realized that his voice spaced out in between words. With each word, his voice became lower in power. He sounded faint. Was he struggling with something? No one truly cared about him to that degree except for his family before. "Why am I like this. Jex? Can you tell me? What is going on? Don't say anything if you can't." Ryan asked softly, out of breath. He didn't know if he would respond, but it was worth trying. Ryan watched the waves make their way to the sand. "I've missed this place" Ryan spoke to himself, knowing that Jex would most likely not respond back. It's probably not a two-way communication. Tears were running down his cheek. What was going to happen to him? Screams and shouts from a crowd echoed from the water, and his chest felt like it was trying to rip apart from his flesh. The boy's ghost was fading. "No...are you okay!?" he exclaimed while breaking his voice and looking up at the boy. A sharp pain pierced through his chest and Ryan fell on the sand, gritting his teeth and flinching his eyes.
The boy listened in on the conversation. Was someone trying to divert them from him? He stopped crying, and tried to focus on what they were saying. The two men scoffed at the old man's comments. "You hear that, Bruiser? Looks like this guy's enjoyed enough drinks himself. Trying to be a jedi!?" Both of the men laughed. Their emotions of hate towards this boy and people like him were too great to be fooled. They indeed looked all night for the psychic menace after all. The one man on the left of Errol, was slender, had shaggy brown hair, and bright yellow teeth. "You know what we do to psychics? Because no one else gives these psychic punks what they deserve, we kick, pummel, and when they are screaming for mercy, we end them." The right man readied his knuckles, cracking them, and giving Errol a menacing look. The man was bold, and had muscles leaking out of his arms like snakes entangling around its prey. He was as also as hard as a brick. There was a scar on the right side of his forehead, which seemed to be from a powerful fire. It was from a previous encounter with a telepath. The slender man on the left was the one doing the talking. "You see, there's no place for people like you. You are a danger to our families, our homes, you cause pain." he said while pointing out Bruiser's scar. "You're a menace and you have to be eliminated, and if the authorities won't do it, we will." The boy's heart sank. He had to do something. He usually would cower at a time like this, but someone was defending him when he needed it most. He remembered earlier of a time at high school. By accident, he was able to knock someone 100 meters across the hallway. If was able to land a punch on Bruiser, maybe he could stop them from attacking the man who was trying to protect him. Bruiser was the closest to him, and he could see his ripped arms from the slither of the trash dispenser. He took a deep breath amongst the heavy pounding of his heart, which already took most of the air out of him. Out of adrenaline, the boy jumped out of the trash dispenser, and when Bruiser noticed him, he shouted in anger, but could not react to what was about to happen. The boy's hand illuminated in a purple haze as he struck him in the cheekbone. To both of the mens' surprise, Bruiser was sent flying towards the brick wall to the left of them. Bruiser hit the wall head first and fell unconscious, leaving an impact on the wall like a cracked mirror. "YOU KILLED HIM!" Angry about his friend, the slender man immediately pulled out his gun, aimed for the boy's chest and shot. While the boy was still shocked at what he was able to do, he did not notice that the man fired towards him before it was too late. The cry of the gunshot screeched across the streets of the city, and ripped through the boy's chest. In the man's frustration, he barely missed the boy's heart and instead fractured his ribcage with the bullet. The boy screeched in pain, clutching his chest. He screamed. To avoid getting caught, the man began to run away from the scene. He muttered under his breath as he ran, "it was the right thing to do. I need to protect my daughter." Tears flooded his face over what he believed was the death of his friend, which at this time is unclear. How... Why... Mom... Dad... John... I'm sorry... The boy's energy waned, and the purple haze on his hand evaporated in the air. His body became ice cold among the hot Summer weather. He began to fade as he closed his eyes. He was dying with the blood loss he was enduring. He only has so much time.
A boy in a insipid alleyway laid asleep on a grey trashcan like a lifeless body, lacking in energy and almost still. His clothes were dirty with grime, scars were marked across his hand from falling over and over again in the dark alleyways of the city, and sweat was pouring down his face. An ear-splitting sound of police sirens wailing sharply woke the boy. His eyes were welcomed to an environment he was never accustomed to from his cherished life. The graffiti in blood red on the walls with a gang's name, Rage. It looked ominous, and spooked the boy a little. He then saw on the ground ahead of him a chasm of syringes and cigarette buds on the floor. Immediately afterwards, the stench of rotten Chinese food, and ganga filled his nose, and he immediately wanted to throw up. Was this really the life of someone who was impoverished? Then...he heard two men shouting at each other. "How could you let that brat get away!?" The boy immediately jumped into the large trash dispenser to hide, not caring how revolting it would be. He needed to avoid them at all costs. His heart was pounding, racing, beating his chest. "The next time I see him, he's dead. You hear me? Dead!" It seems that the two men have been looking for him throughout the night. They must be exterminators of a sort. "There is no place for scum like him. I hope his family gets what they deserve, bringing up a child like that..." The boy gasped, eyes open, in terror. Thoughts rushed to his mind. Why? Please no... Where are they? What is going on!? Are they hurt? Are they dead? God me... Why is this happening to me? In the corner of his eye, he saw the men's black coats brush across the trashcan's slit. He held his breath, thinking all these thoughts over and over again. He did not have long. Tears began to flow down his ice cold face. I don't want to die... Please...
Sure, I'll give you a private message! Thanks for the summary. I'll jump on soon with an intro.
OK, great! I can't wait to get started!
OK, I've fixed it. Does it make sense now?
Haha thanks!
Awesome! I need that summary though. I thought of a beginning for the character. Perhaps someone at the Academy can trace him? Code Name: Fish Full Name: Ryan Colfree Student I.D.: Date of Birth: June 16th. 15 Telepathist/Telekinetic?: Telekinetic Personality: Ryan is cheerful most of the time. He is grateful for what he has, and tries to look at the positive to the point of annoying others. However, he has trouble with the idea of harming someone and backs out very often from uncomfortable situations. He also has trouble talking to girls he likes as this is also uncomfortable for him. He pictures himself as someone who can be more confident, but fails to push for what he truly desires. History: Ryan was a normal kid before yesterday. He went to high school and stayed quiet. He had an ordinary life. Perfect parents who loved him, a brother who looked out for him, and family who kept him happy. Things have been strange over the last few months though. For example, one day, he thudded his fist on a school table after losing balance due to concentrating on a question he was studying, and after the impact, the table had a huge dent with the print of his hand. The class was shocked. Later, he accidentally smacked someone in the face after stretching his arms, which caused the person to be launched 100m through the hallway. Then his whole life fell upside down. As soon as he stared at the flame on his birthday cake yesterday. As he wished for a girlfriend before the end of the year went, the flame suddenly made a wave around the table, burning his family's faces. They screamed, and his brother, the person who looked out for him his whole life fell to the floor with his hand on his face. He was scarred. Ryan ran away, freaked out, not knowing what to do. He kept running until men stopped him. They heard the commotion, and began to ask if he had any powers. He saw one of them clutching something in his pocket. WAS IT A GUN!? Sensing he was in danger, he began to run again, panicking, wondering if they hurt his family, scared, lost, alone. The problem is, he didn't know how to get back. He must have run for hours. Hiding by the alleyway trash can, Ryan waited for the sunrise to come, still freaked out about what he did. How could this happen? He eventually fell asleep, knowing that the men who were after him were probably long gone. Level of Abilities: He is level 2. He only knew about his powers yesterday. Abilities: Basic: Telekinetic Grip, Psionic Strength (Will learn them as story progresses) Advance: Elemental Manipulation (Fire) (This he will also learn how to use it as the story progresses) Strengths: He tries to look at the positives of everything. He is smart. Weaknesses: When under pressure, he loses composure and starts to panic. He also worries too much about people. He can be persuaded easily as he always looks in the good of people. He's terrible at cooking. Suffers with OCD; he has to do things multiple times. His OCD gets worse whenever he's stressed, and in the beginning, he'll be at his worst. Role in the Academy: Student Hobbies: He likes to run, swim, and plays soccer and video games. He also loves to go camping. Side: Good
Is it too late to join?
~ The Undermystic Wars ~ In our world, there is a secret war, the mystic wars. Ever since the creation of magic, there have been two factions fighting each other on and off. There have been armistices, but a new war has just begun and one ordinary boy unknowing of this entire fight is about to be brought into it. The barrier placed during the Witch Hunt era is fading between the humans and the mystics. Those who have the chance of having the gift are able to see mythical creatures and people. This is only a small proportion of humanity, only about 100. None of these people have been chosen by the mystics for training, however, in fear of being exposed. Whenever one of these 100 people speak of what they've seen, they're called insane. Most, however, keep it to themselves as nobody would believe them. They just ran away from the situation and never saw any mythical creatures ever again. However, one boy is found by the mythes, and with an unexpected grand display of his powers towards one of the mythe trainees, he is the first of the 100 to join the mythic world. Will he be greeted with delight or will he be hated in the world? The Mythes, in hope that the boy can change the direction of the war between them and the Rula, appoint him to a school The students within the school can also volunteer to fight in the war under the leadership of a professor within the school. This is their form of job shadowing. The two factions: The Rula: The Rula are against the natural order of the world, and are tired to be stuck in such a confined life as mythics. As part of natural order, they cannot speak to or be seen by those living in the mortal world. Most want to rule over them, but some just want to find another life to live among the mortals and leave the mystic underworld and war behind. They are close to finding a way to break the barrier and spells that were placed long ago, but want to rule over both factions to garner more progress and land. The Mythe: The Mythe are for the natural balance of the world, and want to keep hysteria away from the mortal world. The mortal miltaries as well scare them, and they want to avoid war with the humans. They may fear them, and want to avoid contact as much as possible. The 100 people who see them scare the Mythes too, but perhaps the boy can be a hope for their struggling position against the Rula. They have never seen anyone from the mortal world harness magic, especially in such a spontaneous way. I will be writing as the Mythe's chosen mortal. Sign Ups: Name: Race: (Any mythical creature that can stand) Age: Faction: Appearance: History: Likes/Dislikes: Magic Speciality (Fire, Water, Earth, you can be creative): Rules: No godmodding Try to be grammatically correct No text speak unless appropriate with the story (y, lol) No powerplaying unless permitted by private message Posts have to be at least 5 sentences long. PG-13 Violence and Romance With romance, any sexuality is allowed. Roles Needed: Fellow students (15-18) Evil villain (but that will be towards the end) Villains for our characters to fight against throughout the plot School principal Feel free to add whoever you think fits.
Sora isn't owned by Disney.
Pssh, seriously guys!? You're on a Kingdom Hearts fansite and you don't vote for Sora....
Hey guys, Nintendo is allowing fans to vote for which character they'd like to see as DLC. HMK has begun a Twitter campaign. Vote, and then tweet #sora4smash with a link to the page.
They did say though that they wanted to have all the games on one console. I'm not sure if they indicated PS3 in particular. I think they'll release the complete collection of Kingdom Hearts for the PS4 so the people who only owned an Xbox and an Xbox 360 before getting a PS4 can catch up. Plus, I think they can crank up the graphics a little more on PS4.
I've only watched the first episode of Attack on Titan, but the live action movie is looking pretty awesome.
I'm not too sure about Type-0 HD after playing it for an hour. The camera blurs whenever you move the right stick, the story is convoluted (even in the beginning), and there are way too many characters to keep track of. I'm also not a big fan of military type stories. Does it get better?
Someone who knows of Slagar the cruel.
I think the cars being ghosts is really dumb. Plus, Adam Sandler and Kevin James are rarely funny. I hope this is good, but I doubt it.
I find his voice a bit sharp at times, but he's really good in general.
Has a strange avatar.