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  1. lockedongamer
    Ryan grinned when Jex controlled the blinds. That is so convenient! He thought about having lazy days, just playing video games on the bed.
    "School... maybe you can go back... But with one of the guys still out there that wanted to kill you... It's probably not a good idea right now."
    Ryan's grin turned into a frown.
    He's right. I can't put everyone in danger. I might not be able to go back there.
    He had to have a completely new life. No more normality, and no more safety anymore except for Jex, Errol, and whoever else was in this place.
    "You can probably go back to school eventually... I did."
    Ryan wasn't too sure. Would more people know about his case as opposed to Jex's. They did cause quite a lot of commotion today.

    Jex then picked him up the same way he placed him in the taxi. His heart jumped a beat still even if it was the third time, and he just stared at his violet eyes while he placed him down. He normalized around Jex, but the fact they were by themselves in a room as opposed to an open outside space made him a little nervous.
    "Ready to get loopy?"
    Ryan chuckled a little. "I guess. I hope they don't knock me out though."
    He looked straight up at Jex's eyes and gave a sincere stare towards him.
    "Thank you for everything today. If you and Errol weren't there, I wouldn't be here right now," he said, clutching on to the white bed covers, wanting to distract his mind away from the idea of dying. "You were there for me throughout the whole day." He repeated "Thank you" wanting to make sure he really was appreciative.
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. lockedongamer
    Ryan watched as Jex gave him a tour. Everything looked so elaborate, and clean. Errol must be well-off, but how could he with these powers? Weren't they secluded from the world? The elevator had a modern steel look to it, and the sign saying "Boy's Dorms" with fancy writing in particular impressed him. Everything looked so ornate. The security in the dorms kind of made him nervous though. Why was there so much security in the mansion? Are they expecting attackers?
    Jex broke his chain of thought when he pointed at his door. It was black and gothic. To be honest, Ryan didn't expect him to be into that. He always assumed whoever was like that was disturbed in a way. That was his family talking. Always perfect, but always accusing others of not being like them or being different. He was starting to unravel the nature of the perfect suburbia lifestyle he lived throughout his life.
    I wonder what they'd think of me now. Being gay. They'd probably hate my guts. They'll just have to accept it.
    He learned that he doesn't matter what people appear to be, and he didn't care whether or not Jex is a goth. He is a caring person and looked after him. It was time to erode those old ways of thinking. He felt glad that this happened for an instant before realizing the other horrible things that occurred during the day.
    "You'll get to know everyone else as time goes on."
    "I look forward to it!"
    After using his card, Jex pushed Ryan into his new room. He wished he could get up from the seat and look around. The room had ocean blue paint, a bedside table, and a soft bed awaiting him. He was smiling as he noticed the window. As he was at a lower height than standing, he couldn't see the entire view, but he was able to see the tops of the mountains in the distance. That was his favorite part about Nevada's scenery.
    "I really like it!"
    And then he realized...
    He had no clothes. All he had were the clothes given to him after the incident: a pair of jeans, and a plain red shirt.

    "I just realized I have no clothes with me! They're all left at my house! I can't go back there though. This is all I have," he said pinching his shirt to show that that is all he had. He also left all his video games, and his uniforms back at home. What about school? Would he be going back there?
    "How about school or my soccer team? Will I be able to get back?"
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. lockedongamer
    When Jex nudged him, his chest was aggravated again. Jex flinched his teeth a little.
    "You have a tendency to do that," he joked as his left hand left Jex's and clutched his chest in an effort to contain the pain. "So...we don't know anything about how this started happening. Hmm..."

    When they arrived at the mansion, Jex placed him inside the wheelchair and led him into the foyer. The mansion was large.
    "Wow. It's big," said Ryan. Jex asked what kind of room he'd like to stay in.
    "I don't mind being by myself. I think it would be better so I could rest properly. I'd love a soft bed though and I like it with light. I'm one of those people who open the curtains to see the beautiful sunrises," Ryan answered.
    Ryan looked up at the picturesque lights and architecture in the mansion.
    "I'd also like room service, and a five course dinner every day!" Ryan exclaimed jokingly. "Where is my foot rub and my servant, Charles!?" he spoke in a posh accent.
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. lockedongamer
    Code Name: Tyrant
    Full Name: Tyson Romas
    Date of Birth: 10/11 and 29
    Photo I.D.:
    History: Tyson has lost a lot. His home, his wife, his son, and his parents. On one day, one telepathic crazy decided to burn down an apartment building and take himself with it. According to reports Tyson was able to receive, this person decided to take down as many as people with him after being isolated from his powers. He had enough of hearing all of these horrid peoples' thoughts surrounding him in the busy apartment building. According to a letter he wrote, "he had enough of the voices."
    Tyson had a lot of military training as well, and was decorated with many awards. He's seen war, can handle a gun proficiently to the point of being agent worthy, and has over 1000 kills. He, at first was not proud of that number, but he is beginning to see flashes of the people he has killed. What if those people had daughters and sons to look after? Now, he's declared as served his country, and now takes the fight to these telepathic freaks. They killed his family and his best friend from the army, Bruiser, and all he has is his daughter. He wants to save her from being hurt, and he will take every single telepathic down mercilessly. That kid just got lucky. He joined the Raven Sun after the incident shortly afterwards.
    Member Title: Assassin
    Time in Raven Sun: 1 Year
    Weapon(s): Knife, AK47 Assault Rifle, and a shotgun.
    Special Gadgets: Bulletproof vest
    Strengths/Abilities: He is proficient in martial arts and armed combat.
    Weaknesses: Can be tempered easily, cannot be stirred from a fight; if he is faced with a telepathic, he will not rest until finding them and killing them. He is always haunted by the burning apartment complex.
    Hobbies: Looks after his daughter, watches a movie to keep his mind off what happened.
    Side: Bad, he fights for human kind in the wrong way.
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. lockedongamer
    I really appreciate the work you put into it, but I sadly can't use it. The text and the logos of Kingdom Hearts can't be used. I get really nervous about copyright so I can't use it.

    When I mentioned a Kingdom Hearts look, I kinda meant for a sci-fi/fantasy text font. Something that screams going on a adventure. I know that sounds weird, and I'm really sorry!
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 13, 2015 in forum: Art Shop
  6. lockedongamer
    Ryan noticed he was out of it, as he took breaks in between his sentences. He noticed those kind of things, and he didn't need telepathy to understand that. He looked down at his hand, which was resting on the worn out leather. He was playing with a ring.
    Is he fidgeting just like me?
    Ryan laid his hand on Jex's, and looked up with a gleaming smile and perked teary eyes.
    "I trust you. You haven't manipulated the way I think at all."

    So Jex has an uncle and a cousin involved with this, but he was still confused how this happened.
    "Do these powers run through the family? What makes someone telekinetic or telegraphist?" he asked, still holding his hand. Ryan wanted Jex to know he supported him as much as he did. "Why don't more people know about us?"
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. lockedongamer
    Ryan was looking down until he saw a tissue come into his view. He took it from Jex’s hand, and looked over to him with a slight smile.

    “We’re here for you”

    His voice came into his mind, and it made him jump a little. On a usual day, this would make him freak out, but now after experiencing everything that happened, little would probably shock him. After looking a little shocked and holding his head for a while, he let down his hands, and smiled again.


    He looked out of the window, seeing a multitude of cars passing by. Ryan watched the dry desert and mountainous landscape of Nevada, and thought about how the life he was going to have. He wiped a tear with the soft tissue.

    “I might be far from my family, but I was bored before. There was nothing much to do. This might be exciting.”

    He looked at his hand and clenched it.

    “The powers are pretty cool,” he spoke trying to keep a positive outlook. He looked over to Jex, and grinned. “Am I right? Being able to punch a guy faraway is pretty badass!” He then remembered the man’s reaction and sighed. His voice echoed through Ryan's mind.


    “I killed that man though, but he was trying to get us right?” he said, staring at his fist and then his chest, seeing what they did to him. “They threatened to kill me, and I was trying to protect Errol when I heard his plan didn’t work,” he said to himself, trying to reconcile what he did.
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. lockedongamer
    By this time, we would have heard about a HD remaster of Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, but they're probably waiting for E3.

    My guess for the late announcement is that they're trying to ready Kingdom Hearts III gameplay to show for E3 so they can announce that there is a demo that comes with Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance HD.

    When do you think we'll hear more about Kingdom Hearts' future and what do you think we'll be told?
    Thread by: lockedongamer, Apr 13, 2015, 4 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. lockedongamer
    Ryan watched as Jex held his hips and stated, "I'm fine, don't worry about me! I'm a strong, capable, handsome, young guy!"
    Once again Ryan's face blushed into scarlet from the cool pink cheeks he had from the wind in the air before. He couldn't believe what he just heard and how out of the way he was acting to impress him. He was gobsmacked. His heart was racing. His forehead was sweating. Warmth and jitters spread over his body from his feet to his head. These emotions running through him continued to grow as Jex began to hold him.
    "Sorry, this is going to be a little awkward, bare with me."
    Ryan simply nodded. He literally took his breath away and couldn't find the words to speak.
    Is he...really?
    Ryan just stayed silent as Jex put his hand on the back, and laid his arms under the knees. As he was placed inside the car, Ryan and Jex were close enough to kiss.
    "There you go. See? I told you I was strong."
    Ryan did nothing in response and just stared at Jex's purple eyes. He saw the flicker of emotion within them as he found out how close they were. It felt like steam was rising from his face right now. He was stunned as he saw Jex blush too as they just stared at each other for at least 10 seconds before he placed the seat belt over him carefully.
    He does feel the same.
    "I'm... going to go sit by you in the back. Uncle Errol's going to be up front."

    Jex winked at him as he turned away and closed the door. Ryan had a big smile on his face as Jex turned away. He diminished it down to a neutral look as soon as Jex turned back.
    We just met. This is too fast.
    At that moment, he didn't care about anything else. His chest, the thought of almost dying, everything. He looked at the front mirror to see if Jex was in view, and then looked down again as soon he thought Jex or Errol caught him. In the corner of his eye, he saw Jex tapping his fingers nervously.
    After a long silence, Jex finally spoke up.
    "So... I guess when we get there, we'll give you your pain meds and find you some clothes, get you set up in a room and then get you something to eat.."
    Ryan smiled. "Thank you for looking out for me," he said
    Suddenly a phone buzzed and rang in his right pocket. He reached for it and looked at the name. It was his mom. He immediately answered it.

    "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!? We're worried sick about you!"
    Ryan frowned.
    "I'm fine, Mom. Are you okay!? Did they take you!?"
    "Who took us? No one did. We're at home waiting for you to come back!"
    Ryan gave a sigh of relief.
    "I'm so sorry!" Ryan exclaimed with tears running down his face. "I didn't mean to hurt you!"
    "We're all fine, dear. We understand. Just tell us where you are!"
    That man must have been lying so he could scare me.
    "I'm with friends. They'll care for me. It's not safe for me to be with you right now. Leave the city if you can."
    "But son..."
    His family were unwilling to let him go. They looked after him so much.
    "I will see you again, but right now I need to learn how to control this. I can't be around you. I'm 15. I can look after myself. I love you. Goodbye..."
    Ryan turned off the phone and just looked down at his feet. He missed them already.
    In one day, he's been through a lot. He's received powers, been shot, almost killed, found out he was gay, had a crush that most likely reciprocates how he feels, and then split with his family. A rollercoaster of emotions were flowing through him right now. He was happy about Jex, but at the same time, he had to be split from his family.
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. lockedongamer
    Damn, he heard that.
    He saw in the corner of his eye, a flush and a grin coming from Jex's face.
    Maybe, it's a good thing he did.
    "Aw, you're so nice!" he said with a chuckle. Ryan, in his own mind, breathed a sigh of relief. It's still embarrassing though.
    "Yeah, uh..." Ryan responded, not knowing what to say, still red hot in the face. He wished he wasn't such a romantic. He hoped he would flirt back if he did indeed answer, but he was still nice about it. It still felt strange that he was talking to a guy this way, but there was something about him.
    He's kind, charming, and funny. He's way out of my league...
    Jex probably knew now about his crush on him, but began to lose faith that was reciprocated.
    "Soccer, running, video games, and swimming eh? You have a healthy balance of activities there. I'm a lazy bum myself."
    Ryan grinned. "I try, but I'm the one in the wheelchair right now," he joked.
    In front of them were a maze of cars parked in front of the hospital, all lined up. The sky was just like earlier, aqua blue, and on the other side of the parkway and a road beside it, was a park. The trees shifted to and fro with the wind, and birds were chirping from within. A bright yellow cab was waiting for them at the front of the parking lot.
    "Need help getting in? Take it slow. Or do you want me to transfer you in? Lift you up and place you in I mean without you standing up... That might be better. Is it alright if I do that?"
    Ryan at first tried to get off of the seat, but as soon as he lifted an inch from it, his chest inflamed with pain. He never had someone holding him except for when he was a baby. Ryan thought about how Jex was feeling earlier. He must be dizzy still.
    "Are you sure you can lift me? Have you recovered? I don't want you to fall," he asked, looking at the opened door.
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. lockedongamer
  12. lockedongamer
    Ryan began to drink the juice and noticed that Jex was looking into his eyes.
    The sweet taste of orange filled his dry mouth, and he sucked the juice as fast as he could from the straw. He was really thirsty and the juice was able to fit the job for now. After a few seconds, Jex walked behind him and pushed the wheelchair along. Newborn babies were crying from the room to the left, but at the same time, a woman of blonde hair and around 30 years of age was anxiously sitting on a chair, rocking back and forth.
    "Okay, we're going to head out now. If anyone freaks out when they see you, I'll be here to protect you... Alright? I'm not going to let you get shot again. If Uncle Errol's Mind Manipulation worked, everyone should leave us alone..."
    Ryan nodded, but hoped that the man who shot him would not appear again. He should be safe. They seemed to know what they were doing, and he trusted Jex completely from how sincere he was towards him throughout this whole day. His back tingled when he said he was there to protect him. No one ever said that to him before.
    "I'm glad you're here, Jex," he spoke. "You're like my knight in-"
    Ryan widened his eyes. He usually got too romantic when he was around girls before (which made them turn away), but did he just say that? He tried to cover it up quickly with a response of Jex's previous question. He hoped he didn't hear that.
    "Um, I like to play soccer, and run, and play video games, and swim." he rushed.
    He could take it as a joke. Please take it as a joke...
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. lockedongamer
    Haha that sounds awesome! Thanks so much for relieving my inability for web design! I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 12, 2015 in forum: Art Shop
  14. lockedongamer
  15. lockedongamer
    Ryan was glad he laughed. That would have been terrible otherwise. He then watched him as he put on a crumpled up traffic cone and put it on top of his head.
    "What is he doing?" he thought with a smirk.
    He made a serious face, which made Ryan chuckle a little.
    "You're a hazard, Harry!" he spoke in a gruff voice. Ryan laughed really loud, but suddenly stopped as his chest had so much pressure being put on it from the laughing. He shuddered back into his seat, still feeling the knife like pain in his chest. He tried to hide it the best he could so Jex wouldn't feel bad.
    "A Harry Potter fan, eh? Looks like we'll get along just fine. I like to read... Draw... Sketch... I'm not that interesting of a person"
    Ryan smiled back. "I'm sure you're more interesting than you say. You're han-"
    Handsome atleast...
    He stopped himself from admitting how he felt about Jex. It was too soon to say something like that, and it was a terrible joke anyway.
    Suddenly Jex was walking up to him, making his heartbeat increase again.
    "How is the pain? Are you going to hold up alright?"
    Jex's hand touched his forehead, and Ryan's slightly cooled down face became scarlet and hot once again.
    "Uh..uh...yeah...I'm fine..." he was able to muster.
    "Nobody would care about me this much. He might feel the same way. He just might." he thought staring at his purple eyes once more, entranced by the natural color of it and the look of concern for him.
    Jex then took away the blanket, and then they later moved to a hospital night stand. It had a juice box there. He just realized among all this chaos and Jex, that he was thirsty. He asked if he'd like it.

    "Yeah, I'd like it. Thanks!"
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. lockedongamer
    Ryan's blush turned into a furious red as Jex caught him. He had never felt so embarrassed or so attracted to someone throughout his whole life.

    "Take it easy," Jex said with a smile.

    Ryan didn't really know what to say or do so he just stayed silent for a little bit, heart beat racing as fast as a metal rock band drum beat. Jex asked him if he was okay. Ryan still had a really red face and he felt incredibly warm all of the sudden. He just began to accept that maybe this was natural. And then Jex came down to him at face height, and his breath was suddenly taken away again. He looked at his deep purple eyes, the compassionate expression on his face, and his messy black hair. Ryan's furious red face somehow became even redder and hotter.

    "I'm good, thanks..." he uttered as he was seated on the wheelchair. The problem now was that he couldn't see his face, and every time he tried to turn to see him, it would either be too obvious of how he felt about him or his chest would be in pain once more. After a few attempts, he decided to just sit there.

    Jex got a blanket for him, and he smiled.
    "Thank you," Ryan said before tapping his fingers three times over and over again in a rhythmic beat. In stressful situations, he usually counted up to 3 or 5 with a particular action like a knock on a table or like in this case, tapping his fingers on a pillow. The pillow made him even warmer though, and he felt like a heat generator. Beads of sweat began to emerge but he kept the pillow on because Jex got it for him. He didn't want to be rude and look bad in front of him.

    To Ryan's dismay, Errol asked "Jex, can you handle this on your own while I check our friend out and fetch a cab?"

    Oh no, don't do that. Come back!

    The two were left alone. A few seconds seemed like a minute to him as the silence tensed him. He then remembered how he responded; "Um, sure." He tended to over analyze what people said too.

    Does he feel the same way? He said um.

    He needed to say something to break the silence., anything to fill the void and then Jex spoke instead.

    "We're going to take you to our place. You'll be safer there." Jex said, , his voice still sounding kind hearted and relaxed. His voice in particular made his heart skip a beat once more, and then he thought of a joke.

    "We're going to the school of witchcraft and wizardry? I'm a wizard?" he exclaimed, speaking louder than usual. He laughed in an awkward way, and then spoke again.

    "So...what do you like to do in your spare time, Jex?" he asked, wanting to know more about him.
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. lockedongamer
    Hello everyone!

    I started a YouTube channel a few months ago, but I still have no channel designs at all. It's really bare and it needs to be filled with something. The problem is that I am not a designer at the slightest. I can't provide you with anything in return, but if you're looking for a project, please help me! I will credit you in opening or ending titles though!

    The banner design I'm thinking of having for my YouTube channel is this:

    No copyrighted images, text or music.
    A Kingdom Hearts like design as I am mainly a Kingdom Hearts YouTuber.
    A black background with white motion blurred stars or arrows.
    A logo with a target reticle instead of the second O in LockedOnGamer.

    It would be great to have an avatar to use for the YouTube channel picture as well as other social networks including KH-Vids.

    It would be awesome as well if you could create a title template for the games I'm covering in the channel. As part of copyright law in Canada, I have to include the name and company of the game whenever I show gameplay or trailers.

    If you want to try extra hard, you can also have a beginning and ending title sequence. That would be rad!

    Thanks to whoever wants to take this task!
    Thread by: lockedongamer, Apr 12, 2015, 5 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  18. lockedongamer
    Ryan simply nodded to what Errol was saying. Whenever he saw blood on a cut or a rash, he felt a little squeamish so seeing his chest in such a bloody state must not have been a pleasant experience. However, when Errol popped the joints of his knuckles and had a serious look in his eyes, the 15-year-old had a chill down his spine.
    "No one knows about what happened to you before you were shot, I made sure of that"
    He had a bad feeling about what he said. He must not have done something horrible. He saved him after all. He should be thankful, not accusing. Sidetracked by this thought, Ryan barely heard Errol asking him if he could sit up. Ryan did so after his chest screeched in pain. Ryan looked over at him with solemn eyes.
    "What...did you do?" he asked in a quiet somewhat shaky tone.

    However, this question was interrupted when Jex woke up. Ryan's heart shot up.
    Confusing. Why is that?
    "Hey Ryan, good to see you awake. Sorry for disappearing on you earlier."

    Ryan smiled. "No, that's fine. Thanks for being there for me when I needed you most. Thank you."
    That sounded gay. No, I can't be like that. What am I doing?
    Ryan always over analyzed after what he just said, and looked down in embarrassment. He stared at the blank white tiled floor below, and then he saw a hand covering his view.
    "Ready to go? I can help you if you need it."
    Ryan felt his cheeks getting warm.
    What, no? Don't do that. This is so embarrassing.
    He dreamily imagined his long black hair and that smile in his mind as he said that.
    NO! STOP! This isn't right...
    Ryan looked up at his face, lacking in breath from how nervous he was around Jex.
    Why is this happening?
    He was so confused. He, at first, had a blank look on his face scanning Jex's expression and then looked over at his hand, wanting to hold it.
    No, no...but it would be nice...what am I saying!?
    Ryan hated himself as his cheeks were getting redder. This was so embarrassing. He had to think of an answer though, and decided quickly before it got too awkward.
    "No, I'll be fine," Ryan said in a quiver. He was desperately trying to avoid anything strange between them. The unfortunate thing is that he didn't know that they were able to read thoughts.
    Ryan rose up from his seat, but then his chest gave an excruciating cry of pain, causing him to fall towards Jex.
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. lockedongamer

    This is the first anime I've watched since I was a kid watching Dragonball Z, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon and Digimon, haha.
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 12, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  20. lockedongamer
    Ryan smiled as Errol appeared and told him that Jex was alright.

    “So this is where you go. Hm, not a bad place..."

    Ryan nodded, looking up at Errol who stood over his small 5’2 height. He was always teased about that. Nothing that mean spirited, but teasing nonetheless.

    “Yeah, my famil-“

    Ryan stopped his sentence, and looked down at the sand, feeling a sense of nothing.

    “Hello, my name is Errol Ingrao... I'm the headmaster at the Preparatory Academy. It's a school of sorts for people like you. People with unusual gifts and abilities. Do you remember what happened, Ryan?”

    If he wasn’t in such disarray over his family, Ryan would be geeking out as he was a huge Harry Potter fan. He did not have as much of a positive outlook as he usually would.

    “My family are in trouble for who I am. I burned them with my hands. They began to scream, and I freaked out. I thought they could never see me as me anymore. I’m probably a monster in their eyes. Then those two guys showed up, and threatened my family. They said they have them. I think they’re a gang. I then…” he said panting and stopped at the thought of the man he punched.

    “I punched that man when you came,” Ryan stated which slurred towards the end. He just realized what he did. The man next to Bruiser was so upset, so angry.


    The man’s horrible shout echoed throughout the beach.

    “I was trying to distract those men that were after you, but that plan backfired. One of the men pulled a gun on you in anger, because he knew what you were..."

    Ryan looked away from Errol, not wanting to know the answer to his actions. “Is…he…dead?…” Ryan asked with a faint breath.

    "You were shot, right here" Errol stated while tapped on his chest. The pain suddenly eroded and instead he felt just the pressure of the shot in his chest.

    "An ambulance took you to the hospital, right when you blacked out. You had been in surgery for about five hours. A bullet was pulled from your rib cage. The doctors told me that you would make it, but it is up to now."

    The man smiled at him as he was getting up. Errol may have been grateful for what he did.

    "Your time is not up yet, Ryan. You still have more life to live. It won't be easy, but I will be here. My nephew, Jex, he will also be here for you. We know what you are. You are the same as us.... We will explain it more to you when you wake up."

    Ryan looked forward to getting to know Jex more. He seemed like a nice guy, and he needed a friend in this new world of uncertainty.

    Errol looked ahead of him, looking deep in thought.

    "You're in a tight spot, kid. But we will help you through it. When you're ready to wake up, we'll be here for you. I promise."

    Errol faded away from the beach, leaving Ryan by himself once more. His questions had to wait until he woke up. All he could think about was his family. They brought him up so well, but what he did to them was unacceptable. Their screams and their faces were the only thing he could think of.

    A circular pillar of light suddenly appeared from within the ocean, rising up to the skies above. It was a beautiful sight. He has never had a dream so idealistic or so intense before. Maybe it was because abilities recently reanimated into life.

    Shaking off his thoughts about what could have happened to his family, he jumped straight into the water with the dirty jeans and plain white shirt he was wearing. They became drenched, but as he dived into the water, and stared at the light, his vision became black.

    There was at first nothingness, and the sound of beeps hovered around him. It sounded like a heartrate monitor. He then noticed that there was a mask around his mouth, circulating oxygen around him.

    “He’s awake!?”

    Ryan opened his eyes to see doctors coming up to him, and taking off the equipment.

    One doctor with a lanky figure, a pointy nose, rustled brown hair, spectacles, and tired blue eyes came up to him.

    “You should be fine now. Your chest will be hurting for quite a while I’m afraid. Try not to strain it too much. It is quite a miracle you were able to wake up so quickly. Most people in your condition stay asleep for a few days, not a few hours. Quite extraordinary. If you need anything, please give us a call."

    As the doctor left, Ryan looked around the room. It would be as bland as you’d expect from a hospital. White walls, a modern clock ticking and tocking, contraptions that no one other than a doctor would understand, and a computer with an annoying screensaver which had a ball bouncing from one end of the screen to the next over and over again.

    He looked over to the right (which made him flinch from the chest pain), and saw Errol, sitting down by his nephew, Jex. He was grateful to them. If they never showed up, he would be dead right now. He smiled, but then noticed Jex was still unconscious. For some reason, he immediately got attached to him like he saw an old friend once again. He knew he was okay, but Ryan was still worried.

    "What happened to him?"
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home