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  1. lockedongamer
    Hey guys,

    Just throwing an idea around. I would love to work on a new RP which has an audio drama episode every week/few weeks from it. I'd like to try some voice acting, and this would be a great way to do that for anyone who would like to be involved. What do you guys think?
    Thread by: lockedongamer, Apr 21, 2015, 8 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  2. lockedongamer
    OOC: This is a collab post.

    The pink haired girl saw the tea shop, her eyes brightening. "This way~" she declared, yanking Alex to the door of the shop and stumbled in. The shop was quite busy, and the teens bursting in caused customers to look at them.‏

    Originally planning to go outside, Jex widened his eyes as the girl pulled him over to the shop. He was out of breath, and his chest was giving him so much pain still. He looked over to everyone in the shop, and said, "Get out! You're in danger!"

    A rounded man stepped from behind the counter, wiping his hands on his apron. "What's going on, Kiki?" The man asked the pink haired girl with a raised eyebrow, putting his stubby hands on his hips.

    "There's a scary man behind us, trying to get this guy!" The pink haired girl named Kiki gestured animatedly to Ryan, and then looked over her shoulder. "He has a pew pew!"

    "What? A kidnapper or something?"

    Kiki nodded her head vigeriously.

    The man breathed out, moving quickly to Ryan. "Come with me, boy." The man out a hand on Ryan's shoulder and moved him to the back. From there, the man opened the maintenance cupboard, and looked at Ryan. "Get in, don't make a noise, and stay here until I or Kiki come back to get you. We'll handle this."

    Kiki stood in the shop, watching the entrance as she moved nervously in place. Her duct tapped skateboard was under one arm while her helmet dangled from her hand. She was ready for what was to come.

    Tyrant was a few seconds behind just as Ryan was pushed into the cupboard. He saw the pink haired girl standing by the entrance and pushed her out of the way. He looked for Ryan furiously, and then looked back at the girl. He placed his hand on her neck and pushed her to the wall.‏

    "Where is he?" he growled, ticked off. He just wanted this over with. He needed to protect his daughter from the maniac who killed his friend.

    Ryan was unwilling to stay inside the cupboard. He wanted to fight the man head on rather than having them putting themselves in harm's way. He opened the door, and ran up to the front of the store. He saw the girl getting strangled. "NO! STOP!"‏

    Christie followed to where Jex was pointing, being cautious not to run into the kidnapper. She recognised most of the people there, but there were a couple who she didn't know. However, the kidnapper made it relatively easy with his words and attitude. "Not here, that's all you need to know" she stated protectively. Christie wasn't entirely sure who he was after, but it didn't matter. He clearly didn't mean well, so she wasn't going to let him pass, standing in a somewhat defensive position as she prepared to use her telekinesis to stop him if she had to‏

    Jex stood by Christie, panting as he quickly looked over the situation at hand. There was the man he saw running out of the alleyway, strangling some girl. And there was Ryan, putting himself in harm's way... Again. Jex cursed under his breath as sweat mixed with droplets of rain rolled down his face and started to make a puddle on the floor. He read the emotions and minds of people in the room quickly. Confusion, fear, paranoia, anger, resentment... And a weird tingle of happiness?

    "Release the girl!" The shop owner boomed, storming to the man. "I don't know what is going on, but you are not police. You need to get out of my shop! You are scaring my customers! I WILL summon the authorities if you do not leave!"

    Ryan, Jex, Christie, and the shop keeper came up to him at the same time. He couldn't shoot them all. He let go of the girl and glared as she fell to the ground. He was surrounded, and noticed a lot of people were staring at him choking the girl, unsure of what to do. He also didn't want the authorities to get entangled with this mess. "You will have justice. All of you, freaks! I will kill every last one of you," he shouted, as he began to sprint to fight another day. He really wanted to kill that kid, but somehow he always gets lucky. The next time he saw him was the last time he would live.

    Ryan, Jex, Christie, and the shop keeper came up to him at the same time. He couldn't shoot them all. He let go of the girl and glared as she fell to the ground. He was surrounded, and noticed a lot of people were staring at him choking the girl, unsure of what to do. He also didn't want the authorities to get entangled with this mess. "You will have justice. All of you, freaks! I will kill every last one of you," he shouted, as he began to sprint to fight another day. He really wanted to kill that kid, but somehow he always gets lucky. He swore the next time he saw him was the last time he would live.

    Ryan ran over to the girl, and helped her up. He smiled.
    “Are you okay!? Thanks for saving me back there! How did you know?"
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. lockedongamer
    Ryan's heart leapt in fear as the girl hooked arms with him. Time felt like it stopped, and he was panicking. Did she know what was going on? She's endangering everyone in this mall.
    "Don't... please stop..." he muttered, not wanting anyone to get harmed. Flashes of men, women and children's faces he saw from the mall appeared in his mind.
    Then before he knew it, feathers appeared in front of Tyrant. He was pissed. He could hear that from the growling he was making. He began to scream in anger as Ryan began to run with her. Someone else was going to die because of him.

    However, Tyrant was never going to hurt anyone who was normal. They were part of his kin, and he did not want to harm his own people. It was only a bluff. After knocking away the feathers, the two were just blurs among the crowd, but he could still see them. He ran towards them, panting angrily.

    Ryan, what's going on? Are you okay? I love you too, Ryan. Whatever you do, make a scene, something. I'm on my way, keep me posted. Keep telling me where you are.

    Jex received the message, and he said he loved him and that he was coming. Ryan smiled briefly, but then realized what situation he was in. He continued to run through the crowds of people, who were blocking their way. His chest began to pulse pain, and it began to take the breath out of him. He was becoming fatigued. He gripped the girl's hand tightly, as they ran around the corner towards the entrance.
    "I'm with a girl, and she made a distraction and we're running. I'm at Entrance 2"
    He scanned the area for any landmarks. A tea shop.
    "We're near a tea shop called Tea Paradise. Be careful," he thought to Ryan. He looked back at Tyrant, who was catching up. He looked like a raging bull, and he was going to be the one who was about to feel his wrath.

    Tyrant while chasing down Ryan and the girl consistently thought to bring his pistol out, but that would cause so much trouble. He didn't want to scar anyone. He wanted to do this quick and easy without anyone involved. Now, this girl is becoming a pain, and she was a telepath too. He was catching up with his military trained running abilities. He knew how to breath properly, and he was in top condition as opposed to Ryan. It was only going to be a matter of time.
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. lockedongamer
    Tyrant was furious. He was barely able to return the gun into his jacket pocket. He glared at the girl and pushed her out of the way.
    "We will be fine, thank you. My nephew and I have plans, don't we?"
    He looked over to Ryan with an intense stare. Ryan nodded nervously looking into his cold eyes before getting up to his feet. Ryan was relieved slightly. That bought him some time, but how much? The boy's chest was flaring slightly, making him grit his teeth. They began to walk through the crowd, and were now by the department store. Ryan's heart plummeted. Jex didn't respond yet, and he will never know how he felt. Ryan thought about fighting back as he was walking forwards. Now Tyrant didn't have the ability to pull his gun into position. There were still too many people. His heart was pounding against his chest.
    "Calm down," Tyrant spoke with aggression behind his voice.

    Alex began to walk up to Errol's office. On the way, he looked at the paintings scattered across the walls. Famous landscapes, people, food, you name it. Alex liked to look at them once in a while to calm his mind. He liked looking into other people's thoughts, but at the same time, the thoughts from the anxious people around him were just too much. At the end of the hallway was Errol's office and once there, Alex tapped on the door three times before entering inside. Alex put his hands behind him in a formal manner and bowed his head. He asked, "Sir, what do you have that can help me? Is there also anyone able to take this on with me?"
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. lockedongamer
    About 20 minutes later, Ryan saw the mall in the distance from the empty bus.
    "Shiny Brook Mall," an announcer said over a PA system. Ryan smiled. He was able to find the place. He was pretty good with directions, and looked it up about a week ago. Alex got the idea from Ryan thinking about it. Ryan put the situation between himself and Jex in countless scenarios, thinking how it would go. What else would he think when stuck inside a room for 3 weeks?
    The bus stopped at the busy station, which connected the city of Reno to various locations. A plume of dust lifted from the air as Ryan left the bus. It was so dusty in Nevada.
    He entered inside, and was greeted by a smell of oriental Chinese food, and freshly made fries. It was close to 10am, which was when the restaurants usually began to open. They must have been prepping. In front of him were crowds of people, blistfully talking to each other, ready to enter inside the stores for the latest deals.
    "I want to get a handbag. The most expensive," said a woman in a designer outfit with a loud hat. Ryan wasn't much for fashion. He liked to just wear jeans and a shirt. He thought fashion was a bit pretentious as they could be spending money on something more important. He glanced over to a man who looked almost like the woman he just saw. Pampered. Loud. Tanned. Gay. He had a handbag over his wrist and flaunted it off. From the last three weeks, he figured that being gay was just hidden, but this man didn't show that at all. He was proud, but his presentation made Ryan cringe a little. That was the stereotype right there, and he disliked the man for it. Being gay was normal to him. He realized that, and that's what he wanted to say to Jex. He didn't care how people saw him. Most people accepted it anyway nowadays. It was just his family who didn't accept it, and to be honest, that was the past. It was time to live his own life.

    Suddenly Ryan felt something hit his back, and then it stayed there. He heard a man growling behind him. He smelled alcohol from the breath.
    "Say anything, and someone else will get killed. We'll both be known to the world then, and you don't want that, do you?"
    At this point, they were in the middle of the mall. The man sounded familiar, but Ryan could barely focus as he widened his eyes, breathless.
    Is that a gun? It's that man! Oh, s**t, Oh, s**t. Oh, s**t
    He tried to keep a straight face as he felt the gun placed on his back. The man had it hidden behind his jacket. He felt his body tremble. His feet were shaking, his fingers were shaking, and all he could think about was Jex. His heart beat raced, and sweat began to pour down his forehead.
    "When we get out of this mall, I want you to get into my car, and then we will go to the park. I will then kill you for what you did and who you are," he said with a cold, chilling voice.
    Ryan dared not to respond. He didn't want to trouble the man at all. A tear fell on his cheek. He was so scared, but couldn't show it. He was trying his best to keep a straight face. He watched the crowds blur by them. Jex was so faraway, but he had to try to message him. He tried to focus as much as he could on his face. He really wanted to see him again.
    "Jex...the man's here...he has a gun on my back. If I say anything-"
    He stopped, horrified at what was going on. What would happen if he couldn't keep his cool?
    "....someone else gets shot........I don't have if I don't see you again.....I just wanted to let you know I love you....."
    He paused, thinking about what he just said. He was right. He loved him. He didn't know him for that long, but he was there for him in his darkest moment. It sounded odd to him, but in his heart, he knew how he felt.
    "I don't care what other people think....I haven't met you for long, but...I know it in my heart...I need you with me, Jex...."
    They continued to walk down the shopping aisles, passing by clothes stores, and restaurants along the way. He tried to not tear up while saying how he felt about Jex. He really wanted to see him again, but it may never happen.
    "I'm sorry..."
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. lockedongamer
    Ryan smiled when he heard Jex's response. He finally talked to him. Ryan closed his eyes.
    "I'll meet you in the coffee shop at the mall, Jex. I'll see you in an hour!" he thought towards him. "Tell Christie she can have another friend in me."
    Ryan ran up to the front gate, opened it, and sprinted up to the bus stop on the right hand side of the mansion. He sat down and waited for the bus to come, looking at the dust crawling up the empty roads.
    That man's voice kept ringing through his head. So many bad memories. Being pushed away from Jex, being shot, having that man shout at him for killing his friend. He looked down at his tanned brown sneakers which had loose laces lapping over the dry mud below his feet. A tear hit the right sneaker. He was still haunted by what he did, but at the same time, he was happy that he was going to see Jex again. He tried to focus more on the positive. He imagined his violet eyes looking at him longingly and his wonderful smile beaming back at him. He really wanted to see that in person again. They really felt something, but Ryan was afraid that it's too late. Jex wanted to talk to him too, and he focused on that as he waited for the bus to arrive. He began to hum Over My Head by The Fray, and then began to sing it. He was always melodramatic, and he loved to sing about how he felt. Suddenly the groan of the bus engine began to ring out among the empty streets. As the bus turned the corner, Ryan smiled and as the bus stopped, Ryan hopped in, excited.

    Alex could hear Ryan from all the way inside the mansion. He rolled his eyes.
    "The kid's so pathetic. Spirited, but pathetic," he muttered as he shut off the tennis ball machine and placed his sword back into the sheathe.
    He always knew that Danni was a pain in the ass to him, but she was worse today.
    "Learn to turn it off, dimwit," he imitated. He hated it whenever someone said that. It's not that simple. He had oversensitive reactions to the thoughts in people's heads. That is the reason why he can never go to malls or a cinema because he'd pass out. "B***h," he spattered before moving into the main hallway. He wanted a job to do, and didn't want to spend any more time with these emotional idiots.
    He spoke to Errol, "You have to find Colton. These people are driving me nuts."
    He walked over to the job board, and scanned the jobs available. It was too bad he couldn't go by himself. He needed some sort of backup, no matter how idiotic they were. He saw the name, Tomas Mullane. He was always more sympathetic towards the kids, especially after his family threatened to kill him for his powers at 15.
    "I will track down where Tomas is. Did you find anything out about him, Errol?" he messaged him.
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 18, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. lockedongamer
    Alex, after talking to Ryan, decided to go see the next person who was driving his mind crazy, Danni. He began to walk through the training room hallways, hearing her voice echoing in his head in such clarity.
    "Pathetic" she muttered as he walked into the room.
    Alex grinned as he walked in. He saw her lean her head on a dummy, sweating and panting heavily.
    "Yeah you're pathetic. Getting so attached to such an ass."
    He grinned, and readied his blade with a tennis ball launcher. It wasn't the most conventional way of training, but it helped with his instincts. He sliced one tennis ball in half as it came towards him with precision.
    "You have to have a cool mind to fight. If you don't, you will be reckless."
    He then looked over to her quickly.
    "Also, you're being way too loud. It's driving my mind crazy. I need to relax, and because all of you are so attached, it's hard for me to focus," he growled. He looked back and slashed a tennis ball. In an attempt to console her, he walked up to Danni and held her shoulder. "Look, he'll be fine. He's a stubborn a hole," he said before returning to his position and slashing another tennis ball.
    "Oh and by the way. I blame your cousin for this kid next door. He's driving me nuts with his thoughts. Jex, this. Jex, that. He's the pathetic one. He really cares for that guy, and he's probably the loudest I've ever heard when it comes to his thoughts. I can't go to sleep until very late at night because of him," he moaned. Alex glared at her. "Can you please talk to him? It's not just for me either. The kid's had it pretty rough," he asked. The tennis ball then bonked him on the face, and Alex frowned.
    "That's not funny."
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 17, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. lockedongamer
    Alex woke up to the thoughts of Ryan's. He was so loud next door with how much he was thinking all the time. It was so easy to hear his mind spilling all the love and regret he had for Jex.
    "This guy needs to get a filter," he muttered to himself. After 3 weeks, he had enough of it, and while usually keeping out of situations to avoid attachment, Alex decided to help Ryan out and try to get Jex back or at least improve his attitude. He figured he had it rough so he wanted to help anyway. Being cut off from his family without friends or anyone to look out for him while being in pain from his chest. Ryan reminded him of himself when he ran away from his family. He quickly got changed, agitated by how much this boy was thinking. The noise...He was more sensitive than other telepaths when it comes to thoughts, and this as well as those who were worried about Colton became a huge head ache.
    "Why do people get so attached? What's the point?" he said, putting on his black leather jacket. He had jeans, long black hair, and a sword sheathed behind him, just in case someone attacked. You never know. Colton may have let slip where they were. He always seemed edgy to the guy. He walked down the hallway, and knocked on Ryan's door.

    Ryan's heart suddenly jumped as someone knocked on the door.
    Is that Jex?
    "No, it isn't," he said coldly, annoyed at how much he was thinking of the guy. "It's Alex from next door. I want to talk to you."
    Ryan may have seen Alex once or twice, but never really talked to him before. He seemed like the person who would beat you up in a moment's notice for no reason. Ryan slowly walked up to the door and opened it.
    Alex looked down at his small height, and laughed. "Errol thinks you can fight. Man, you're a shrimp."
    Ryan, not feeling good about himself, simply looked down. "Yeah. I know." He walked over to a plastic chair next to the bed and looked up at him. "What do you want?" he asked with a quiet sad tone.
    Alex began to walk around the bare room, and looked at the 50' television.
    "Well, I just wanted to let you know that I can hear your loud thoughts, and to be honest, they're driving me nuts. Jex this, Jex that. He's all you ever think about. Do you actually love him?"
    Ryan looked up seriously into Alex's eyes. "Yes, but I have no idea how to get him to talk to me again."
    Alex walked up to the kid, and patted him on the shoulder.
    "Well, how about taking him to a mall, say sorry, and then kiss him in front of everyone."
    Alex turned away.
    "Jex is pissed off with you, but he thinks about you too. He's still hurt. I don't know why all of you bother. It's not worth it.""
    "IT IS TO ME!" Ryan exclaimed, not being able to show how he felt to anyone for the last three weeks. It was all bottled up and he was starting to get angry at Alex.
    Alex nodded. "I know, but you have to show that to him," he spoke. "I'm trying to help you."
    Alex walked to the door and turned his head towards him slightly.
    "Please try to be quieter...Jex might be able to keep your thoughts away, but it's not that easy for me." he muttered to Ryan, giving a glare before walking away. Alex then walked back towards the room.
    "Jex is outside by the way. I can read his sultry thoughts from here," he said before leaving the room.

    Ryan hurriedly got cleaned and dressed, and ran outside the hallway. He swiftly moved to the elevator with his key card, and after waiting for the tram to go down and then carry him up, he rushed to the doors. He was now outside with a blue rain coat, and jeans. He hadn't been outside and the breeze embracing Ryan's face felt calm. He ran towards the pathways that were traced along the outside of the hallway, and began looking for Jex, desperately wanting to tell him what he's been thinking over the last 3 weeks; the thoughts that were driving Alex nuts.
    "Jex! Jex!?"
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 17, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. lockedongamer
    Ryan did very little over the last three weeks, and regretted everything he said to Jex. He was mulling it over, trying to think of a way to make it up for him. They didn’t speak much since that night, but his feelings for Jex were still there, and he had a feeling Jex felt the same. He didn’t see him that much either, and it crushed his heart. Every day, he tried to communicate with Jex about something like his favorite sport or band, or whatever, but there was no response. He was incredibly bored and lonely at this point, but he was told it was that this was the first day he could get out of the room. He longed for this day so much as he barely got any conversation, and he still hasn’t met anyone in the academy. He sighed as he was watching the morning news. There was nothing on, and there were only a few channels on the TV so he simply turned to the table beside him which had the remote control and switched it off. As he put the remote back down on the table, he saw the remote which controlled the shades. He remembered how happy Jex was when he moved in. Now, it seemed like nothing more than a dream. He sighed once more with a tear streaming down his cheek. He didn’t get over it, and constantly he thought about that night. That wonderful kiss, the way Jex stroked his hand over his hair, and his violet eyes looking lovingly towards him as he was out of breath. He was the only person who cared for him that much, and he blew it. Ryan wanted to see him again. He just wanted to speak with him, and let him know how he felt. He’s had enough time, and realized he truly was gay. He was so awkward around the ladies because it didn’t feel right. Jex felt right. His smile echoed in his mind.

    “Jex…I’m so sorry,” he spoke.

    Ryan picked up the remote for the blinders, and opened them. He was welcomed to the rain, and while many people weren’t a fan of it, he enjoyed the pitter patter of the raindrops dancing across the rooftops and the solid ground. It cooled him down, and it didn’t occur often in hot and dry Nevada landscape. For the first time in three weeks, Ryan got up to his feet and gave a small smile. It was so nice to walk again. He strolled over to the windows on the other side of the room, and just looked out at the horizon. He opened up the windows, and felt a cool breeze sweep through his face. He loved it. It kinda reminded him of Jex. Soft to the touch, but quick to fade away. He frowned.

    Jex…can I talk to you? I can walk now, and I’ve had enough time to think. That wasn’t me back there 3 weeks ago. Please talk to me if you want a walk in the rain. I miss you.

    He sighed, thinking that it would be unlikely for him to respond. Ryan flicked his long hair back so it wouldn't be in his vision, and walked back to his bed. He made it, and then tried to smile. It was great he could walk again, but he had no one to be with at this time of celebration. He sat down back again on the bed and looked at the spot where Jex was sitting when they kissed.

    “Why did I have to open my dumb mouth? It wasn’t even true. I was just nervous,” he said to himself. He tapped his fingers on his legs, hoping for a reply from Jex.
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 17, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. lockedongamer
    Code Name: Snowfall
    Full Name: Alex Forrester
    Student I.D.: (Appearance):
    Date of Birth: (mm/dd and age): 11/02 and 20
    Telepathist/Telekinetic?: Telepathist
    Personality: Alex gets tempered easily by the people around him, bu keeps his own emotions to himself. He tries to not get involved with other people, especially with people who have these powers because they die so easily from the Raven Sun. However, if he sees that someone is upset, he'll come up to them and ask them what's wrong.
    History: Alex has had a tormented history. When he told his parents about his powers at the age of 15 because of how much pain it was giving him, they pulled a gun out and tried to shoot him. They didn't like him very much to start with, but they also thought telepathics weren't supposed to be a part of this world. He ran away, never seeing them again, shocked that the people who have raised him would turn on him in the instant. He learned then not to get attached to anyone or they would just turn on him like his parents. Shortly afterwards, he found his way to the Academy, and has lived there ever since.
    Level of Abilities: 3
    Level 1: Mind-reading, and Telepathic Speaking
    Level 2: Thought Manifestation, Psychic Torture, Emotional Manipulation, Psionic Induction
    Level 3: Psychosomatic Illusion
    Strengths: Can wield a sword.
    Weaknesses: Keeps to himself, not much of a team player as he doesn't trust many people.
    Role in the Academy: Job Hunter
    Hobbies: Walking, entering into other people's emotions, watching TV.
    Other Things Not Covered:
    Side: Good
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 17, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. lockedongamer
    You tell me. You need time. I need time. Get some rest, Ryan.
    His heart sank as he heard the non-emotive answer. He was indeed alone now. He took the pills, swoshed them down, and laid back on the pillow.
    I'm sorry
    Ryan eventually cried himself to sleep, leaving a puddle of water beside his face.
    I'm sorry, he thought once more as he went into a slumber.
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. lockedongamer
    Ryan as he was pulled away from Jex felt incredibly hurt. He thought he could understand how he felt. He thought he knew that he went through so much, and this was all so fast. He shouldn't have said that he would be embarrassed in front of everyone for being gay around him. It was just how he was grown up. Don't do this. Don't do that. Don't be gay. Don't talk to those people. Don't fail.
    "Alright... I'm sorry... Take your medicine and get some rest... Someone will check on you in the morning."
    The hot flush from earlier just turned into a blizzard. He looked at his eyes going down, and instead of hearing the kind, solemn voice of Jex, he heard instead something cold. Tears ran down Ryan's face.
    "Jex! Please! Wait!" Ryan exclaimed, trying to go after him, but the searing pain of his chest had him fall back on to the bed. He screamed in pain and lied back down on the bed, hitting his head on the frame and then the pillow. He began to felt dizzy, and just watched as Jex walked away. He began to sob as he looked up at the ceiling. That smile Jex carried is gone, and he may never see it towards him again. That kiss. It meant nothing anymore. He rested the covers on him, just staring at the whiteness of the walls. He began to be louder with his sobbing, feeling so alone. Jex was the only person out there for him, and now he was by himself. He had to get back to his family, his normal life, his home. He began to get louder and louder as he cried. His face was now steaming from the tears he shed instead of the blushing he made earlier. He then remembered. He could hear his thoughts. Maybe he was still listening. He closed his eyes and focused on his thoughts so he was loud enough for him to listen to Ryan.

    "Jex. Please. I just need time. Please, listen to me. I need you....."
    He paused in thought. He thought seriously about what he was about to say.
    "I love you and I don't care what anyone else thinks. Did everything that happened to us mean nothing? Please, just listen to me. I'm so scared of what is happening. I really need you. Please."
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. lockedongamer
    This seems really complicated. Is it tough to keep track of all the stats?
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. lockedongamer
  15. lockedongamer
    Ryan pressed into the kiss, and felt them both intertwining. Never did he have a kiss. He felt Jex's heartbeat press on to his chest, and once again the pain came back.
    Why now?
    Their lips smacked once or twice, and after feeling how much Jex got into it, he tried to reciprocate. More pain was pulling him back, but he stuck through it. He felt Jex's fingers run through his hair, and his spine tingled.
    This is right. It has to be.
    His eyes became teary. He was so happy this was happening. He went into the kiss deeper and ran his hand down Jex's hair as well. His breath became thin, but by the time he realized this, Jex let go and stared at him with his deep violet eyes. As he was about to lean in again so he can kiss him once more, Jex asked a question.
    "Should we... take it slow...?" he said breathlessly. Ryan was also losing breath, gasping for air. Every time he made a deep breath though, his chest compulsed. He had to stop. And then the question hit him like a brick. They should take it slow.
    Am I really gay?
    He imagined in his mind the stereotype of gay people. High pitched voices, exaggerated mannerisms. His family would not approve at all. People at school would tease. How could they be out in public? People would give looks, especially those who are religious. What about the people in the mansion? What would they think? He was starting to panic, and looked away from Jex's glance as much as he loved seeing his eyes and smile.
    He frowned.
    "I...don't know."
    His heart plummeted. He really liked him, maybe even could love him, but how could he endure the world that was against him and Jex? Flinching his teeth from the pain, and wanting to explain to Jex immediately, he quickly turned and hugged Jex once again, holding on to him, not wanting to lose him for saying that. He laid his head on his shoulder again.
    "I-I'm worried what...people would think," he said, caressing Jex's hair again. "I'm so confused right now. There's just so much going on."
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. lockedongamer
    As Ryan buried his head into his hands, his mind was a blender with so many questions and thoughts. Did he just make a big mistake? Is this too soon? Did he know him well enough? Is there something as love at first sight? He didn't know. He just didn't know. It was nice, really nice. Is this wrong though? He just kissed a guy. This was a completely new concept for him. Is he taking advantage that he just got shot? So many questions and thoughts were running through his head. It all stopped when he heard Jex laugh and say two words, "You missed."

    The problem was, he didn't know if he was ready for that or not. Kissing is a simple gesture, but actually kissing someone on the lips means something more meaningful. He wanted to, but just couldn't get himself out of covering his face. He made his feelings for him clear, but he didn't know what to do. He was stuck, and then he heard him sigh, which made his heart drop. Did he mess up and fail once again? He could feel the heat of his and Jex's cheeks warm the room around them. He knew how Jex felt now. He succeeded in knowing, but now he wasn't ready.

    He held Jex's hand, and caressed it with his thumb. He still wasn't able to look at him directly.
    "I...I...I just need some time," he murmured. It pained him to say that. He wanted to kiss him so badly, and he turned quickly towards Jex. Ryan put his hand over Jex's hair and caressed his face once again. He looked from his violet eyes to his lips again, but he couldn't do it. He laid his head on Jex's shoulder and put his arms around him. His chest at this point was burning in pain, but he didn't care. He gritted his teeth a little bit, breathed in and out slowly, and took the pain. After about a minute, he let go and for the third time looked at his lips and then, finally, he leaned forwards and kissed him on the lips. He closed his eyes and felt him being so close. He needed someone like Jex right now, and he wasn't going to let go. It felt it was the right moment, and if he didn't act at that point, he would lose him.
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. lockedongamer
    Ryan laughed in hysterics when Jex fell off the bed, and his cheeks felt like a radiator. Jex sat back down. He then looked at his eyes again, and Ryan saw Jex blushing more than ever before today. He was close to the red on Ryan's face.
    This is too fast. Why did I ask him?
    He watched Jex act like he never did before as he nervously clapped his hands and rubbed them as he was trying to think what he was going to say. He felt his spine tingle, and his eyes began to get teary. Never has someone felt this way towards him before, and he just met him.
    ""Um... Well... I just met you... But you seem really cute, fun, and..."
    Cute? Fun?
    Ryan couldn't believe what he was hearing.
    Me? Cute?
    He stopped for a little as he gave a contemplating look on what to say next. Ryan's breath was taken away
    "Easy going... You seem like you're a very good person," Jex said, finishing his sentence.
    A few seconds passed as Ryan was trying to process what he said. His face was getting hotter, and his heart beat was racing and hitting the wall of his chest. He couldn't even respond as his chest kept grabbing his voice away by how little breath he was able to get. Quickly, out of spark, Ryan stared at Jex's violet eyes, and just leaned in.
    No, no, what am I doing!? This is way too fast!
    At first, he was going to kiss him on the lips, and then out of nerves, he switched to the cheek. Towards the end. he thought about stopping mid-way, but then he realized. It's too late. He leaned right in, and kissed him on his warm cheek as Ryan put a hand on the right side of Jex's face. He caressed it once, stared at his eyes with a quivering look and then backed away, looking at the window instead of looking at Jex. He was so embarrassed.
    "I'm...I'm..." he stammered, getting redder and redder. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. He covered his face with his hands wanting to avoid any contact with the outside world. He was even embarrassed about how he was reacting, but there was nothing else he could do. He never was in a relationship, and he never had someone care for him that much.
    No, no, no, I can't, I just, why did I do that!?
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. lockedongamer
    Tyrant was driving down the streets of Reno, seeing the lamps begin to flash on as the surroundings became covered in darkness. Men, women and children were beginning to leave convenience and novelty stores around the area. Tyrant had an intercom as he was heading towards Las Vegas, and he heard reports of shots fired.
    "We've had reports of shots being fired at 111th Street. Please mobilize."
    Tyrant at first ignored the message. There was nothing about any psychopaths. 99% of the time, this was the case.
    However, the officer spoke again in a shaky voice. "Reports are coming in of a levitated car. How do we want to proceed, sir?" he said afterwards off the microphone.
    It seemed like they were used to incidents like this. In usual towns, these cases would be seen as strange.
    "Do not engage. Repeat. Do not engage. We will send in a task force."
    Tyrant grinned. "It's time to kill some of these freaks," he muttered. He stepped on the exhaust, and accelerated down the streets of Reno, hoping to catch them.
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. lockedongamer
    I am loving this album right now.

    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 15, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  20. lockedongamer
    As Jex was getting water for him and his pills, he was reminded of how kind the telepathic was. He watched him as he was getting his water. When he turned around to his side, he was still entranced by those eyes. Violet. That was his favorite color. His smile as well just made him go gaga too. His long brown hair obstructed his vision as he shuffled his head slightly. He wiped it away. When returning to Ryan, Jex had two sets of pills; Yellow ones and white ones. He explained what they did, and Ryan nodded every time he said a sentence so he knows he understood. He then explained about having to change bandages every day.
    "I would offer to help, but...Yeah. I'll probably pass out on you."
    Wow, he helped me out back there, but still held strong...for me.
    He shook his head and chuckled a little at his own thought.
    I'm so pathetic.
    Ryan looked up at him, and grinned. "I don't mind. I'll catch you when you fall," he replied. He rolled his eyes at his own comment. That was pathetic. He blushed once more. How many times was it now?
    "Hey, if you need anything, just give a little whistle." The teen laughed at his own joke. Ryan was confused, and just sat there trying to figure out why he was laughing. He then tapped his forehead. "I mean, try to send me a thought. I'll keep my line open to you. Even though you don't have the same level of power as me, I can still read thoughts and communicate through them. I'll come as fast as I can. Is there anything else you need before I go?"

    There was one question on his mind. He needed to know for certain about how he felt. He always got his hopes up to be turned down by the girls at his school. He didn't exactly want to be direct either.
    " you think of me?" he asked, looking intently at Jex with his golden eyes.

    Tyson sat with his daughter on a rickety worn brown leather couch, watching the latest episode of Dora The Explorer with his little girl. He was stroking her hair to try to get her to sleep, and noticing that she was finally asleep, he began to sob. He turned off the TV, and thought about his wife, Lucy, his son, Ethan, and now his friend, Rick (otherwise known as Bruiser). He's almost lost everything that is close to him, and he squeezed his daughter, Rebecca, closer. She was the only thing he cared for in this world. Tears began to slide down his neck. If it wasn't for these psychic creeps, his daughter would be having a much better life. Now she grieves as much as he does. She stays silent most of the time. She used to be such a cheerful child. She always was jumping up and down, excited about the day. Now she stays inside, reads, and keeps to herself. It crushed Tyson. He looked up at a picture of the four of them together with large smiles on their face.
    "I miss you both. I wish I could get you back."
    He looked down at his daughter. "I will keep her safe along with many other families. They need to be stopped."
    The thought of there being innocent people around these psychopaths came up in his mind time and time again, but there was no other option. They're too dangerous. He picked her up and walked down the once happy hallways of the household. As he passed the door, he remembered the time he was holding his wife in a wedding dress into her new house. He remembered Ethan running around the house with his hands up like an airplane. Tears rained down his cheeks as he carried his daughter to her room. He placed her down onto her princess pink bed and kissed her on the cheek.
    He left the room, and turned left into the front doorway. Behind the door were his AK47, bulletproof vest, knife, and shotgun. He grabbed them with a frown. It's been one year since his wife and son were killed. This problem needed to be dealt with now. He left the house, locked the door, and headed for the headquarters.
    Post by: lockedongamer, Apr 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home