"We're not sure. Blood clots in the brain can be deadly; he needs the surgery or he could die. Surgery should be about five to six hours. Receiving heavy blows like this to the head... I'm surprised he woke up when he did. Usually patients with severe head injuries like this stay unconscious for a day or two. If he's a fighter, he should be fine. You might want to prepare yourself though, just in case." The doctor left him to begin the surgery on Jex and left Ryan alone in the hallway. He put his hands into his pockets and just looked at Jex through the window. His heart was racing, and that looming sense of doom was circulating around his body. Tears ran down his face. "Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay," he said. The doctor drawn the curtains and then Jex was gone. Ryan stared at his black trainers among the pale white panels of the floor. The floor was clean and had no gum, dirt, or trash left behind. Rebecca jumped up and down in joy as the bubbles moved around her. She completely forgot about what just happened for a while. Tyson spoke up towards Kiki, "Thank you. I'm sorry for what happened before. I was angry and blinded."
As soon as Ryan saw Jex's smile fade, he knew something was wrong. He let go of his hair, and widened his eyes. "Jex?" Suddenly a doctor and a few nurses rushed in to help. "Excuse me, but we need to take him in for surgery, now. We received the brain scans back. He is developing a blood clot on the left side of his head underneath the fractured part of his skull." Ryan's heart just sank, and it felt like everything was taken away from him. A shiver went down his spine. "What-what do you mean?" he stuttered. "Is he safe?" he asked as the doctors rushed out. He followed them briskly, and then was stopped by a window. He assumed Christie followed. "Is he going to be alright?" he asked her as he watched them get the equipment ready. Tyson watched in horror as she was witnessing his horrible memories. He tried to blank them out of his head. Rebecca was crying, hardly able to speak. "My mom and my brother..." She thought of them in her mind. Her brother chasing her, riding her bike with mom. She had to stop thinking about her father. She began to calm down, and the thoughts began to fade into the back of her mind. She sat on a seat, confused over what just happened. She was a telepathist. Tyson was shocked. Never did she tell him about her powers. Maybe that's another reason why she was so silent. Before today, Tyson hated psychics with a passion, but maybe his family were almost entirely of them. His whole idea changed. His daughter was the most important thing in the world, and now he wanted to protect psychics from those who desired to have them terminated. "Rebecca, I'm so sorry. I was only protecting you after what happened," he explained. Rebecca looked down and sobbed. "You killed all those people," she said. Tyson looked down at his blanket. "I know, and that was wrong. I felt so terrible after-" Rebecca blankly stared at her father. "Mom and Ethan died. I know," she said plainly. "I understand." The girl gave a small smile towards the pink haired girl. "Thank you pink lady," she said.
When Jex began to laugh, Ryan was confused until he thought that none of this was his fault. Ryan got up and ran his hands through his hair, smiling. "Aw, gees... I can't open my eyes... I look bad, don't I?" Ryan laughed a little. Jex laughing earlier lightened the mood so he joined in. "You'll be fine. I think you're still pretty cute," he joked. He breathed in with a sigh of relief, and said, "I'm just glad you're okay." "It's not your fault... I understand.." Ryan smiled once more. He felt relieved. Ryan remained silent for a little while stroking his long black hair until Jex spoke again. "You... Two... Okay?" Jex was finding it hard to speak. Ryan replied, "Yeah, we're both fine. Everyone's okay. He's not going to harm us anymore." Ryan thought about telling Jex what happened, but he wanted to leave that for later when he was feeling better. The nurse didn't know what to do. She never had a response like this before, and as the pink haired girl walked through the door, it felt like a weight lifted off her shoulders. "If there's anything you can do, go for it!" The girl looked over at Kiki. "PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!" she cried.
Ryan continued to caress his hand to comfort him when Jex began to speak. The injuries he has taken must be horrendous. "Sorry, I was just apologizing to Christie, and I want to say sorry to you. If I didn't ask to go to the mall, you wouldn't have-" He looked at his hand, wanting to avoid eye contact. He was ashamed of himself, and with everyone blaming him, he felt even worse. In his head, he imagined scenarios in which Jex now hated him. He even thought about leaving the mansion because it would be better for everyone if he did. He's caused too much trouble. "I'm sorry. After three weeks, I felt really alone, and I wanted to go back to something that was relevant to my old life," he said. He tapped his feet over and over again, nervous about what he'd say. "and I wanted to see you again..." In another room, Tyson (Tyrant) laid on his bed, stitches throughout his head and stomach. He didn't have as many injuries as Jex, but his ilium was fractured and his nose was broken. He couldn't get up or turn so all he stared at was a daytime television show which had a chef cooking lasagna. It was dull, and he wanted to turn it over. A nurse knocked on the door. "Tyson, your daughter's here to see you," she said. Suddenly his daughter caught the nurse off balance, and rushed into the room. "DADDY!" She hugged him tightly, which caused Tyson to shout in pain. She immediately quivered back with widened eyes. "What happened? The police came and took me here," she asked. Tyson frowned. "Car accident," he lied, not wanting his daughter to know what he's been doing. She would be horrified. The girl backed away. "You're lying," she said. Her eyes widened. "What-what's wrong?" She put her hands over her face. "Can't...stop...the...thoughts..." she gasped. She backed into a wall and fell down to the ground, unable to control what was going on in her mind. The nurse immediately came to her side, confused about what she was saying. "Rebecca?" "What thoughts, dear?" she asked, concerned about her state of mind. Was this some sort of shock from seeing her father in this way? "My daddy...he's hurting people..." she said in a shaky low tone. "Innocent people." Tyson was shocked. Was she a telepath? He was stuck in the bed, not able to move. "Rebecca, I can explain!" he exclaimed. She began to scream in terror as to what she was seeing in her mind. "Make it stop! Please make the thoughts stop!" she screamed.
Ryan just sat there as Christie threw everything around her towards him. "The hell is wrong with you? I held you back because you were running on emotions. You weren't thinking things through, if anything you would've been a liability and gotten in the way if it wasn't for me. I let Jex go there because he can handle himself. Yeah he's injured right now, and that's partially my fault, but everything is okay right now and you're not full of bullet holes. What good would you have been? A meatshield that lasted for 30 seconds? If you want to survive in this world, you think things through, you plan things out, and you don't throw yourself out aimlessly or people will go missing just like Colton did, and I'm not letting that happen again! You hear me? Never again!" Ryan nodded to everything she said. He felt bags under his eyes, and his chest inflamed in pain. All that running, punching, and worrying just made him so exhausted. "You're right," he said with a soft tone. "I don't blame you. I was just frustrated. That was wrong of me. I'm just-" He looked at the purple haze lifting from his left hand. "-trying to figure out what I'm doing from now on. It's so weird being like this still." He looked up at Christie and gave a slight smile. "Thank you for stopping me," he said before looking back at Jex. He was worried about him.
Ryan frowned, realizing how reckless he was recently. He never would have done that before three weeks ago. He has changed already. "We will talk later... I promise. Stay here with Jex, watch over him and that girl while I'm gone... I'll be back in a few hours." He nodded. "Yes sir" he said in an apologetic tone. He turned around, and there was an empty hallway of uncomfortable chairs, and plain white floors and walls. To the left was a garden with a mixture of greenery, ponds, and trees to make the hospital feel more welcoming. The rain from earlier turned into a bright blue sky and the sun shone down, flickering among the water of the ponds, and glowing the green leaves. He turned the corner into the room which had Jex on a bed, unconscious and almost entirely wrapped up on the face. All he could see were his closed eyes. He walked back to his seat that was next to Jex, and held his hand once again, caressing it softly just like he did in the car. It made him relax before. "I'm so sorry," he thought towards Jex. "I just wanted to talk to you again and everything went out of control. I wanted to tell you how I feel. I'm here for you now." Ryan just stared at his face, wanting him to wake up. He just wanted to know if he would be okay. Alex looked down at Leif, who obviously was giving him attitude. "Well, it's a mission to find a missing 13-year-old, Tomas Mullane," he replied. He handed him the envelope that Errol previously gave. "This should have the details," he added.
Ryan stood up from his seat, and followed Errol. He was angry at what he just said to him. This wasn't his fault at all. "All I wanted was to get out. I wanted to see the outside world. I was stuck in that room for 3 weeks. How was I supposed to know he would still be able to find me!? Jex was the one who decided to face him, and Christie stopped me from helping Jex when he needed it most," he said, clenching his fist in anger. He wasn't going to fight Errol at all. He respected him, and began to bang the wall three times repeatedly in a rhythm. He was nervous, and he couldn't calm his OCD anymore. He was so angry and upset over Jex being such an idiot. Why did he have to talk to him? If he didn't though, that man would still be after them. He was brave but stupid. "Is that it then? My powers have taken my life away? I can't go out to the mall? I can't go for a run? I can't meet with people outside the mansion?" he asked, frustrated at the situation. "I'm sorry. I didn't want this to happen to him!"
Ryan heard sirens blazing around the mall as Ryan caressed his hair just like he did three weeks ago. He stared at the damage that Tyrant made on him, and felt a surge of anger run through him. He wanted to beat him up so bad, but in his mind, he thought of a young daughter being alone. Maybe she didn't have a mother? How would his family feel if he was permanently injured or even perished by his hand just like the other man? Kiki asked him why he stopped punching the man when he talked about his daughter. Ryan looked down at Jex's face. "It's because I'm not a monster. I've already killed someone, and I'm not doing that again. He has a daughter, and if I lost someone that close, I would feel so alone," he said softly. "No one deserves to die." "You'll be fine," he calmly told Jex as he stared at his disfigured face. He had to be fine. A tear fell down on his bloodied cheeks. He kissed him on his forehead, trying to reassure that he was there. He saw paramedics arrive on the scene in the corner of his eye. "Get a stretcher! Quickly!" he shouted before turning back. Within a minute, they came back with one, and placed Jex carefully on the stretcher. Ryan held his hand while they were walking down the mall's halls. He stared at his disfigured face and wondered what was going to happen. Is this a sign of things to come? Are more people going to fight them? He gripped his hand firmer.
As soon as Ryan was released, he ran towards the unconscious Jex. He didn't care about strategy. There wasn't enough time for that. However, as he saw the pink haired girl blind the man, it was time to strike. He sprinted as fast as he could. He was angry at what was going on. Why wasn't he allowed to help him before? Tyrant cried in pain as Jex twisted his wrist. He didn't expect that seeing how exhausted the kid was. He gritted his teeth with a tear in his eye as he looked down at Jex's unconscious body. He didn't want to kill him at that point. He was right, but at the same time, he had to be stopped. They knew about his daughter too because he read his mind. As soon as he was about to reach for his gun, the girl sprayed him with bubbles in his eyes. They began to burn them and Tyrant tried to wipe them away. His vision was blurred, but he tried to backslap the girl away before Ryan charged in. Ryan with furious golden eyes, rushed in and landed a strike on Tyrant's face, knocking him back into a bench 100m away with his psionic strength. Ryan then zoomed towards the man, and began to punch him repeatedly in the stomach and the face. Tyrant with his strength began to gasp, blood began to run down his mouth. "Please.....my daughter......she......needs.......me......." he said in gasps as Ryan punched him. Ryan looked in horror as he just noticed what he did in his rage. He widened his eyes, and stood back up. "I-I-I'm sorry..." he stammered, feeling terrible for what he just did. He could have killed a father to a daughter. Tyrant was unable to fight back as he squealed in pain from the damage that Ryan caused. "I'm......sorry........too...." Tyrant said back. "I...was...fighting...for...her..." Tyrant decided that he could not fight against them. They were too strong, and after what he witnessed and heard from Jex, they too were human. They may have powers, but they could control them. Also, they knew about his daughter. If he remained sympathetic, they won't hurt her. He believed they wouldn't though. The kid that just pummeled him in less than a minute was just trying to protect his friend. The Raven Sun are going to be angry. Leaving her with the psychics was the best option right now. His daughter could be used against him. She needed protection. He looked up at the boy with weary eyes. "Can...you...protect...my...daughter?" he asked. Ryan nodded willingly. "Yes, anything. I'm so sorry!" Ryan replied, willing to apologize again and again. He looked over to Christie, and shouted, "Can you look after him? I need to get to Jex!" Ryan ran back to Jex with tears running down his face. His mouth was covered in blood, and his eyes were closed. Ryan immediately touched his wrist to see if he still had a pulse. He did. Thank god... Ryan held his bloodied face with his soft hands with his golden eyes beaming down at him with concern. He sent Jex a message, "Everything is fine. We are safe. Wake up."
The man fell to the ground, but quickly regained his balance. Tyrant looked at the boy's injuries, and noticed blood falling down to the ground from his mouth. He was in pain, but Tyrant had to remain in his view. There had to be casualties, and this kid was part of a disease that had to be eradicated. "Blaming our powers for stuff that happened... Is like blaming the weather for it not to go your way... We didn't ask for this... We didn't want this... It happened... Why can't we live in harmony now? Why can't we make this right...? Who is this organization to tell us how we should live?" He remained to have a grimace on his face, and thought about his daughter. He needed to protect her future, and he had to take out these psychics before they spread. Chaos would emerge. "I'm sorry, kid. I really am, but this is the way it has to be. You do not belong in this world, and I need to stop this disease before it spreads further. There is a future I have to protect," he said. "Do you know... A man named Vlasis Ben Ingrao?" Jex asked. Tyrant shook his head, and charged straight in. He knocked him down to the ground, and began to punch Jex repeatedly on the head, trying to knock him out. Tyrant wanted to give him mercy so he decided to knock him out before shooting him. The mall was clear now, and he had the opportunity to shoot. He knew how Tyrant felt, and felt sympathetic. This had to be done for his daughter. He kept thinking of his family being in that building, and his daughter being so silent ever since.
Alex noticed that Leif came to the job board, and looked away from Luna, who was hiding behind a pillar. He didn't want to be tagged up with a kid. She would be such a liability. Plus, Leif could punch things with his psionic strength; that could come in handy. Alex patted Leif's back to get his attention. "You up for a mission with me? I need some back up and I don't want to be stuck with this kid. She'll get herself killed," Alex said, still wondering how Errol thought she would be able to take on a mission.
I've posted in the radio drama thread. Please let me know what you think!
Alex stepped down the stairs, rolling his eye. "A kid. Great. Now I have to try to do this mission, and babysit at the same time." He looked at the stuffed animals revolving around her. "And...she has teddy bears as pets. Great. Errol's out of his mind." The tall man towered over the girl, looking scary with his sword and scar on his right forehead. She was standing behind a pillar. "Are you seriously up for a mission, kid? Why don't you just stay here and watch My Little Pony or something..." he muttered to the girl hiding herself. He could do this mission by himself. This girl would probably be a nuisance rather than being able to help with the mission. Alex rolled his eyes, and continued to walk on to the front door. "You know what? I'm going by myself. This is ridiculous," he said. "All these kids are so loud. Why can't I get some quiet?"
OK, guys. I've had an awesome idea for this. Here's some music for you to get into the mindset of the time. The Secret Wars of World War II. An underground war begins between the Allies and the Axis, which has bionics and radium injected humans fighting on the battlefield. They are also tasked for undercover missions on enemy lines to gather intel and rescue ally soldiers. They are also set out on assassination missions, mostly those who are superpowered as well. With the radio drama, I might be able to make it sound old fashioned in the beginning with the 1940's music in the background. If someone can do the voice, perhaps we can have an announcer from those times too to recap what happened. I think it would be really cool. What do you think?
As Ryan headed up the now empty halls of the mall, he was suddenly stopped in his tracks. His feet were stuck to the ground like quick sand, and the weight put down on them stopped him from lifting his feet. "Hey! What do you think you're doing? You're going to get yourself killed! Jex can handle himself fine, just stop moving!" Ryan glared over at Christie. "This guy is a killer. I can't leave him by himself! He has a gun!" he shouted. "Also everyone's left. We have to get out before they come back with the police or the military!"
Tyrant was able to keep his balance when Jex sidestepped, and faced him once more. Instead of going for a hook, he put a knee inside his gut and with his two hands towards Jex's back slammed him down to the ground. In hand-to-hand combat, Tyrant was military trained, and he was confident he could pummel this guy. Something stopped him from continuing though. His family were killed too, but the family of his is the enemy. They needed to eradicate these psychics before they messed up anything else and ruin someone else's life. The world did not need their powers. He began to barrage him with blows to the head. "Your powers need to be stopped. They're too dangerous for anyone and you have to be put down," he said coldly. "I am from a group that is your worst nightmare. We will eradicate all of you so we can live in harmony." Alex sniffed the liquor in the air, and scoffed at the intense smell of it. This was bad. He took the envelope from Errol with a frown. "Sir..." He gave a pause so the man can pay attention to what he was going to say. He read his thoughts quite easily, and he looked exhausted. "You will find Colton. You're brilliant, and we can work better than the police. Well...at least I hope you can do this. Ryan is driving me nuts with his emotions about Jex, and everyone else is worried about Colton it seems like. Please fix it. I can't get any sleep with all their thoughts," he said before leaving the room. He did as he was instructed, and followed down the hallway of paintings to see Luna at the job board. "Hey Luna, ready to save someone?" he asked.
Tyrant grinned. "I'm guessing he's a psychic like you. I don't know him, but even if I did , would I really tell you?" He walked up to him and glared at his violet eyes intensely. "You think we're on neutral ground?" he said. "Well, you're wrong. You lot killed my family and my friend." Tyrant couldn't use his gun, but he could still use his fists. Tyrant raised his fist and went to strike Jex with a hook, shouting in anger. So much anger flowed through the man as he was reminded of his wife and son perishing from a fire caused by a psychic. Ryan stood as he heard Jex's thoughts, watching the situation unfold, but as Tyrant walked up to him, Ryan began to run back to Jex's side. "NO! JEX!" he screamed. The crowds around them began to murmur loudly, but Ryan heard footsteps behind him. He looked back and it was Christie. She looked angry.
Ryan smiled as Kiki said he was okay, and then it immediately turned into a frown. He was so close to dying back there. He had a gun to his back, and the whole mall was in danger. His body felt exhausted by how much adrenaline he was experiencing, and his body was shivering. He looked up and saw Jex running to someone. Was he? "NO!" Ryan shouted as he got up from his feet and ran outside the shop as Jex was trying to catch up to the kidnapper. He was far away at this point, but Ryan was trying to catch up, chest still in pain. "What are you doing? Get back!" Ryan thought towards Jex. "He's dangerous!" His heart once again was beating rapidly. His breath became fainter as he was trying to run with his injury. He became wiery, but he carried on. He couldn't let Jex get shot. It was his time to protect him. "WAIT! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!" he heard shouted across the halls of the mall. People began to stare. Tyrant stopped, angry at the boy. He wasn't willing to shoot him at this point. There were too many people around who could get caught in the crossfire. He didn't know whether or not these psychics could harm the public as well if provoked further. He turned around, gripping his pistol just in case. Tyrant gave Jex a piercing stare. "I have nothing to say to you" he growled. He stayed just in case he could get intel. The others were still faraway, but he could see the kid who killed his friend running towards them. He wanted to shoot him so bad, and this time it would be fatal.
Not yet! I really want to have an RP with modern day magic in a city setting. I just can't think of a good villain.
That's cool! You're in (if I ever start it).