I hope Final Fantasy XII gets a remaster. I was a kid when that came out, and I hated the old English language. I couldn't understand most of the story. Anyway, I think Vaan would be a pretty good character to put in. Zidane would be great too. I think one of the most deserving Final Fantasy characters though would be the Warrior of Light. The name fits Kingdom Hearts perfectly, and he is the first main character of Final Fantasy.
I'd like to see characters from other Final Fantasy games. We've seen quite a few from VII, VII, and X so it would be nice to see other games represented as this is a crossover between Disney and Square Enix. Noctis and the group from Final Fantasy XV would be cool to see as the original had Tidus and Wakka soon after Final Fantasy X came out. It would be great to see characters from Dragon Quest VIII in the game too. Yangus and King Trode would be hilarious. Dhoulmagus would make for a great secret boss! I don't want to see Lightning or Vanille in the game though. Lightning is devoid of personality, and Vanille is really annoying. Every one else from Final Fantasy XIII would be cool to see.
After eating his breakfast, stomach full...perhaps too much...he reached inside his pocket and looked at the envelope that had the information about Tomas Mullone. He wanted to tackle this task as he himself had a troubled childhood, and as Tomas was missing for a year, something must be done. Errol instructed him to visit the family first. It was a logical place to start. Perhaps Tomas had powers and like Alex might have run away from his family. The smile on his face trembled into a frown. "Last call. If you want to help find the missing person, Tomas Mullone, speak up to me," he messaged to everyone in the mansion. "I'm in the kitchen for the next 10 minutes." Alex lounged back in the plastic chair sat beside the dinner table and sighed. People didn't like him much in the mansion. He has recently whined too much about the noise everyone created. He thought that perhaps it was childish, knowing the recent circumstances, but he really needed the sleep. He thought that Colton was tough and there wasn't much to be worried about, but he might have been wrong about that. Ryan re-entered Jex's room, still ticked off with the conversation he had with Tyson. He has offered his assistance, but at the same time, was this a trap? Has he used his daughter as a way to offer a human side to why he was killing powered people? His daughter would have been alone if Ryan continued, but at the same time he was wary of him. As he walked back to the seat next to Jex, he stared at the damage Tyson caused. His body was covered in bandages, and he couldn't even see his face anymore. He ever-so-wanted to see Jex open those violet eyes. He's missed them. As he sat down, Ryan held his hand. "I'm back, Jex. I'm here," he said to him, yawning afterwards. He wasn't expecting an answer, but he knew he could hear him from Jex's tighter grip from before. He was really tired. His eyes began to shut every so often, but Ryan tried to stay awake. He needed to keep watch over Jex, but Ryan was unsure in his abilities still. He hasn't been trained at all due to his chest injury. He then realized in the corner of his eye that Danni was watching over Jex, not Christie. They must have switched. He glanced over to her and tried to give a smile. He felt so terrible for ignoring her all this time. "So Danni...tell me about yourself," he said, wanting to get to know her more.
I will start the RP shortly. If anyone else wants to join, please feel free to sign up! Everyone's sign ups are accepted!
Ryan waved back and turned as he walked away. "Take care and be careful!" he exclaimed to her. Errol wanted to keep her around, but it's up to her to decide what she wants to do. He turned around the corner, and saw Tyson walking up the hallway with his daughter. His chest was bandaged, but he made it out far better than Jex. Part of Ryan felt angry at what he did to Jex. He almost killed him, and he beat him up to a pulp. When Ryan glared, Tyson's daughter jumped and hid behind him. "Don't hurt my daddy! He's good now!" Ryan turned away fists clenched. He was glad that he didn't let his rage get the better of him. His daughter had a father, even though he was a jerk. Tyson spoke up to Ryan's back, "I was wrong. I was clouded by hate, and I accept who you are. We need to work together." The man sighed as Ryan remained with his back turned. "We're all in danger now. You, me, Rebecca, everyone that you're with. The Raven Suns don't take kindly to psychic supporters and psychics themselves. I can help you." Ryan turned back, looking at the once assassin turned supporter of his cause. "That's not up to me to decide," he said before turning away again to get back to Jex's room.
Ryan couldn't help but feel sad that Kiki wanted to go. She seemed like she could be a great friend, and she did save his life before. Kiki, despite how strange she was at times, was the most normal thing in his life since living in the mansion. He frowned as he reached out for a pen that was left on the side of the bench by someone. He began to scribble his name and number and handed it to her. "If you ever find someone in trouble or just need a friend, give me a call, okay?" he told her. He smiled at her. "Thanks for helping me back there, and I don't find you annoying at all!" He laughed a little. "You might be strange, but it's good to be like that. Don't lose it," he mentioned before standing up from the bench. He wanted to get back to Jex to see if he was awake yet. Most likely not. He looked back at Kiki. "I guess this is goodbye then," he said.
Ryan took a sigh of relief, and nodded at Kiki. He smiled with his tired eyes now beaming in gold. "Thank you," he said before taking the plate and beginning to devour the pancakes as though he hadn't eaten for days. The sweet nectar of the corn syrup mixed so well with the buttery taste of the wet pancake, which was drenched with butter and syrup. It was so bad for him, but at that point in time, that was exactly Ryan needed after such a horrendous day. After his plate was cleared, Ryan sat back with a full stomach and looked over at Kiki. He was still annoyed at her, but the pancakes certainly helped his mood. "Why did you walk away like that? Do you know how dangerous it is out there? We need to look out for each other," he told her. He felt like he was telling her off as if she was a little sister. He wasn't shouting, but there was a tone of annoyance in his voice. The smell of fried breakfast filled the air in the mansion. Alex wasn't that great at cooking in general, but as it's been such a great day so far with the first good night's sleep in weeks, he decided he'd make something to celebrate. Looking out at the garden from the kitchen window, he hummed to himself while finishing both the sausages and eggs and laid them on fried bread.
Ryan's eyes suddenly flared up as Danni mentioned Kiki. "I told her to wait outside for a little bit," he replied in an aggravated tone. As Christie said she would look after Jex, Ryan let go of Jex's hand and went up to his ear. He whispered, "I'll be right back. Be strong. Think happy thoughts. Calm waves, a walk in the forest, the time we spent at the hospital." He kissed him on his forehead, and sped towards the door. He nodded at Christie and Danni quickly to give them a sign of respect. As he opened the door, she was indeed not there. It was just the empty hallways he kept staring at for the whole night. "Kiki, where are you? I asked you to stay there!" he tried to message towards her. He wasn't sure if Jex's pathway worked the same as Kiki's but it was worth a try. "You're not safe. We all need to look out for each other" He stepped forwards on the blank white tiles of the hallway. He was trying to think of different scenarios. Did she have to go back to her family? Did she return to that tea shop in the mall? Then an unpleasant thought came to his mind. Errol will be annoyed at him. One order he asked him to do was to keep an eye on Kiki, and once again, he was able to disappoint Errol. He sighed as he passed a cafe on the left. The smell of freshly made pancakes wafted the air. They smelled delicious to Ryan, but he had to continue. "Kiki! Where are you!" he exclaimed. "We can have pancakes if you want" His mouth began to salivate and it felt like his throat was grasping for the energy. His body felt drained, and his eyes drooped. Ryan began to feel dizzy, and he noticed once again that his chest was still aggravating him. He sat down on a nearby bench. He wasn't feeling well and felt like he was going to pass out.
The audio drama RP is up! Check it out! I had trouble with the previous idea for a WW2 RP. I might go back to that at some point, but I wanted to set it in modern times instead! http://kh-vids.net/threads/the-secret-magicks-audio-drama-rp-ooc-su.150218/#post-4250418
Will edit later Name: Jay Rellson Age: (18-25): 18 Personality: Upbeat, deters away from those who are negative like the plague, naive. History: Three years ago, Jay's older brother died from unexplained causes. The official story is that he choked on a chicken bone, but as Jay explored his parents' documents, there was a letter from the government pressuring them to not speak of what happened to him. This was a few weeks ago, and Jay believes that the missing people have something to do with it. The government must be trying to keep something hush. Jay, ever since then, began a club at Theorem College, to discover what really is going on. Appearance: https://41.media.tumblr.com/cb92f31424c44de8c3203021536f4e65/tumblr_miwm7pK6Pv1s6u180o1_500.jpg Zodiac Sign: Leo Powers from Zodiac Sign: Fire Minimal: A small fireball. Can't do much damage. Learning: A shield made of fire. Can repel other magicks with its immense temperature. Experienced: Fire wall. Can create a wall of fire to distance enemies. Goes up 10 meters. Most are unable to jump over it. Hobbies: He loves to play tennis, goes to concerts, and likes to direct and shoot his own movies. Strengths: He is upbeat, can lead somewhat from his directing, and brave when need be. Weaknesses: He is naive, too trusting of people sometimes, and can be prone to be attached too quickly. Job: Student Side: Good
Alex had the best sleep in weeks. He felt refreshed, ready to go for the day. He thought that everyone must be out still. He didn't agree with the relationship between Ryan and Jex, but he was thankful for pushing him to go out so he would be quiet with his thoughts. It has been so nice. He usually was interested with what everyone were thinking due to his hyper-sensitive mind perception abilities, but with so many people thinking so loudly, it's difficult to quiet it down. The mansion, today, however, was almost silent. He walked down the hallway, sword on his back, and tended to making breakfast at the kitchen. Ryan watched as Jex breathed slowly. He was so beaten up, and he couldn't shake off the feeling that it was his fault despite what Jex told him. He lead him there, he went out by himself. It was so foolish. He felt Jex's grip his hand a little and Ryan smiled. He does remember him. He continually listened to the heartbeat monitor. That high pitched squeak was a sign that everything will be okay. However, he hoped that he would never hear that sound after leaving the hospital. Ryan yawned as soon as he was reminded of being outside the hospital. He imagined the soft bed that his room had. After three weeks of being in it, he hated it, but now he wanted to sleep in it. He wasn't going to leave the hospital until he woke up though. He just wanted to make sure he had someone looking after him. Ryan caught a frown from Danni towards him, and looked back down again at Jex's hand. Why was she looking at him like that? Did she still blame him for everything that happened?
~ The Secret Magicks ~ In the city of Garborough, there is a war brewing but very few know about it until it is too late. In the early hours of the morning, people go missing and never return again. Who is behind this? Previous reports of strange noises in Terrace, BC, and creatures like Bigfoot have been given. The culprit? No one knows, but a squad of college students has been created to fight whoever is taking these people. The police won't find who's at fault so they have to be the ones to find whoever it is themselves. You are part of it, and you are about to witness something out of this world. Maybe you'll even find allies in this other world? At one point in the story, your characters will gain magic according to his or her zodiac sign. There will also be sign ups for villains as we progress through the RP. Sign Ups: Name: Age: (18-25): Personality: History: Appearance: Zodiac Sign: Powers from Zodiac Sign: your character's future power corresponds to the Zodiac Sign. Aries, Sagitarius, and Leo use fire. Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio use water. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn use earth. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius use air. Try to be minimal at first with minimal powers and then scale to experienced powers, like this: Minimal: Learning: Experienced: Hobbies: Strengths: Weaknesses: Job: Side: Voice Actors Needed: (will update once characters are accepted) We will also need voice actors to cover parts of the RP! The audio drama will not be made unless we have the voices! Male voices: Sice, LoG Female voices: Trey Evil voice (male and female): Sice Creatures: Rules: No godmodding unless otherwise permitted Never take over someone else's character Post at least once every 2 days unless there is a reason PG-13 violence and romance Characters can die, but there has to be an agreement between the roleplayers You can leave the RP at any time, but have an ending post which concludes your character's story indefinitely or until you get back. We will be communicating over Skype
Ryan's mind felt dragged down. His eyes were droopy, and bags appeared under them. He was thinking about his family, and how they'd be right now until the doctor came in. He was relieved when he heard Jex was safe, but his memory loss worried him. They only knew each other for so little, and they barely spoke over the last three weeks. A rush came over him that maybe he might have forgotten about him. As soon as he heard that he was able to see Jex, he jumped out of his seat, but as Kiki explained that she was leaving, Ryan shook his head. "No, you should come with us! They can train you! Wait here!" he said, before entering Jex's room. He would talk to Kiki more, but he needed to know if Jex was truly okay, and whether or not he forgot about him or not. He, at first, gave Danni some space as Ryan sat beside him. Ryan looked at him, and immediately felt terrible. Bandages were all over his head with so many marks on him. A chill went through him as he saw the oxygen tubes entering his nose. This was partly his fault. He asked Jex to come to meet him, and he put him in peril. "We’re all worried about you." Ryan spoke softly, "Yes." Jex did say that he wasn't to blame, but he wasn't sure. Was he just being nice? He held his other hand and caressed it the same way he's done in the past. As he did so, he listened to Danni speak so openly to him. Throughout the night, she kept very much to herself. She was strong...unlike himself. "Hey, this is Ryan. I'm here for you. How are you feeling?" he asked, looking down at his hand.
Probably wants a Final Fantasy VII HD Remake.
Comes from Denerim.
Alex looked at the windows and noticed it was dark out. The moonlight shone brightly among the grass outside. Now's not the time to start a mission. It would have to be tomorrow. He yawned and placed the envelope in his pocket. "Well, I'm going to bed. Please try to be quiet with your thoughts," he told them rubbing his tired eyes. He walked back to his room, hands in his pockets, feeling bored. It will be good to go on a mission. He hasn't been on one for a long time. On his way back, he noticed his neighbor's door open. Ryan must still be out. The door was still plain, and had no decoration on it. He sighed. He has had it rough. At that point, he hoped he and Jex were able to sort out their differences. Interested, he walked in, and on his table side, there was something written on a piece of paper. Usually interested in other's emotions when they're not so loud, he took the paper quickly and began to read it. They looked like song lyrics, and as he read them, he smiled. It was for Jex, and it was about how he felt and how sorry he was for thinking that he would be embarrassed to be with him. Wow, this kid is so lame He read a few lines from the song again. "Those violet eyes, they make me smile. Wish I could see you in a while. You are the only one here for me. In my life, you are the key." The song was cheesy, which is probably why he never sang this to him, but this seemed as though this could have worked as well, however embarrassing it would have been. Alex hoped Jex would find it so he can read Ryan's embarrassed thoughts. It would be hilarious. You know what? Chuckling to himself, Alex walked over to Jex's room. Sadly, the gothic door was locked, but he was able to slide the paper down through the door slip. Jex will be able to read it, and Ryan won't know what to do. He began to laugh loudly as he walked back to his own room. Maybe it was mean, but this could help Ryan. You never know. He opened the door of his room, which was plain blue. He couldn't think of anything to put on there. He walked over to his bed, took off his shoes, and laid back down in his bed, staring at the ceiling. It was much quieter as there were less people at the mansion. Finally, I can sleep. He tucked into the covers, not caring that he had his day clothes on, and laid his head on the soft pillow. He closed his eyes, and after a few minutes, he sank to sleep. Ryan, however, couldn't sleep. As the night continued, the brown haired boy sat silently on a chair by the surgery room. He was protecting him alongside Danni. He spoke every so often with Kiki, and had to get something to eat and drink, but other than that, he just stared at the long empty hallways of the hospital, thinking about his old life, and how he had to leave it. If he didn't, the people at the mansion would be at risk, including himself. He also kept thinking about Jex's smile and his violet eyes. He really wanted to see him again, and have a relationship with him. They only just met, but there was a connection between them that he didn't want broken apart so early.
Ryan stopped in thought when he realized that it was only three weeks ago. He thought it was longer. It felt like months, not weeks in that room. He closed his eyes and blamed himself. "It's my fault. I was an idiot. I just-" Ryan felt cold and a shiver went down his back. "I just felt alone. I've had everything taken away and those three weeks felt like months," he told her. He looked back outside the window and stared at the tree. "I needed him, and I think he needed me," he added. He remembered how he looked like when he said he was unsure. "He looked so sad," he said. "Well, he must care enough for you not to let your sorry ass get hurt or get in the way... Where's Christie? Who is this Kiki anyways?" Ryan pointed towards the door of the room they were in previously to show where Christie was. "And Kiki, she's a telepath like us, and she saved me from the man who was trying to kill me. I don't know where she is though," he said. He remembered Errol telling him to watch over her. He's going to be annoyed... "You don't have to say sorry to me. Ryan, Jex, and Christie are the ones that need to hear it the most. I don't..." She stood and looked like she heard something. "And probably Jex's cousin" Tyson sighed. Jex's cousin was probably close by and with how Kiki was reacting, it wasn't good. "Well, I backslapped you so I'm sorry" Rebecca was preoccupied with the bubbles so she didn't hear the conversation. "I have knowledge about who are after you. I can help. That doesn't make up for what I've done, but it's a start," he said. Alex scoffed at Leif's dismissal. "Well then. I guess the kid and I have to find him then," he said, annoyed that he had to look after this girl. He walked over to her and the imaginary animals around her. "Do you want to help me find him?" he asked while kneeling down and holding up the lost boy's photo. He tried to say it in a soft higher pitched tone than usual. "He needs help"
"Look Danni she didn't know anything, trust me. I know everything she knows now. It might come in handy, I know know advanced levels of medicine and life saving as well as karate. But as for what happened to Jex she has no clue. However from the sounds of it Ryan here was there, I am sure he doesn't mind filling us in on the details, right?" Ryan sighed and put his hands in his pockets. "Well, I wanted to meet Jex at the mall so I can talk to him outside the mansion, but when I arrived, a man who was trying to kill me before showed up and placed a gun behind me-" He stopped feeling tears being created in his eyes. "He...was going to kill me, but I asked Jex for help because he was the only one I knew I could leave a message to. I-" Ryan frowned and looked down at the spotless white tiles below them. "I told him how I felt about him just in case I died, and-" He felt his throat crawling from the emotions that he experienced from this experience. "A girl called Kiki saved me, and we fled to a tea shop. The man was going to leave as there was so much attention at that point but-" He looked back up at Danni with teary eyes. "Jex went after him to find out more, and he got himself hurt..." Ryan looked over to the rain hitting the grass outside and watched the tree branches swaying from side to side from the wind. He didn't want to look at Danni or Brenden because he was ashamed. "I couldn't help because Christie stopped me. Jex must have told her to stop me from interfering." He laid his head on the window and felt its cold surface on his now teared up face. "I'm sorry..."
Asa Butterfield is good in Hugo and Ender's Game. I think he'll make a great Spiderman.
Ryan suddenly heard an interruption to the silence. Someone was shouting from the halls, and she sounded angry. Readying his fist, he began to walk down the hallway. It could be one of the people who are after them. He had to protect Jex. However, as he walked further in, he saw a girl he knew from the mansion, but never quite knew her name. She looked very flustered. She must be worried about Jex. He dropped his fist and went up to her. "Hey," he said plainly without much emotion behind it.