By the time Ryan finished eating breakfast, the boy was shaking and felt cold. What he had witnessed back in the hospital really shook him. He was trying to keep himself calm for Jex. If Jex woke up and saw or heard him in that state, he would be worried about him. He placed his head back on Jex's shoulder once more, holding his arm close to him. "I'm sorry dear, I was trying to make sure things were in order. You seem to be on the low side..." Ryan sat up and faced the nurse, still holding Jex's hand. He was the only person in this new life that he could rely on. If he died back in the hospital, he wouldn't know what to do. He felt weak being so reliant on Jex, but he had no one else in this dangerous life. The nurse sat down on a stool next to him. "Anything I can do for you?" The room was just like the hospital. White everywhere. White walls, floors, and clocks. The only thing that had color were the flowers on Jex's bedside table, and the purple chairs the nurse and Ryan were sitting on. Ryan looked down at the plain tiled ground, feeling weak by crying and showing his OCD traits in such a hysterical manner. His face felt tired from and hot from the crying. "You can't help me. A friend was killed right in front of me. I-" he sobbed, having trouble talking. "I just feel so scared, and Jex- he almost died - and..." His voice trailed off. He wanted to stop talking. He didn't want to relive what happened. Alex found it difficult to listen to Errol. Ryan's thoughts were overwhelming. "Poor kid," he spoke quietly. "I don't know how much longer Ryan can last. He's unstable and unable to handle what's happened to him" he whispered into Danni's ear with concern. "I can't hear Errol because he's so troubled." Alex was barely able to hear Errol when he mentioned it was a mission in which people may not come back from. "I'm in. If we face an enemy in combat, I am your man," he said.
The boy was quite startled from being shouted at all of the sudden. "I-I-I, I'm not the person to ask" he stuttered. "It's my master you want to talk to. You can follow me back to him if you want" Jay was slightly irritated. He wanted to know immediately what was happening, but he seemed young and clumsy. He wouldn't be able to explain very well anyway. "OK then. We'll follow you," Jay replied, puzzled about the color of his eyes. As the elf guided the group out of the college, Jay was curious. How could they exist among humans? "What's your name and how do you live among us?" he asked, looking at his scrawny teared jeans and worn green shirt from the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. It looked like he was wearing handy-downs. "My name is Eren, and I can't really explain it. There's a field around us. My dad said it's like a magnetic field in a way. It's from the essence of our souls. Humans usually don't have that ability, and that's why there's no magic in your world. Due to the lack of essence, regular humans can't see us in our normal forms, only as one of you," he said, his grammar not perfect due to not being completely fluent in English. "Where does this essence come from?" Jay asked as Eren stopped by the roadside. Eren looked puzzled and thought about it. He never questioned that. It was just natural for him. "Well, I think it's a gift from the gods of the stars. We call them the Zodiacs. When your kind touched the apple of Eden, almost the entire race were taken away of their powers. Only a few who are destined for greatness are given the gift, good or bad. Every one of you have been chosen, and to protect you, we must awaken your powers. This is fate." He clapped his hands and suddenly an old green station wagon appeared from thin air with a driver in tow. He was completely covered in green with his face shrouded. "This car is special. I guess you could say it's like James Dond's spy car." Jay laughed. "This!? Really?" "You'll see," Eren said as he opened the door and tripped inside. Craxen grinned. "Good. Now to show you your room, my apprentice," he said with his snarly voice, opening a portal with a flick of his claw. The portal looked like a cauldron of green and black liquid turned sideways. He stepped inside along with Alec, and inside awaited a room with chests on the right side. The room was in ornate red with banners of an elf's skull. "I had the room ready for whoever seemed worthy enough to learn, and you are it. As I promised, here is your wealth. The sex will come later when you ask for it. As for the power, that is something that comes after you have learned your abilities. We will get to that shortly."
"You already went through a lot in the last few days. Take a break, enjoy your time with him." He looked up at her by the door. She seemed used to this, which kind of scared him a little. How could she be so strong? She was even giving him a slight smile. Her way of trying to help Ryan in fact made him worse. Was this going to be his future? "Be careful..." he said quietly. He soon got an answer to his question as an announcement reached his mind from Errol as well as hearing it on the speaker. Today we will be rescuing Colton and Carter. We will need all the help we can get. If you are unable to aid us, that's alright. This is a dangerous operation. If you are interested, please come to my office immediately. Dangerous. That's how it's going to be from now on. He can't set foot into a mall without fearing the worst and he couldn't see his family anymore. It also unsettled him that two people were being rescued. How often was this? He glanced over at Jex, still unconscious. He was fed up of seeing him asleep, and he really needed him right now. A few jokes and that smile of his were what he wanted more than anything at that point. He ran his fingers through his black hair with tears still running down his face. He thought this new life would be a great change, but everything was going terribly. He sat back down and flashes of Kiki went through his mind and that distressed face he saw of her before she died traumatized him. He started to mutter under his breath three times over and over again, "Why?" Like a record cutting out, he kept saying it. His OCD was acting up, and he was counting, making a few seconds of silence after 3 successions of saying the word. This only happened a few times in his life when he was really stressed out or lost someone close to him. While Kiki wasn't particularly close, seeing someone die right in front of you is something much more impacting. He held Jex's hand tightly with sweaty palms and laid his head on his arm. He breathed in deeply and calmed down. He moved his thumb along Jex's palm. He hoped he would wake up soon. Alex walked into the headmaster's office and noticed a menagerie of treats in the room. He knew from the thoughts around the room that he was trying to ease them in. He went up to the cart and took a sugared donut. Shrugging his shoulders, he took a bite and smiled slightly from the sweet and moist nature of the donut as he chewed into it.
Ryan stayed silent as she drove the ambulance to the academy, remorseful over Kiki. She was such an innocent soul, and she saved him from Tyson before. If it wasn't for her, he would be dead right now. He decided in his mind that he would remember her with a smile rather than her dying in front of him. When Danni began to talk to him, he snapped out of his thoughts and realized they were at the academy. "Yeah, I can walk. Let me help you," he said with little emotion. He stepped out of the ambulance's large drop and ran over to hold up Jex's right side. He was completely out. He was glad that Jex didn't have to witness any more violence. Tears still remained to fall down his face. He was so new to this world, and he didn't know how much of this he could take. The memories of Jex getting beaten up and Kiki dying in front of him spinned in his mind over and over again. He tried to cover it up with good memories like kissing Jex and Kiki being happy, but he just couldn't shake it off.
Ryan woke up in the side seat of the ambulance. He realized he must have passed out after the lack of sleep and the power he used. Dazed, he looked over at Danni. This plan was crazy and Kiki was gone. Jex was between them. "What happened?" he mumbled, now staring at the road ahead of them. It was cloudy, but the sunrise was able to slip through the cracks. The clouds were purple, and if it wasn't for what was happening, he would have thought it was beautiful. The sunrise reminded him of Kiki's upbeat personality, and now she was gone just like that. "Kiki..." Tears ran down his face. She didn't deserve to die like that. No one does of course, but especially her. Kiki being so happy-go-lucky, but getting killed so violently was really upsetting to Ryan. Alex was waiting by the office doors, ready for action. It has been two long days of nothing to do. Carrying his sword behind his back, he wanted to save that idiot, Colton. Maybe after saving him, people would shut up, but with so much drama happening, it might just be the beginning.
Jay couldn't believe what was going on around him. This was mental. Jay charged towards Alec and knocked him down to the table and slapped the lighter out of his hand. He quickly looked over at Serenity. "Call the police. He has threatened you," he told her, trying to keep him down. He motioned his head towards Zane, asking him to help keep Alec detained. This guy was a nutjob. In the halls, there lingered a presence roaming around the empty halls. He was invisible. One of his informants told him that there was a club that started today that were going to investigate what he was up to. He found the room that the group was in and listened in. There was a commotion. "YOU B*TCH! You better back off! I swear I will hurt you. I will leave her alone for now IF you let me stay. Got it! If you can get her alone I can make sure you see her without much clothing. How does that sound?" The creature grinned. There was potential for him to learn the ways of the arcane. In fact, everyone in that room had the potential. Strange. He figured that those who are willing to make a change and had the courage would be able to fulfill the way. However, he heard that there was a fight occurring within the room. Perhaps he can help. He wanted to enlist this man. While invisible and in break-neck speed, the creature slashed Jay off the boy with his razor sharp claws and pushed Zane out of the way. Jay screamed in pain as he fell to the ground, clutching his chest. Blood begin to crawl over the floor as Jay continued to shout in agony. The creature grabbed Alec and rushed out of the room and eventually under a staircase, unseen by the empty hallways of the university. The creature emerged out of his invisible state and began to laugh. He was alligator like. His green was green and scaly, his mouth was filled with sharp knife-like teeth, and his claws were razor sharp. He towered over Alec with his 8 feet height. He was also wearing leather armor with metal plates over his knees and chest. He seemed ready for battle. With his blood red eyes, he looked down at Alec. "I have brought you here to discuss a plan. I sense you want power, sex, and wealth. Am I right? I can give that all to you, but you must be willing to follow my command and become one with the powers of fire," he said with his graveled voice. A boy ran into the room, breathless. It seemed as though he was running for miles and after hearing the screams coming from it, he thought the worst. His eyes widened when he saw Jay in a bed of blood, clutching his chest. "Damn it, Crexen's been here. If I was here a minute earlier..." He ran over to him quickly and flipped him over. "I must have it...come on....come on...." He rummaged through a tool bag, going through viles upon viles until he felt the rigid edge of a triangular vile with a green bubbling liquid inside. He picked it out and put it to Jay's lips. "Drink it. It's going to taste horrible." Jay was still shocked by what was going on, but he nodded. As the liquid flowed down, he tasted a rancid flavour. Was it bad egg or fish guts? He didn't know. However, the cuts began to sooth and the blood began to stop. In a glow of green, the mark completely faded. Jay took a deep breath, heart racing. "Thank you," he replied and then he looked at the boy. He seemed around 14 or 15, and then he noticed his yellow eyes. What the hell? Then he noticed he had long pointed ears. He was an elf. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?" he shouted at the brown haired and yellow eyed elf.
Allen is accepted.
Jay did not predict a situation like this occurring. He should have known that trolls would show up. When he began to insult Serenity, he felt himself fuming, especially when he said about "other services." How disgusting. From the front of the room, he stormed up to him, knowing that Zane also had his back. He blocked Alec from getting closer to Serenity. "You are not welcome here. What you said to Serenity is not right. Get out. Now," he said sternly. This meeting was going off to a great start, but what he said to her made him so angry. Even if it wasn't directed towards Serenity, he would still be reacting the way. He wanted to try to avoid confrontation, but he was ready if he wanted to incite it.
Ryan was still out of breath by the time Danni began to talk to him. His heart was racing as fast as a battle drum at the march of war. He was so panicked. "That nightmare felt too real. I was back at the place I was shot, and there were five people with hoodies on. They asked me where Jex was, and I didn't know where he went. I was chased and others from the mansion were killed by them. They were going to shoot me too if I didn't know where Jex was. They said they were from a group who wanted all of the chaos around psychics to end. They shot me in the leg and were about to kill me. It was strange though. It felt like it was real," he said quietly looking down at the covers. He gazed towards Danni, who seemed pretty tired. "Are nightmares worse when your powers are awoken? I haven't had one since before I got shot that day." As Ryan was about to suggest that he would take over Danni's watch, he heard someone running towards the room in a hurry and a commotion outside.
Ryan was close to falling asleep when Jex started to speak. "Ryan... You know I wouldn't... jump to things... Right? I'm not that kind of guy... I take it slow. I just want to make sure... you're safe..." Ryan felt Jex grip his hand weakly. He needed rest. Ryan smiled, and cushioned his head on Jex's arm. "I know. I don't want that anyway. Just don't take care of me to the point of getting you in danger," he sleepily said. "I'm still new to all of this, but I can handle myself, okay?" He gave Jex's hand a squeeze and began to drift off, falling into a deep dream. He was in the alleyway again, staring at five people with hoodies on. It was dark. "Where is Jex? Tell us or we'll shoot," one of the men said. Two of them had pistols in their hands. It began to rain heavily around them like bullets. Ryan remained silent, not knowing whether or not this was real or not. It felt like he was really there. He was panting, out of breath. He must have been running away from them. Flashes came into his mind. People he saw from the mansion were shot by them, and now he was next. "Who are you?" Ryan asked. "People who want neutrality. No psychics, no Raven Suns, no government experimentation." a woman said. "We want all of this to end. Now where is he?" Ryan stared at the guns, ready to accept his fate. His heart was pulsing fast. "I don't know! Why do you want him!?" he asked, worried about the one he loves. Suddenly a shot was fired towards Ryan's leg. In reality and in the dream, he screamed. Ryan fell to the ground, soaked in water and the blood seeping through to the puddle. It pierced through him and broke a part of his leg. It felt so real. Ryan continued to scream in pain and his vision began to get foggy. His head felt woozy as he was trying to process the pain in his leg. He felt pale. A man in a brown hood came up to him, gun facing towards Ryan's brain, his face in black. "Last chance. Where is Jex?" Ryan opened his eyes, panting and sweating. He looked around frantically, noticing his leg wasn't injured anymore. It was just a nightmare. He was with Jex still in the hospital room. It was in the middle of the night.
Jay was flushing red, but what Zane said was true. He always tried to avoid the negativity of the moment and focused on the positive. "Well, uh...My brother was one of the first to disappear. They found his body in the forest, and the police gave a terrible excuse, saying he choked on a chicken bone. I didn't believe them. He never ate chicken to begin with. He was vegetarian. It's been three years now..." he explained, sitting back on a chair. His fanboy outcries turned into a low toned voice. "I made this club so we can begin to investigate these disappearances. I think they're connected as each disappearance is reported to be in the forest," he added, looking down at the lime green carpet below. "I try to forget about it," he said.
When Serenity turned her head, Jay had his mouth wide open. He never knew she was local. He had a crush on her for a while, and her singing got him through some hard times. "Oh my're..." What are you doing? Act normal. Jay straightened his back and cleared his throat as they entered the room. The room was set up like an old fashioned theatre show or a movie theatre. Tables and various were lined up in various heights with stairs between the columns. It was primarily used as a theatre room for photography and film classes. "It's nice to meet you Serenity. I really like your singing. I listen to your YouTube channel quite often, but I never knew you were here at the same school. That's so cool!" Jay spoke and then gradually exclaimed with excitement. As a matter of fact, her songs were in a playlist he put on every day for studying. His attempted neutral position failed. He couldn't help but be a fanboy. The first year smiled at her. She was just how he pictured. Long black hair, bright blue eyes...STOP IT! Jay looked away and went up to the center of the room. He then realized he completely ignored Zane. "Hey Zane, my name's Jay!" he said, feeling terrible. But it was her! He had to focus on the matter at hand. The disappearances. He pulled out a map of Garborough and a few newspaper articles from his bag, and placed them on a table in front of him. "We'll start soon. We'll wait about five minutes for more people to show up," he stated.
Jay shuffled through the cascade of students, staring at his phone from time-to-time to check if he was late for his own meet up. He hoped people would show up. He put posters all over campus and outside areas. He heard a voice stand out among the crowd though and it sounded like someone he listened to on YouTube. It seemed to be coming from a girl ahead of him with black hair. She also had black hair! He also heard more of the song she was singing. It sounded like an anime OP! He shook his head. He was a fan, but there was no way. The world couldn't be that small. He overheard a few conversations. "Another person is missing. He was in our class." "What was his name?" "Joe? John?" "I don't know. I'm worried though, man. It's weird." Jay frowned. This had to be stopped. As the crowd began to clear from the main hallway and into a side section, he noticed the girl he noticed earlier was walking towards the classroom he had the meeting at. What if it was her? He began to hear her singing more clearly, and it sounded just like her voice. Weird. She was indeed at the door of the classroom though. "Hey, how's it going?" he asked. "Are you here for the Strange Occurrence Investigators Club? I know it's a long name..."
Ryan was trying to find a good side on this uncomfortable bed, but he was unable to. His head felt like it was falling through the pillow. "That doesn't sound very comfortable. I think there's enough room on this bed if you want to sleep with me..." Ryan stopped, a little freaked. What did he just ask? "Only if you're okay with the wires and... yeah." Ryan's face went ruby red. He was glad for once that he couldn't see. What the heck was he thinking? This was going too fast, and Jex needed room. He remained silent, facing away from Jex. He didn't know what to say. "Jex...I..." Ryan got his feet out of the bed he was in and stood up, staring at the area next to Jex a little bit. He shook his head, went up to the bed, and laid there flat. It still had the brick like mattress on it. He stared at the wires sprawling off from Jex and placed his head on his arm. It was more comfortable than the pillow. He held his hand and closed his eyes, trying to fall to sleep. Alex heard Colton's message. "Finally, someone talks to me," he mentioned to himself. Where and when are we meeting for this rescue?
Ryan stood there for a while, trying to stop the crying. Over the last few weeks, he kept it all in. Being so alone, feeling left in the room for ages, feeling completely outside with these powers. Now after almost dying twice, seeing Jex being treated in this way, and now having a group of people wanting to kill them? It was too much, but he had Jex and as he brushed his thumb across his face, he smiled. "Everything will be alright..." he whispered in a solemn voice. Ryan nodded. "I believe you," he replied, knowing that him, Errol, and so many others at the mansion were there. When Danni recommended to get rest, Ryan frowned with a yawn. He was exhausted. He stayed up all day and night. Still holding his hand, he went up to his face. "I'll talk to you when I've got some rest. I'm tired. Please don't go anywhere!" he joked. He pecked him on the lips and let go of his hand, drifting towards the bed. It was as cheap as it got. Barebones white metal with a hard mattress almost like a brick. As Ryan laid down on the bed, the covers were too thin, and the pillows were too soft. He was not comfortable at all.
When Jex touched his cheek, his breathing stopped and his eyes widened. It was still weird that someone cared about him in that way. "Hey, Ryan, don't cry," Ryan stayed silent, clutching his hand a little tighter, but when Jex struggled with his words, he tried to calm him down as he saw Jex's hand weaken. "Don't worry if you can't remember everything. Just relax, ok?" he hushed, still stroking his hair. When Danni questioned further, Ryan was a little annoyed at her for making him worry. "It's fine, Jex. I'm OK. After what happened, I was able to take him down. He's with his daughter now. He's on our side after what you said to him. He wanted to protect his daughter from us, but now they're under the run by a group called the Raven Suns because he didn't-" Thoughts flashed through his mind. The gun on his back, Jex's terrified response, the anger that almost took him over. He shook them off. "kill me." He took a deep breath with more tears flowing down his face. Everything that just occurred just sunk in as he was explaining it to Jex. There were people after them. More than the two who attacked him before those weeks ago. There was an entire group. He cleared his throat. "I'm just glad you're here. I've missed you," he said.
The RP has begun!
Ryan looking red in the face listened to Danni. She was tapping on the pillow before speaking to him. She must have been nervous about them. "I just didn’t picture my cousin being like that. Guess I don’t know him as well as I thought. It just seems a little fast to me… Jex connects with people on a deep emotional level though. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised." Ryan smiled and chucked. "Well, to be honest, I didn't know I was like that either before meeting him. It just happened and I got really anxious at the end of the day. It was really new to me. Now I know I feel this way," he said back. He looked over at Jex with his golden eyes, happy that he was still alive. He turned back when Danni said the most sincere thing he's heard her say. “I hope it works out well between you two. You better take care of him as much as he’ll take care of you, you hear? He’s a softy in his heart. Not an ounce of malice or blackness," she said pointing a drumstick at him. Ryan laughed at the drumstick. It was as if she was raising a sword towards him. He then looked more seriously at her in the eyes. "I will take care of him. Don't worry," he told her in a plain voice, taking what she said more seriously. Then his heart raced as his hand was squeezed. He turned around quickly to Jex facing towards him. He saw his eyes try to flicker up, but he was unable to do so, and Jex once again squeezed his hand. He was okay. "Hey,” he whispered. "I can't... see you..." He saw his smile once again and a tear began to crawl down Ryan's cheek. Eventually it dropped and hit Jex's hand. Ryan came up to him and began to stroke his black hair. "Hey Jex. I'm here. Everything's fine," he told him. He was relieved that Jex still knew him. "You scared me back there, but you're here" He continued to look at his smile as that was the only way he was able to communicate non-verbally. "Do you remember everything?"
~ The Secret Magicks ~ OOC Section - Please sign up for characters or voice acting! By the way, I love this interpretation of Heartbeat, Heartbreak! In the city of Garborough, there is a war brewing but very few know about it until it is too late. In the early hours of the morning, people go missing and never return again. Who is behind this? Previous reports of strange noises in Terrace, BC, and creatures like Bigfoot have been given. The culprit? No one knows, but a squad of college students has been created to fight whoever is taking these people. The police won't find who's at fault so they have to be the ones to find whoever it is themselves. You are part of it, and you are about to witness something out of this world. Maybe you'll even find allies in this other world? Audio Drama Sections: Episode 1: (will be released later)_______________________________________________________________________________________ The rain poured down heavily in the city of Garborough, dancing along the concrete streets. A first year student looked out at the roads below as cars either slowly passed through the roads to avoid puddles or went really fast, leaving victims in soggy clothes, hair, and make up. He smiled as he saw a girl freaking out over her wet hair after being splashed by one of the fast cars, flailing her arms and having a temper tantrum. He laughed. "Excuse me, Jay. What exactly is funny about the Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination?" Jay interrupted his history professor's lecture on America in the 20th Century. Jay jerked his head towards the professor, old and stern, wrinkles abound on his forehead and eyes. Jay's heart raced, feeling awful in front of the class. He wished it wasn't so boring. "There's nothing funny at all. Please continue," he said quickly, not wanting to interrupt the class any longer. The old professor sighed, cleared his throat and was about to speak until he noticed the time on his watch. 5 p.m. He rolled his eyes as he watched the students pack up their notebooks and laptops hurriedly. "Looks like class is over. You're dismissed," he said with an aggravated Australian accent. Jay was ready by the time he dismissed the class. He couldn't wait to get out and start the first meeting of the Strange Occurrence Investigators Club. Long name, but he couldn't think of anything catchy. It was three years since his brother died, and ever since that first incident, many people have disappeared over night without any clues left behind. Unsatisfied with how the police were handling this case, Jay took it up to begin to cover what's been happening in the name of his brother. Seeing his grave fall into the dug hole and the people who loved him crying over him still haunted his nightmares. He shook it off as he left the classroom, seeing the students leaving for home like ants leaving their hives.
Ryan laid back in his chair, and at first smiled at Danni's She-Hulk comment, but when Jex's sexuality came up, his smile faded slightly. Is that what was in Danni's mind? Was she bothered by it? She did give him a weird look earlier. How does sexuality play into it? His smile returned as he spoke. "When Jex met me, he seemed so kind, calm and caring. I used to be quite the shy guy, and when he looked after me three weeks ago with so much care, I just felt so nervous, and I didn't know why. I was blushing." Ryan was blushing at that point, just thinking about how embarrassing it was. "I knew how I felt, and it just felt natural towards him. He is so funny, and we instantly made a connection. It's not a matter of sexuality, it just happened, and I should have accepted that back then. Maybe this all wouldn't have happened if I did," he spoke looking at Jex's bandaged face. "I just want to see him smile and see his eyes shine at me again," he said, clasping Jex's hand. "I've only known him for a little, I know, but I care for him and I know he feels the same way." He felt so embarrassed to say something like this to someone, but he wanted to let Danni know how he felt. She was his cousin.