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  1. Menos Grande
    Yeah.. remembering that there are other technologies to see "3D" (we always see 3D) whithout glasses, some tvs are doing now.. but the problem is that nintendo stole his way that is diferent than others.
    As for Sony, they did a few years ago something much more promissing that i never heard again "The Playstation TV" that had 2 glasses and each player saw diferent things when looking on the screen it would be awesome to play player X player games.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 15, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  2. Menos Grande
  3. Menos Grande
    Now I am sad :(
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 13, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Menos Grande
    Most trophies are easy, but there are some of them... Like "Won whithout using continue" Beating Ansem in chain of memories whithout a continue? I really hope that we can "die" and seeing the "continue" screen doesn't spoil this trophy, If not we'll have to turn off the game before we die >_<!
    Even though the bosses could get better trophys some will give you 2, Like after defeating sephiroth you'll probably have all keyblades at that point.
    All the cards will be hard >_<! But I am happy I didn't see any gummi ship trophy.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 13, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Menos Grande
    Cool that you are all excited about the Xbox, down here we are already calling a "dead console" even before it's out, as the internet infrastructre of Brazil will not be able to keep it working, even the Ps4 seems to be problematic as the servers are all at US, so sharing things will problematic with huge PINGs.. but they at least don't deamnd internet conection, and we did had some statament of the aspects of Ps4 in here (also a promise it will be launched same day as U.S.)
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 11, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  6. Menos Grande
    He is a lott horny o.O.. I hope he dosen't get all that excited and remake "Lolipopo chainsaw"
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 11, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  7. Menos Grande
    I hope that Re:codded becomes playable , as the story itself is kind pointless.. and it would be horrible to watch all the plot twists, that circle around itself (if it were only a movie), and it is genually fun to play.
    As for BBS or DDD, I hope is DDD because I didn't play it, and I would fell a little off to put BBS in here since all games are coming in a cronological order now.. but I would like to have BBS eventually so whichever comes by I'll love!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 11, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Menos Grande
    Me too ç.ç.. it's a demo, but most times they don't change the "facts" of the game .. not this much.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 11, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Menos Grande
    I think only sales make sense of it..
    Because The black flag isn't just "close" of AC III, it is realy previous to it, so this will be the first numbered title that will realy happen before another title what is wierd..
    That being said, there was also AC III: Liberation that happend along side with AC III, so not even the changing of character would justify the new number.

    (Spoiler about III)
    *****SPOILER***** I think the only thing that justifys a new number is the ending of ACIII and the events that must follow this new character, so it isn't because of the pirate it is about "D"

    Thanks libregkd!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 11, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  10. Menos Grande
    News about piston the unofficial steam box (I guess we can call it Next gen also, even though isn't a classic console)
    I really hope that the "real" steam box will be waaay cheapier than this, if is not 200-300$ I guess they can't even start to compete with the classic consoles..
    I don't know who would pre-order the PISTON as we currently don't even now it's hardwere.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 9, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  11. Menos Grande
    If both games came together in one it would be awesome! I fond that 358 days is more meaningful, it has more plot, on the other hand Re:codded is waaay more fun to play, obviously they pick the things that gone wrong in 358, and made them better , and also a lot of BBS input, even though I don't care as much for the story, I found myself going back to play Re:codde every now and then... I didn't ever play 358 after finished though.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 8, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. Menos Grande

    Si, Yo quiero 1000 pedidos más!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 8, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Menos Grande
    It will be really difficult for me to rewrite it, as english isn't my mother tongue, and if I did write something wrong , I didn't planned or see it when I did, thus I can't see where you want me to improve my text, I do however apolagize for anything that I might had got wrong
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 7, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  14. Menos Grande
    Brazilian government strikes again, and by age rating the next title of Ubisoft Far Cry 3: Blood dragon (It can be a game, or just a DLC)..No word from this game came from Ubisoft, so they are realy spoiling their fun :(! you can see it here:
    (Pc, Ps3, Xbox 360)
    Thread by: Menos Grande, Mar 7, 2013, 3 replies, in forum: Gaming
  15. Menos Grande


    Sorry the title came here as "A hora mais escura" i just translated , I did'nt search for the real title, my mistake.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 5, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  16. Menos Grande
    I am not saying that the Pc will stop functioning in 6 years, but whithout new pieces in few years your pc wont be able to play the new games because they are always asking more power of your pc.
    A Console however, the game is made for it, so if the game is made for it, it will run as the developers intended to it run.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 5, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  17. Menos Grande
    Well they did an AC for mobile phones, so they probably could make one to my calculator, but I don't know if puting this much effort into making AC an WII game would pay out.. they would have to remake the game from scrath only the plot would be the same, so all new artists and animations.. maybe they would not have their money back, not to mention that ubisoft is not ever doing ONE new AC they are doing two or more so they can launch a new one every 6 months, they would have to do the same thing for WII.. I guess it is easier doing for WiiU.

    As for "why to buy consoles".. everybody now says "PCs are the best".. but what PC that you buy for 500 dollars will survive 6 years (whithout new things) playing all the new and top games?
    You buy a console for its cost benefit, sure when some one spends 5000 dollars on a pc they will supass your capacity, but most people don't have that much cash, and if they were to spend what they could spend on a console in a pc they could not play the new games... so you buy consoles as an insurence, is cheap (in comparison with Pcs) and it will last longer than any Pc that you buy today.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 5, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  18. Menos Grande


    I found it a great movie... than again, it felt like the "idea, the event in the real life was so crazy and genius that it was as if the movie directed itself".. not that there weren't good characters and stuff , but I got more suprised that someone really pulled that of.

    But surely it was a great movie in comparison with the others in its genere like "The darkest hour" and that previous one fighting terror... "The darkest hour" was a meiocre film, almost bad.. the good thing about it was the polemic (everyone knows that they used torture, but pretend there wasn't, and they didn't even show torture under Obama's regime so not much polemic), and the thing that "OMG FINALLY OSAMA is DEAD >_<!" , but the entrantaiment was terrible, If you want to be amazed seeing something like this, go watch HOMELAND that is WAAAAY better.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 5, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  19. Menos Grande
    I don't recall the thing you said about Ps vita, I do however remember something similar done by Sony, so this could be their M.O, as you can see here:
    When Ps3 Slim (version 2) was relased EVERYBODY was waiting for a price drop at the older consoles (something that always happen when sony launchs a new version), this time however Sony made a cheaper Ps3, with cheaper parts , but they all came with more memory than most old ones (one of the cheapest upgrades that one can make in their Ps3), so the cheaper and "lamier" version of the Ps3 stayed with the same price of the "cool oldschool" Ps3, insted like when the first slim was out that Sony made it cheapier, than made the old ones go to the new lower price, in Ps3 slim 2 they just "up the price to meet the previous consoles".

    They did that and gave an terrible excuse that "The consumers don't want price drops, they want a constant price because with price drops they get confuse with they are buying cheaper or not" o.O...

    And about using this as a scheme, It is true, some economists had said that overpriceing something might be good for your product, because "it changes the market, and the target"
    I know first hand a mall in my city was almost closing doors, when they had a brilliant idea "Why not charge the parking?" (that time no mall did this), they became the first mall that did it, and overnight a mall that was closing became an exclusive place to be, so everybody wanted to be there.

    The same thing goes for luxuary cars, perfumes, chocolates (that fancy store isn't competing with your candy bar, no they become so expensive, that they become gifts, so their adversarys are other stores that sells gifts like a flower or perfume store), boats, etc...
    by paying more the thing itself gains a new subconscient value, beside the status.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 4, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  20. Menos Grande
    Name: Gustavo
    Username: Menos Grande
    Availability & timezone you're in: 18:00~0:00 (week), probably most part of the day on weekends. UTC-03 (minus 3 hours from greenwitch) Brasília, Time zone​
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 4, 2013 in forum: Community News & Projects