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  1. Menos Grande
    If you're a Ps plus i strongly suggest this game:

    Closure is a neat puzzle game, the thing about is "Whatever you can't see it, doesn't exist" at start it's a hindrance, as you can fall from where previously there was floor, but you can use in your advantage to cross walls and stuff.
    Also I am Cnemdophorus at PSN.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Menos Grande
    That's what I understand of it, maybe for controlling the games you will play and prevent piracy and second hand games.. As Microsoft sold a huge amount of Xbox 360 , but didn't manage to overrun piracy as Ps3 did (they did that program that made your ps3 play games in flash drives a few years back, but you couldn't update or play new games).
    While I see why they did it, it is still a hindrance for the buyers. The console will probably be full of cables and peripherics that will occupy a huge amount of space, and that you probably can't take everywhere.. not to mention that you can't play single player offline.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 20, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  3. Menos Grande
    Won't be better than DRAGON BALL ABRIDGED XD!
    But we can wait and see ç.ç
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 18, 2013 in forum: Anime and Manga
  4. Menos Grande
    I still didn't heard it, there is any videos comparing?
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 18, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Menos Grande
    I didn't understand anything so I couldnt apply.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 18, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Menos Grande
    I never played 3D so I wouldn't know how much importance the 3D has to the gameplay, but as I heard you can play it without it, so It must not be that big deal. On the other hand Ps3 is capable of playing games in 3d, the catch is that you have to get a tv with 3D, so they could launch the game with 3D and whoever has a fancy tv and wants to play it like they did in the 3DS could do it.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 17, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Menos Grande
    Ethically I have no problem with death sentence, even though I agree we all are made the same, I don't think that "all lives worth the same", the prision is obviously a rehabilitation center, them putting people "beyond hope of getting better" together with those that can defeat its purpose, making it a place of devious morality that makes a person fit the "cruel state they're now", so less ofense criminals like a thief could grown into a murderer due to enough stress. So you could end up worse than when you entered there.

    The pratical side .. I am against it, as it is complicated to be 100% sure of someone's guilty and thus i preffer to save 1 innocent life and spare 10000 criminal ones. There is some kind of fairness and validation of a criminal systeam that "doesn't kill", when you make a line that you don't cross it seems that you justify your action by being better than the criminals, like what if"The state can have weapons, the civilians not"? The state could argue that "we don't have death penalty, so is a quid pro co, "even though we carry weapons, our main objective is saving lives".
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 17, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  8. Menos Grande
    True enough, you can change your equipaments, but at the end the most powerfull ones are only a handful so you can't choose much if you want the "ULTIMATE POWER", when you are done with sinthesis and buying stuff all "soras" will look almost the same(And you can do this in BBS also, so I don't see it as a plus, just standard), as for BBS, everybody had the same options sure, but there is so many different power set that is dificult to come across with someone who uses your exact moves, even "minor powers" can be leveled up so they are top tier powers, unlike KH1/2.

    Even though characters ending up the same isn't always a bad thing (many great games do this, if not most), but after we got a taste of KH with more RGP feelings is hard to go back, we have to consider that is a Multiplayer game also, so custumization is a necessity in that end.

    But I do see a middle term, they could ad the shortcut system to BBS to make it faster like KH2 were, and maybe even give MP gauge another try, but I don't think they should take away all the abilities we've gained in all this years.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 17, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Menos Grande
    Thanks flood!
    As for Mickey can see it here:

    (at 2:21)
    Notice that this isn't the only moment Mickey says this about Aqua, in Re:Codded he started to say this when data-Sora learns about the keyblade trio, so in a way Aqua is essential to construct Mickey as a character that is one of the most important characters in KH's plot. Due to this Mickey could rescue Riku in Reverse/Rebirth, and even change his mind about Darkness (thus steping foward what Aqua has done). And she is resposible for Ven's and Terra's Current state and any delay on Xehanort plan's, beside she is a living proof of what the trio have done, and most likely will get a leading role in the upcoming titles, as her mission isn't over, she still has to rescue Ven and Terra, and Sora will enable her to do it.

    In a way just inverting the "rescue the princess/mainden" to make the woman save her friends paradigm is enough to make it counts I guess.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 17, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Menos Grande
    I think it is inevitable when you play with 3 different points of view to find at least one the lame one, she not having darkness duality , makes her really less cool, Darkness is cool, If it wasn't there wouldn't be so many people droping their keyblades (that are pretty cool) just to gain MORE DARKNESS, and people making rock music, and even girls thinking that that guy is a "lonly/broken soul who needs melding" everybody likes the darkness at some point!
    But I don't agree with you:

    Aqua was trying to help her friends first Terra, than Ven (that should't be off departure land anyway).
    Aqua didn't understand darkness, so she couldn't reach for Terra, so she tried so hard to understand him and some side characters try to teach her, Like the Fairy Goodmother that teaches her that "You can't win from darkness using light, as Light creates darkness, Cinderella's beauty is something you could call 'light', thus only good things should come from it, and yet her sisters hate 'dark' are alive because of it"
    She sees what Terra have done, and sees when he goes astray (even though most time she is misled to belive it, in the end he lost to the dark)
    She saves Kairi , she teaches Sora.
    And at the end she sacrifice herself to save Ven and Terra from darkness, and becomes a BADASS killing pure blood heartless for 10 years or more?
    She teaches Mickey to have the streght to save their friends "I'll save Sora and Riku, as my old friend Master Aqua tryied to"
    And at the end she finaly conects all the story by metting with Ansem, and learning about Sora, regaining Hope.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 16, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Menos Grande
    I hope square-enix learn to love their fanbase more, and recognize we are not all japonese, Nitendo's Pokemon will have a launch worldwide, so It's something that is possible, and the game is already made so they just need to translate so I hope someday we will have KH available to all regions from day one :(!

    As far DDD goes... i surely hope that it gets a stand alone remake, if it end up in some bundle like 2.5 there is a high probability that end up like a movie like all previous Nintendo DS portting :(... *If codded really end up being a movie*
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 16, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. Menos Grande
  13. Menos Grande
    I think they probably wont change anything in KH2FM, as stated before KH1 was changed to look alike KH2.
    BBS could get a better camera also, but I don't think it will change it's gameplay to fit KH2, the new KH systeam is way better than the previous, even though i Kind miss the MP system, KH has evolved from that, so next games probably won't have it, or if they do they will have a mix system that incorporates thinghs from KH 2 gameplay + BBS.

    I do hope we get better cutscenes in BBS, It was a shame that such beautiful video was made in the intro, and yet when we get in the Keyblade graveyard they did such lame video.. they could just show the intro again and we would understand it all and it would be way more beautiful. So only graphics improvement from BBS,
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 16, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  14. Menos Grande
    THA SKY! I never been so emotional about a video game before, the graphics sure made the difference!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 16, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Menos Grande
    I think she is asking if you got Asian or Japonese version.
    Either way there should be the option to use american voices, even though not the menu!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 16, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Menos Grande
    Cool! I'll try to be a beta player!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 15, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Menos Grande
    This pikachu sure looks strange.. I FOund that the KH version of the DS is way preatier than the others.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 15, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  18. Menos Grande
    There are certain adventages of making a exclusive title, first obviously you have a friendly treatment with the console (Sony/Nintendo/Microsoft), you then become an "Flag" of that console, what would be of Nintendo without : Pokemon, Zelda, Mario ? What would be of Ps3 without: Uncharted, GOD OF WAR, INFamous , Microsoft without: Gears of wars, Halo ?
    This games sell the console, and because of that they receive huge contracts for being exclusive. In the end of the day we buy consoles over games, and the way we will have fun using it that could not be achieved anywere else.

    So even though is possible that KH do go to Xbox at some point, right now is almost impossible, they could make the game Playstation exclusive and than making a Xbox version way after, but the main problem is one thing and one thing only: JAPONESE HATE XBOX.

    So even though the WiiU is probably waaay weaker than the next Xbox, it will still have more love among the Japonese people, than the Next Xbox (if things don't change), Square being a Japonese company probably wouldn't want that their game sold poorly on their own lands, and thus would prefer to port it to WiiU/Ps3/Ps4 than to a Xbox. Sorry bro.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 15, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Menos Grande
    I am so happy with this news! But at the same time I am thinking "They promised that would port all handled games to the console so most fans could experience all KH saga", yet every handled so far is receiving a movie treatment (Minus BBS and Chain that were already at sony's possetion, or had already being made for console).. If their idea of "porting for console" is only showing us a huge cinematic, in the end it isn't different from seeing someone else playing in the Youtube.
    Even though I do think they're bringing the most important games for the Ps3, and this is great for Ps3 players like myself, If they continue to not port the Nintendo's titles they wont be living to our expectation with their statemant, probably would make more sense "for experience playing" that they ported 358/2 days and Re:codded over KH 1, Chain, KH2, and BBS. Because this titles were never at playstation!
    And if you think about It, the Ps4 is saying that ALL playstation games (Ps1, Ps2, Ps mobile, Ps3, Psp, Pspgo, Ps Vita) will be playable with streaming (probably they could give some trophy support) so eventually we would get this games, but the "nintendo's titles" even though are lammer than sony's are now lost for ever, as I highly doubt they will have a "second remake" to the Playstation.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 15, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Menos Grande
    If they really wanted to make a BBS 2 (theres some hints at the end of BBS) they could do BBS + BBS2 in a bundle...
    I think they screwed up, they should had put the BBS in 1.5, but at this rate we would end up with another non playing game...
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 15, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts