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  1. Menos Grande
    "Stop email me for a quote" LoL
    Sounds awesome I love plataform games x)
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 22, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  2. Menos Grande
    And yet they gave us that number "13", they could easly be 7 dark hearts to balance the 7 light hearts (princess). Or 1 X 1 for that matter as Ventus & Vanita worked, the only problem was the double kill, but the "X-blade" was made, and it remains as Kingdom Key, and Kindgom Key D.
    So they created themselves the problem.

    The thing about KH is that started really simple in KH 1 like a plot(Like, maybe someone will buy the game.. maybe not), when the "real Kh story" started at CoM~KH II.. even if elements of the "real Kh story" (and not simply re-tell disney's story) were already at KH 1, they were abstract ideas at most.

    When KH 2 was out, all KH story was out as well, and looked badass, but they've lost themselves, and a little of our interest for the sake of making a lot of spin-off handled games..

    So KH isn't bad per se is only that it's story doesn't work outside the video game, in the video game poorly explained events could lead to more awesome gameplay, and thus more games, more games=more fun for more time...
    So the story gets a little streched to a point that if it was a book or movie it would suck, but as it is a game you really just want a excuse to play more, so you will buy it no matter what.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 22, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Menos Grande
    I like the indie phase we are know (really enjoying Closure) , but I didn't feel anything for this game.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 22, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  4. Menos Grande
    I am kinda desapointed that the english version of KH probably won't be this one with the throne, all the "pre-order" images are only the KH logo and the title in white.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 22, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Menos Grande
    Great can't wait!
    AS for Epcar X Zane, I've always been more Epcar Kind of a guy, but I found that it is a minority over the internet that prefers him.. maybe because I am not a native speaker I don't get some nuances that Zane had ... but for me sounds mostly as a normal whispering, as oppose to Epcar that sounds like he is putting his heart on the lines.
    like when he says "Nothing" is when I most enjoy it.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 22, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Menos Grande
    I like the idea of multiple characters as it gives you more reason for replay.. Like playing KH1/2 on hard for unlock critical mode.. we do play it, because we want it, but if there was new things to it it would made us more eagger to play.

    I liked BBS, didn't play 3D , but seems good.
    And I LOVED CHAIN OF MEMORIES, I just think they should have made us play with riku before than Sora, as RIku's path is easier at the begning and difficult at the end, and Sora's is difficult at the begining and easy at the end when you have mastered your decks.
    Storywise riku's path was inferior, as he didn't had no one to talk to.. but I loved CoM system so much that I didn't care much.

    There's one problem with 2 or more playable characters that is:
    1)Making the story shorter.. I agree that the PSP didn't had that much power so make you play 20H of game 3 times is easier than playing 60 hours of new story.. but for a KH III I really hope that it will be at least as long as KH II.

    Ps.: I would like also that there would be some cross play possibility.. if you unlock some sleight/magic/attack you should get it on all you characters as It is a pain in the ass remaking all things from scrach.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 22, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Menos Grande
    In recom you're stuck with Kingdom key however, you do equip other key chain, but i don't think it change its form.
    I guess KH 2 by far ! KH 1 had some neat ones, but most felt like they were fake blend or just too flat.
    Chain is a mix of Keyblades, but you only uses Kingdom Key really.
    358/2 days are so random and ugly :(... so only ones that are badass are KH2.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 21, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Menos Grande
    He isn't that hard, and as stated previously by others he "wanted to lose". The problem in BBS is that the game was too short when you were 30~40 you would be at the end of the game(so he couldn't be that strong as you would face him at low levels).. all your skills would probably be top tier,as playing in the command boards IS SO MUCH FUN (the best mini game in the KH series so far) .. so it is what it is..
    The secret bosses give you something to aim for after he is gone though.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 20, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Menos Grande
    Because Younger Xehanort was the oldest version (being in the most distant past) I think is okay for him to call Master Xehanort "most future". Though I suppose Terranot is one of the 13 darkness, as Terra's body must be in some place (I now Xemnas has it, but probably the Terranort version also exists, being the current one), this because that at KH III Sora & Riku will be saving the ones lost in Darkness(Ventus, Aqua, Roxas, Xion, Terra, maybe Naminé and Eraqus).
    Aqua will be found at the Dark Realm, and probably will come back to aid the people becoming one of the 7 lights, This mean that probably KH III will happen in Castle Oblivion for some time, is a place in betwen LIght and Darkness being a shortcut for Aqua to escape the Realm of Darkness and the place where Ventus body is, and Sora needs to go there to give his heart back.
    I don't know how "Roxas and Xion" will be saved, as they were never people to start with.. maybe Ventus come back with the memories that Roxas had also, so he will be Ventus , but also will be "Roxas", Xion could do the same to Sora (as she is a part of Sora's heart), would be kind strange after for Sora and Ventus to look at each other as they would have been flearting with each other in a previous life...

    And Terra (and Eraqus) probably will be saved from the prision that they are inside Xehanort's heart by Riku & Sora coming back to being their original selves (but Eraqus most likely will die in the process as he doesn't have a body no more).
  10. Menos Grande
    When I played KH 2 I had the opnion that Roxas X Naminé was a thing, but playing Chain of memories I had more of that feeling towards Riku X naminé, ROxas X Naminé is kinda "They are stuck with each other, as there is nobody else for them" (Riku was doing his own thing, Roxas forgot about Xion so he was free to love Naminé).
    Even though I bealive in Sora X Kairi, it was a huge letdown that at the end of KH 2 they just gave hands and not kissed each other... at that point I sorta gave up making couples in my mind, now I see that KH is a childsh game and probably won't go over love and relationship unless is forced to.

    As far as Terra and Aqua goes, I didn't think they feel like that, I do however feel that as he kept falling into darkness there was some sexual tension betwen the two of them, something like they are so oposite that they attract each other, but not at early game.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 20, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Menos Grande
    As for chosing the ones that desarve it..
    There are diferent kinds of murderer, there is passionate (every person is capable of doing it, in the wrong scenario) : You killed someone because you were really angry, sure it's bad, but not as bad as scheming for a long time, planing not get cought etc..
    There is a chance that "you are responsible for someone's death" (as a car accidenty) , is very less offencing.
    There are those that you plan in attecipation (this are the most offencing).

    Even between those that you plan there are degrees.. If you are a serial killer it means you have a pattern (you need to kill 3+ victims with something in common) they are obviously worse, as they are prone to do it again, different than someone that has killed once.
    There are "Special victms" as: Women, children, etc
    There are crimes that are against the criminal system: Killing Cops, Lawyers, some that will testify, etc..

    There are criminals that "have emotion" and others that don't psychopats don't feel like we do, so the chance of recovering is low , there are those however that "feel" and mostly feel good about what they have done.
    So sure there are easy ways to differency the type of murder.

    @Boy Wonder: As far as this thief goes there is a principle in the justice that states that "When you commit a crime, you are responsable for the other crimes done in the proccess"
    If you try to robb someone, that person ends up defending themselves and they die, you're responsible, if you and a whole gang rob a bank and OTHER guy shotts someone and they die , everyone from the gang are charged as murderers , sometimes they cut deals with the others so they testify against who really did it, but only because they could be charged as well that it is a bargain chip. So If someone died even though the guy didn't shott, when he robbed that store he was aware that his actions could endanger others.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 20, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  12. Menos Grande
    Probably the english version is only coming out at english speaking countrys, so as they are still doing it, it wont be at japonese version.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Menos Grande
    Being good or bad I would watch it (Hell I watched Dragon Ball Evolution).
    But I want it to be done? Even thinking it might be interesting (and would give a chance for non KH players to see what the fuss is about) , I strongely think they should be foucusing at KH III right now, even the HD remixes got me mixed feelings (joke implied), at one hand I really do want to play all these games, at the other I think they're only delaying KH III.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 20, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  14. Menos Grande
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Menos Grande
    Also bought my Ps2 ONLY in 2006 (when ps3 came out) kept playing until 2009(when I got the Ps3) It was only in 2010 that I started buying lots of games, I stuck with Ps3 almost a year only leading from friends games or playing Uncharted (that came with my ps3).. there are advantages to buy a console at the end of it's life.. there are a lot of great games (hell there are a lot of great games that will be out this year that justify you getting a Ps3).

    Not to mention there is a lot of headache in buying the console at it's release.. Ps3 at realese was so hot that people compare it with George Foreman's Grill (and it could fry due to overuse), Xbox had the 3 red lights of doom (or was it yellow?).
    Even WiiU has that thing now that if you internet signal is lost during your system mandatory update you are f*cked as it will brick your system.

    Not to mention that is good to wait what Ps4 and Xbox infinity will be all about before chosing one over the other.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Menos Grande
    Enos Grandemay ?
    Strange, I'll stick with Menos Grande
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Menos Grande
    It didn't appeal to me.. I guess Suda lost a little of his charm with me when he released "Lolipop chainsaw"
    But I'll be watching.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 20, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  18. Menos Grande
    Could be awesome! Lets wait.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 20, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  19. Menos Grande
    Yeah.. by the end of the game you're so overpowered that the org isn't a problem.. you can finish all "The World that never was" in one sit, I think I had more problem beating Xaladim and Demiyx than the latter bosses. The things change its figure in FINAL MIX though all Data versions are insane D:!
    Sephiroth is the strongest boss in KH 2 (classic, not Final mix), When I played KH I i wasn't capable of deafting him :( I hope that I can do it in the 1.5 remix though, as I am more experienced player by now.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 20, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Menos Grande
    I think that when you enter Castle Oblivion, you make a "Wish", Sora entered CO to find Riku, however for it to be granted you need to "pay", "in order to gain something, you must lose something" First we though that it was BS from the Org (as they just wanted to play with sora's memories). But maybe that's the power of CO, gives you what you are looking for, if you can beat the cards. Maybe Xemnas never found the "Awenkning room" because he was never in there, or wasn't ready to "pay it's price".. Sora proved that he deserved Riku's return, and since CO is a realm in beteween it was possible for Riku to cross from the basement (dark realm) to the floors (light realm) . It kinda makes me wonder why didn't Sora & Riku escaped the realm of Darkness through the CO after KH2, and why didn't Aqua did it also since she knows everything there is to know about CO.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 20, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX