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  1. Menos Grande
    I might check as it is a free to play, but all shooters look alike for me.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 28, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  2. Menos Grande


    Pearce had to be a fat guy eating pizza while hacking so he could convince me >(
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 28, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  3. Menos Grande
    My only complaint is :
    "PS4 controller buttons are going back to digital over analog because no one used it on PS3"
    I liked using analogs :(
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 28, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  4. Menos Grande
    The problem is not just playing everywhere lik Gangnam Style, Gangnam Style at least got some good lyrics (even if it wasn't by them that it was made famous, but for the comedy in the video). "Ai se eu te pego" has this basic lyric
    "Oh my! Oh my! You're killing me by doing this babe, Oh If I catch you (catch in portuguese have a sexual conotation) Oh if I catch you"
    (This goes for the hole song). So it is almost a empty lyric.. when your language has 12 kinds of times tenses (Its not just, Present, Past, Future, we got "Past perfect", "Past more than perfect", "Past imperfect" , "Simple present", "Future of the past", "Future of the present", and 3 kinds of verbs), and at least 10 different words for "girl" , you can see how poorly he uses portuguese.

    Great band! But actually they are from Portugal, not Brazil, even though both of us speak the same language their accent is closest to "spainish" than to "Brazilian Portuguese" , Though the language is theirs so we are the ones that diverge.
    It reminds me of a great Cartoon Network show:

    Great music also ;~~
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 28, 2013 in forum: Music
  5. Menos Grande
    I was kinda sad that when i entered here I saw "Ai se eu te pego" (Our Brazilian garbage, that conquered the world o_O!)
    Going to put some GREAT Portuguese song here (some that became elevator songs LoL)

    (A Rockish/pop love song- A flor)

    (Bossa Nova- Boa sorte(Good Luck) )

    (Brazilian Bossa Nova- Cotidiano + Você não entende nada)

    ( Brazilian Rock- Titãs querem meu sangue)

    (Brasilian rock+MPB - Resposta)
    Everybody knows Garota de Ipanema

    As for foreign:
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 25, 2013 in forum: Music
  6. Menos Grande
    I heard that the team that was remaking(the HD version, not music or other things) KH was made of only 2 people ç.ç.. so I am impressed that they did all that
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 25, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Menos Grande
    It's simply no fun playing Chain without sleights!
    SONIC BLADE DECK would kill all floor bosses with ease ! I would put my cards with a sum that would give 21 or more 7,8,9 THEN I would put 9,7,8 (The next round i would lose the first card of each so it would be 8,9,7 ; another sonic blade!)
    I didn't had any problem with Sora's deck.. Riku's was more troublesome as he would have a fix deck.. with Riku depends what world you are (Wonderland being the WORST).. I could spam 3 random cards togheter only to gether DARKNESS and use my sleights to kill all the heartles, when I was at a boss fight I wouldn't use them only strategically.... also put ethers at the end to recover my cards (In Sora, or Riku when available)
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 25, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. Menos Grande
    Although I agree with you that Neither Roxas (That really is Ventus' Heart) and Xion (That is made from Sora's memories) will be Lights, I still think it is strange that Mickey pointed out that "Their hurts will be undone" like they were lost in darkness and lonliness... It seems that as THEY NEED TO BE SAVED (even though, they have no bodies or existence) the clear link to save them is Lea/Axel (who isn't a Nobody anymore) so I think he is eligible for Light, being the one conected to Roxas and Xion.

    Eraqus , Ventus , and Terra are "lost" , they also need to be saved (probably by Aqua) Eraqus after is "saved" will revert , and die, as he currently doesn't have a living body, Ventus will be back (Maybe containing Roxas memories as well proving "Roxas existence"), and Terra is Xehanort, so he can't be a Light for now.. he will be saved, but will not be a light.

    Mickey, Sora, Riku, and Kairi are safe bets.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 25, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Menos Grande
    I hope he is not "TOO MUCH AWESOME" like "Ninjas with guittars" so much awesomeness that becomes silly.
    I am interest in what will be the plot what point of the history will they be aproaching? what will be the "problem" ?
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 25, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  10. Menos Grande
    Gorgeous! It remembers CLOSURE, but is also a beautiful game!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 25, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  11. Menos Grande
    I think it will be new colors, I preffer the old ones also.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 24, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. Menos Grande
    I don't know what is the primary language of that friend of yours.. depending which english can be easier or not.

    But from all languages that I have some notion english is the easiest so If he/she is surrounded by it, eventually your friend will learn, there aren't that many "flexion to gender in substantives", I found more troublesome to teach an american why does the word chair is female in portuguese as It doesn't have sex.

    My tips are: Teach the verbs -> To be, and "Get" (all uses, get up, get down, get over here, get going, get it, etc...), give your friend some notion of grammar, show your friend movies with subtitles, first in his/hers language than only in english. Even after I learned english I couldn't understand what some people were saying or singing (the hardest thing).
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 24, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Menos Grande
    An official "Yumi Niki" lOl
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 23, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  14. Menos Grande
    I think Xigbar talking (That had no voice in KH2 final mix) will have voices (That is when 2.5 remix is out) and any other scene like that, that is because that scene had voices, it is only that you had to beat Chain of memories to unlock it, as chain of memories will not be in the same bundle as KH final mix 2, I think that the scene will be voiced from the start, or maybe after your first playthrough.. don't know if there are anymore scenes like that, not in KH I as far as I am aware, but I didn't played the final mix version so..
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 23, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  15. Menos Grande
    I've always thought that "Handled" games couldn't be so long because of space restriction, you are saying that it isn't a problem, As I don't know myself I won't argue, but for me a game like DDS that was twice as long should be more than the current DS could handle...

    But even saying that you are correct, we can argue "Even with multiple characters a numbered title will have more content than a side game". So I trully bealive that despite any aspect of the KH III that will be chosen (One player or multi), It will have to be longer and deaper than KH II, just like KH II was longer and deaper than KH I, It is just how it works, they set the bar so high, that even if KH III has the same amount of content than KH II it still will be a preatty big title, not to meantion that It will be the first native Ps3's title, so DLCs with new phases aren't out of question.. the game can expand even further than ever before.

    If the game itself will be "that long" one or two or more characters wont matter, as It will have enough time for them to develop, and thus having two or more characters will make us more eager to do the second play (as we need at least two to get critical).
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 23, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. Menos Grande
    I like magic! In KH I , I didn't used as much, as it was kind difficult to use.. another thing is that we only had the MP gauge so everything cost MP, and I would rather use my badass SONIC BLADE than magic, most times, there is a problem in KH I also that there are not shortcuts (If I remmeber correctly) so it was just more difficult to use magic.
    In KH2 magic was really easy to use, and it didn't got in the way of using your FORMS /SUMMONS or anything so I would spamm Reflect+ Cure+Magnet (Kills all the nobodies, expecially those with the hockey sticks that would get stuck whithout them and we could kill them using their weapons).
    In the handled games there was no MP gauge, so I would link my combos with magic + attacks whithout worring about my MP.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 23, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Menos Grande

    Diablo III

    Finally something really new! According to Julia Humphreys from Blizzard DIII isn't necessarily "Sony exclusive", they don't have anything to say for other plattaforms in this point, but It could be in others.

    Well that graphics maybe work even at Wii nowdays ;*
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 23, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  18. Menos Grande
    I don't think Sephiroth got weaker in the second game all his attacks are basically the same, we however did get stronger in the second game with more powers and ways to recover our HP.. that is why it felt easier. On that note Seph is the easiest screat boss (even puting the "Data organization" in the poll).

    I felt that MF was more difficult that Lingering Will, but then again I only felt that way because we are overall weaker at BBS (I only was 40, didn't have all that forms that Sora had). I could take most of the health bars of LW with my FINAL FORM, the problem is that it would soon be over and I wouldn't be able to take him down before it... (I never killed both of them, simply saying who gave me more trouble taking all that HP bar).
    But as soon as my final form was over LW would kill me in one strike (And i am preatty sure it shouldn't as I had once more and all that abillities that prevented that), MF I never could take that many health bars from him, but them again I didn't had my final form to aid me, If I had I think he wouldn't be as difficult as he is.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 23, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Menos Grande
    As a parallel game I guess eventually all worlds will end up in there, they are saving these new worlds, but they shall appear.
    It seems awesome, I am glad it plays like Chain Of memories.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 23, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Menos Grande
    Maybe because it is overused they feel comfortable in launch it..
    As Kingdom Hearts X won't be cannon (or maybe not that much) there won't be new worlds, or if there are only by the end.. the fun part will be walk in the path of a keyblade wielder that is not Riku, Sora or the others know...
    I would like to know if we would be capable of playing with dark keyblades, or going to the dark realm
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 23, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts